Eternal Gate

Chapter 2159: Gossip

"The ancestor of the undead is still alive." Zhao Yun said that he was not surprised and died endlessly.

"Impossible." Before the gods were surprised, they heard Difeng's words.

Back in the day, he was present in the battle between Taiyu and the ancestor of the undead, and he saw that person with his own eyes. How could he be alive.

"check it out."

Zhao Yun flicked his sleeves again, casting an illusory water curtain.

The picture performed in the water curtain is exactly the ancient forest where the ancestor of the undead proclaimed himself, including the altar and the sarcophagus of the undead, which are perfectly presented.


Seeing this, the gods were stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, they all looked at Di Feng again.

Di Feng squinted his eyes slightly, the light and darkness of his eyes fluctuating.

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Was he wrong about that battle? Another secret?

"Aren't you going to say a few words?" The Man God and the Ape God poked Zhukong on the left and the right, and the implication in the words was obvious. You were once the ruler of the mortal world, and knowing that the ancestor of the undead is still alive in the world, why not Why don't you say it!

"Once upon a time, the old man may have known."

Zhu Kong stroked his beard, and the few words he said were meaningful.

The gods understand it by themselves, especially Wudao and Mingshen, who are most touched.

The gods are all chicken thieves? When every sanctioner abdicates, many of their memories will be erased, and it is normal for Zhukong not to remember.

"Since they are alive, let's work together to kill them."

The ancestor **** shouted sonorously, and a icy fire flashed in his eyes.

Without him mobilizing before the battle, the gods are also murderous, because the blood of the undead has never done any human affairs. Going back to the era of the ancestors, one person present counts as one, and more than 90% of them have hatred against them.

As the saying goes,

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There is revenge, revenge and revenge.

Is it possible to keep that guy for the New Year?

The ancestor of the undead?

Kuang Yingjie, who was recovering from injuries in the Eternal Realm, was confused.

Beside her, Yue Xin didn't know why, but only knew that the ancestor of the undead must be a terrifying existence, otherwise, how could she provoke so many great gods.

"Where's Luna?"

Zhao Yun asked while devouring the pill.

"I haven't returned yet, I'm afraid I'm still recuperating in reincarnation."

"Don't worry, the Desolate Soldier blew himself up, and it won't kill her."

"I can't see my heart." Zhao Yun tried his best to reshape his body.

"I'm looking for you again in the chaotic flow of time and space." The ape **** took the stick and wiped it again and again.

"Again?" Mr. Zhao raised his eyebrows again after hearing this.

What do you mean, she ran back and forth several times?

But it's right to think about it, his daughter-in-law is a peerless master in the field of time, and the turbulent currents can't hold her back. If it were Tai Xi, she would definitely walk more easily.

"Being trapped in the turbulent flow for nearly a thousand years, why haven't I met you?" Zhao Yun muttered, but the old Taoist who chased and killed him bumped into him several times.

Speaking of the old way, he looked at the gods again and asked tentatively,

"There is a kind of blood in the world, which is born with the power of false heaven."

"This naturally exists, the legendary body of pseudo-heaven."

"According to legend, this bloodline is closely related to the origin of the universe."

"Well, it is also inseparable from the way of heaven, and the body is extremely strong."

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As soon as the topic was broken, the gods talked slowly, some touched their chins, some stroked their beards, and the tone of their speech became deeper and deeper than the other.

"I can recognize him."

Zhao Yun opened the Chaos Eye, and reflected a picture in front of the gods.

It was a scene of turbulent flow, and the figure of the old Taoist could be clearly seen. The power of the pseudo-heaven was like a vast sea, accompanying the whole body, and every strand was dyed with the color of time and space.

Seeing it, the audience was silent.

Those old guys who knew everything by themselves showed embarrassment.

Apart from embarrassment, there was also a look of surprise in his eyes.

The embarrassment is because they don't recognize the person in the painting.

Astonishment is unbelievable.

In this world, there is actually a pseudo-heavenly inheritance hidden in the turbulence of time and space.

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