Eternal Gate

Chapter 914: Temporarily


The roar of the Black Abyss Demon Dragon is full of wailing.

It struggled hard, but couldn't get rid of the seal, watching the essence, being swallowed by the little unicorn.

It is angry.

It is unwilling.

It is the Black Abyss Demon Dragon! The mount of the Blood Lord.

Eight thousand years ago, he and his master were able to steal a life, sleep for several generations, and finally awoke in this life. I don't know where the master liked Wang Yang, so he sealed it into Wang Yang's body and let Wang Yang be the host.

It doesn't matter if you do this, you will lose your life.

It is stronger than the Indestructible Demon Lord, it has been fought, but it has been folded in the hands of a Zhuntian.


Wang Yang was also howling.

His universe was broken, and the resentful spirits in his body ran out.

It's okay.

The resentful spirit is gone, you can swallow it again.

It was the Black Abyss Demon Dragon who was really killing him, forcibly separated by Zhao Yun.

He is the host, and it has a contract with the Black Abyss Demon Dragon. The moment the Demon Dragon leaves the body, he is sentenced to death, and this death sentence, even the Indestructible Demon Body Art, is standing aside.

At the time of life and death, his emotions are mixed.

He was afraid because he was going to die.

He was angry and lost to Zhao Yun.

He also has regrets, regret should not provoke Zhao Yun.

If you don't count Zhao Yun, if you don't kill the Zhao family, he won't have what he is now. What if he is the Saint Child of the Demon Cave, or is favored by the Blood Venerable, Wang Yang still can't escape death.


The blood came out again.

It was Zhao Yun who abolished Prajna's cultivation.

At this moment, he frowned. This is not a prajna, in other words, this is not a prajna, it should be a Buddha body, and its existing form is similar to the demon body of the blood deity and Wang Yang.

"My Buddha is merciful, I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell." Prajna lightly opened his lips.

"Your compassion does not mean goodness." Before Zhao Yun could speak, he heard the resentful spirit howling in anger, and the resentful spirits that sprang from Wang Yang's body were crowded here. The number was huge, covering the world.

Without waiting for Zhao Yun to shake the gods, the resentful spirits merged into the body of the Prajna.

Such a large number of resentful spirits are gathered in one person, and all of them are sober and sane. The power gathered is extremely terrifying, how terrifying is it? It was so terrible that even Zhao Yun was shaken.


Prajna staggered, holding his head and moaning.

Xu Shi's resentment was too strong, eroding her mind, and the Buddha's mind could hardly be quiet.

"Buddha is compassionate, did I make a mistake in saving him?"

Prajna hissed, his expression was already painful.

The cultivation base was abolished, and the Buddha's light on her body had become mottled and blurred.

"He killed my wife."

"My child was not born yet, and was brutally sucked up by him."

"It's right for the Buddha to save him, but it's right for us to hate you."

The roars and curses of the resentful spirits turned into roars from the soul, one after another, merged into the soul of the Prajna, including their memories, the miserable and **** pictures of the first life, all melted into it, like a row of unbeautiful The brand is engraved in the soul of Prajna. They want this Buddha to see what is good, what is evil, what is the world, and what is hell.


Prajna whispered again, and he couldn't stand still.

The Buddha's light on her body was completely annihilated, in exchange for the mottled resentment, which trapped her whole body, and there was no Buddha's posture. It was nothing, mainly her soul, which had been carved too much. The imprint is the imprint of the incarnation of the resentful spirits. The miserable images in their memory, without exception, are played back, and even forcibly pulled his mind to feel it personally.

"Aloft Buddha, this is the person you want to save. Shouldn't we hate you?" The howling of the resentful spirit never stopped.

Prajna cried.

Or, the resentful spirits are crying.

However, their tears flowed through the eyes of Prajna.

The old man said that if people grieve to the extreme, their tears will turn into blood, and the tears they shed are blood.


Prajna hissing, painful.

Zhao Yun still couldn't tell whether it was the Buddha hissing or the resentful spirits roaring and wailing. He only knew that the mind of this Buddha had been completely overwhelmed by resentment, and there was no more purification of the six roots.


The Prajna vanished and turned into a mist.

She is the body of a Buddha, and it should be in this form after being destroyed.

And the resentful spirit that melted in her body was truly soulless. Before leaving, they all turned into an illusory figure. Before they set foot on the road to silence, they all looked back and looked at them. Looking at Zhao Yun, there was a smile of ancient vicissitudes, not only grateful, but also sad.

Zhao Yun leaned over, seeing off and feeling guilty.

He is also a participant in this cause and effect.

In this way, any blood debt created by Wang Yang, he has a share.

The resentful spirits dispersed, completely freed.

Behind him, the scream of the Black Abyss Demon Dragon also came to an end.

The essence of this magic dragon became the nourishment of the little unicorn, and the huge dragon body turned into fly ash.


The little unicorn bounced around, burning flames all over.

Swallowing a black abyss devil dragon, it grew again, and its spirit was extremely surging.

Xu swallowed too much and couldn't digest it for a while, it wandered around and then returned to Danhai.

The dragon is dead, and the blood deity feels it.

He was particularly furious because he sensed the death of the Black Abyss Demon Dragon.

That was his mount. Although it was a beast, it had been kept in captivity for many, many years, and it had also consumed a lot of training resources. This kind of death really wasted his long-term energy.

"Damn it."

