Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 173: Invisibility

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

However, Song Ning could not hear all of this. He stood on the spot, his **** hands shaking.

Looking back, the ashes of hundreds of people are everywhere.

"If you want to blame, you blame you for refining me. If you want to blame, you blame your fellow clan. If you have an afterlife, you must remember when you reborn, don't vote for the Jiaolong clan, otherwise, there is only one way to die. "

Song Ning took a deep breath and then knelt down on the ground with a "pop": "Right Father, Brother and Sister, one day I will kill all of them to comfort your spirit!"

The number above Jin Dan in Song Ning's body decreased again, but he no longer cares, if he can kill the Jiaolong family, even if it is repaired to fall, he will not hesitate.

More than ten miles away, the moment Wang Yi and the woman in red looked at each other, the moment the dragon head skull disappeared, the two of them quickly rushed in the direction of Song Ning, but when they arrived, they found that Song Ning had Is gone.

Song Ning did not leave, but used the "incognito", which caused a lot of movement just now, and it must be noticeable. Wang Yi and the woman in red had long noticed that there was Liu Ruyan not far away. Now he is unable to fight, so he can only hide with an invisibility amulet. Waiting for this, maybe he can wait until Leng Yuexiao comes over.

"Running very fast!" Wang Yi resented.

Wang Yi just complained, and was immediately ridiculed: "Oh, interesting, just now I saw that you ran faster than anyone else, but Song Ningsi was not afraid of that phantom."

"Liu Ruyan, you little **** is going to talk coldly. Didn't you just run fast just now?" Wang Yi stared at Liu Ruyan coldly.

Liu Ruyan smiled slightly: "I have no death feud with Song Ning, and I don't want to kill him. As long as he doesn't hinder me from exploring the treasure, I can be safe with him."

"No death vendetta? Joke, he killed you Liu family so many people, you said no death vendetta?"

Liu Ruyan gently waved his hand, as if he didn't care at all: "If you die, you will die. If you can get along with Song Ning, let alone six, or sixty."

"Shaohuo!" Wang Yi scolded, and was talking, he saw Lengyue Xiaofei coming in the distance.

When Leng Yue Xiaofei came to ask, she heard Song Ning's voice: "You go forward for another hundred miles, and I will wait for you there."

Leng Yuexiao frowned slightly, but just glanced around, and did not find Song Ning. In order to avoid doubts from others, she said: "What happened here just now."

Song Ning knew that Leng Yuexiao asked this question in order not to make people suspicious, so he went ahead.

Liu Ruyan heard Leng Yuexiao's words, and Mei smiled and said, "Your little love lover killed a hundred dragons here just now. It is charming and heroic."

Wang Yi sipped, if he didn't want to let Liu Ruyan know that there was a fairy in Song Ning's hands, he would definitely refute it. In his opinion, Song Ning could have such a strength, but relying on the burning sword in his hands.

Leng Yuexiao said: "Where is Song Ning?"

Liu Ruyan spread his hands: "It's gone."

"Thank you." Leng Yuexiao finished and flew forward quickly.

Liu Ruyan also flew away and began to look for Mo Mo, while Wang Yi quietly followed the woman in red next to Leng Yuexiao.

A hundred miles away, Song Ning watched Lengyue Xiaofei coming and said: "Wang Yi has been following you."

Lengyue Xiaoling couldn't detect Song Ning, so she couldn't communicate with Song Ning, but as soon as her steps stopped, she felt the temperature of a hand coming from behind.

"Song Ning, are you okay? You just ..." Leng Yuexiao hurriedly said.

"It's okay, the same clan of the Jiaolong, who wanted to refine me to seize the Taoist scripture, was killed by me, and now the spiritual power in the body is less than half. Adjust your interest rate next to you. "Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao was clear, immediately sitting on the spot and began to meditate, fake decoration.

Wang Yi and the woman in red clothes waited for a long time, but did not see Song Ning. Apart from wondering in his heart, he was not in a mood to implement the plan now to start with Leng Yuexiao.

After Wang Yi and others left, Song Ning appeared.

"Song Ning, can you actually be invisible?" Leng Yuexiao said in shock.

Song Ning said: "I sent it here before, I first entered a mysterious realm, got a few runes in the mysterious realm, one of them was an invisible rune, the spiritual power was almost exhausted when I was fighting, and Wang Yi and Ruyu Yan I was watching from the side. I was afraid of being attacked, so I went invisible with an invisibility symbol and waited for you. "

Leng Yuexiao looked at Song Ning's body immediately after the surprise: "It's a good thing to have a chance, just heard that you are hurt by one enemy, one hundred?"

"It's okay." Song Ning shook his head.

Leng Yuexiao felt relieved at this point: "It's okay if you are okay. We will take action after restoring the peak state. This time the trip to the Fairy Fair will not be too peaceful."

"This time?" Song Ning was puzzled.

Leng Yuexiao explained: "The opening time of the entrance to the Tianxian Market is different from the opening time of our Xianxu entrance. The last time I spent some cost, I could enter during the non-opening time of Xianxu. Shen Dao Jing. This time we entered the Immortal Ruins. According to the time, the upper realm should not come in, but now they look at it. They not only come in, but also come in a hundred people, the purpose is you. "

"In this fairy ruin, besides our country of falling feathers, are there other monks besides the country of falling feathers?" Song Ning said.

Leng Yuexiao said: "Yes, no matter whether it is a monk or a demon, as long as it is our own sky, all can enter, but only some sacrifices are needed. In our country of falling feathers, the sacrifices are provided at the priests. The sacrifice opens the portal of the teleportation array. "

"But I didn't see the sacrifice at that time." Song Ning asked.

"The portal of the teleportation array is far away from the location of the priest." Leng Yuexiao replied.

Song Ning also asked, Leng Yuexiao urged: "As soon as possible to adjust the interest rate, don't say more, the crisis within this fairy rut is raging. Just now I met a few magic repairs, the cultivation practice is similar to mine, and the strength is also similar to me. Almost, if I did n’t hide fast, I ’m afraid I would be caught by them. "

Song Ning nodded and began to close her eyes and adjust interest rates.

Actually, it only takes one hour for Song Ning to adjust the interest rate. However, while adjusting the interest rate, he sent his spiritual power to the Burning Sky Sword. The secret of Burning the Sky Sword would not be easily known to outsiders.

Leng Yuexiao was a little puzzled. In her feeling, Song Ning should adjust her interest rate almost in one hour, but now it has been half a day.

Just when Leng Yuexiao wanted to inquire, Song Ning opened his eyes: "I'm fine."

Leng Yuexiao got up: "Let's go, I found the palace before, but there are other people who have also found the location of the palace, and there are many magic repairs. If they let them find the ice, we will go to work in vain. Now. "

"Xiao Xiao, what you mean by Moxiu means ..."

"It's the demon in our mouth, the demon attacking the country of falling feathers." Leng Yuexiao looked solemn.


Just as they were speaking, a scream came suddenly from afar. This scream was extremely sharp. If it wasn't severe pain, it would never make such a sound. This sound was very familiar to Song Ning and Leng Yuexiao. If it was good, it was Sun Xin's!

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