Xue Zun was furious, killing intent was overwhelming, and smashed Da Xia Hongyuan with a palm.

Hongyuan's state was extremely bad, he was not in his peak state, and was far from an opponent of the Blood Venerable. It was commendable to be able to survive until now. If he continued to fight in this posture, he would be killed by the Blood Venerable.

The words are divided into two ends.

It was still the desert, with yellow sand flying freely.

The body of the Prajna Buddha was scattered, and the Black Abyss Demon Dragon turned into fly ashes. Only Wang Yang was alive, but not far from death. The Demon Dragon was forcibly pulled out, and the bred spirits rushed out of his body one by one. , Has exceeded the ability range of the Immortal Demon Body Jue, the **** body, there is no human form at all.

"It's easy to walk all the way." Zhao Yun said calmly, with a palm falling from the sky.

" no..." Wang Yang hissed, fearing that his soul trembled.

Zhao Yun had no mercy, and dropped a palm.

The blood bloomed, and the Son of the Demon Cave was photographed as a blood flower on the spot.

At this point, he and Wang Yang have ended cause and effect, and they both come from the ancient city of Forgotten. They are fellow villagers and enemies, and their grievances and grievances, right and wrong, have all followed his palm and turned into a cloud of smoke.

I don't know when, he closed his eyes.

He quietly looked around and looked at this desert.

At this point, he couldn't even tell which was east, west, south and north.


Zhao Yun said in his heart, the body of Prajna Buddha is here, perhaps it is really the legendary Buddhaland, no wonder you can't find it. It turns out that this piece of Buddhist pure land is always moving, and it may be a space of its own.

If it is really the land of Buddha, that prajna deity may still be here.

Thinking of Prajna, his eyes squinted slightly. In the past six months, what has the Buddha experienced? It has become so powerful that even the body of the Buddha can be beaten so terribly.

Thinking like this, he took a step.

He walked all the way and looked all the way, and what he saw was the same, because it was all yellow sand.

He wanted to go out, but seemed to be trapped here, and even his avatar outside was cut off.

This is not good news.

You know, Hong Yuan is still shopping with the Blood Venerable?

The plan can't keep up with the changes.

If you can't get out of this desert, you won't be able to help Hongyuan.

If he couldn't get out of this flash demon, he couldn't use the Heavenly Tribulation Pit Blood Sovereign.

"What the **** is this."

As he was leaving, Zhao Yun suddenly cursed.

Oh no, it should be a big curse.

Obviously, a large group of people are getting together in the desert to scold their mothers.

"No wonder you have no news."

Zhao Yun listened and followed the source of the sound to find it.

As for you in his mouth, he refers to Cang Qiong and others, especially Cang Qiong's voice is the brightest.

When he reached the depths of the desert, he saw the figure.

It is indeed the sky and them, a large number of people scolded as they walked.


When the sky saw it, he saw Zhao Yun from afar.

It's so **** kind to see Zhao Yun here.

"Yo, where are they all?"

Zhao Yun came over with such a sentence.

At this, the audience coughed and coughed in unison. Some of them looked up to the sky, eating nothing left, and doing nothing. They were talking about them. Before, in the weird cloud valley, they were all caught Trapped in it, the baby was not found, and almost made a mess.

Today, the situation is so similar.

To sum up, they came out this time, and it was totally messed up.

"You know where this is."

Zhao Yun asked, looking around, his eyes fell on the sky.

Cang Qiong held his hand, his expression was serious, and only then confided three words: I don't know.

This cannot be blamed on him.

Eight thousand years have been too long, and many terrains have changed. Who remembers that?

Most of the other elders were in this manner, and they had never seen this desert on the map.

"Is it's Buddhism?" Zhao Yun asked tentatively.

"In my memory, the land of Buddha is an oasis, with the fragrance of birds and flowers. Moreover, the Buddha's light is in the twilight, and the Buddha's sound is piercing. It is like a fairyland on the earth, but it is not this barren desert." The sky said leisurely.

"From the outside, this is an oasis."

"Is it right? It doesn't matter for the time being. Where's the Lair of the Devil's Cave? You can go see it.

"That's not the old lair, it's just a branch hall. I've been destroyed." Zhao Yun picked up the flask, and then he added, "There is also the devil's son Wang Yang, I will also send him back to his hometown."

"Yes, you have finished the work again."

"I can't finish it. Today's Devil's Lagoon is the head of the blood."

"Blood Lord?"

Hearing this word, everyone in the audience was surprised.

Especially in the sky, when he heard the word "Blood Sovereign", the old body trembled abruptly. He knew who the Blood Sovereign was, but he knew the most about the fact that the Demon Lord was beaten half to death in the first battle, and he was truly ruthless.

"Is he really alive?" Cang Qiong did not squint.

"Alive." Zhao Yun did not conceal, "I had a fight with him before he came."

This one hit, making the sky tremble for a while.

And the elders present also swallowed secretly for a while.

Blood Lord! The demon in the peak state struggled to beat him, but one can imagine how strong that guy is. This guy actually fought him a game, and he is still alive and kicking now. Is Zhao Yun such a devil now?

After reading it, everyone has noticed that Zhao Yun has advanced.

But even so, it is impossible to be an opponent of Blood Venerable.

"He is still alive."

The sky is not calm anymore, turning back and forth.

Look at this look, it is from the soul to fear the blood deity.

It's right to be afraid, that's the handle of the blood demon.

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