Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 426: Alchemy makes money

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The middle-aged man closed his eyes when he finished speaking. He was too lazy to watch the alchemy process of this young man in front of him. In his opinion, this young man would probably leave after disappointment after two consecutive failures. Elixir is not once or twice, there will be one or two here every day to try their luck.

While the middle-aged man closed his eyes, Song Ning was exploring the medicinal materials in the storage ring.

"There are quite a lot of medicinal materials. It seems that Pei Ying Dan can be directly refined." Song Ning thought, it would be better to refine Pei Ying Dan directly. Anyway, all of them are refined. It takes almost the same time.

Thinking, Song Ning began to grind medicinal materials, and then directly used this alchemy furnace to start alchemy.

About an hour later, the middle-aged man was still asleep, but he suddenly smelled a scent in his sleep. This scent is a panacea. Although he does not know alchemy, he is very serious about danxiang. Familiar with it, I know that this is the essence of Sipin Elixir.

"The chief deserves to be the chief, and Pei Yingdan was refined so quickly." The middle-aged man murmured, obviously a dream.

But it is no wonder that he would think so. Now the most popular medicine in the whole medicine line is Pei Ying Dan. Because of the beauties of the Chi family, Pei Ying Dan is now the most sought-after medicine, so now middle-aged men are right The chief alchemist is very respectful like a child to his father.

But this middle-aged man was dreaming. Suddenly he thought of a young man in his room who was applying for a job. He immediately became nervous and woke up directly from the dream.

"Your boy is almost fine. Don't blame me for the herbs here. Have you failed twice? Hurry up and hurry up ..." The middle-aged man was talking, his eyes suddenly fell on the table, on the table There are two five-element elixirs. The two elixirs are dark green. At first glance, they know that it is Peiyingdan, and it is still Peiyingdan!

Pei Ying Dan was originally a fourth-grade panacea, which can be refined into a five-stripe road. This is the ultimate panacea. This middle-aged man just wanted to ask Song Ning where this panacea came from, but suddenly thought of his dream. He smelled the red incense, and at that moment he carefully smelled the aroma of the red medicine in the room, and immediately understood what had happened.

"This, this immortality medicine was made by you?" The voice of the middle-aged man shivered a little.

"Well, I made it. I see that you lack Pei Ying Dan here. Anyway, it takes about the same time to refine the second-grade pill and the fourth-grade pill. So I made some training. Yingdan, I think these two Peiying Dan should still be qualified? If it is possible, let's talk about wages? "Song Ning said.

"Wages?" The middle-aged man stunned slightly.

Song Ning leaned on the table and smiled: "Just now you said you would give me the salary of an intern alchemist, but I don't want to work here for a long time, so ..."

"The salary of an intern alchemist? I said it? Impossible! This is absolutely impossible for me to say. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were not a mortal. How could it be an intern alchemist? You just sit here, I also have to pay the chief alchemist. "The middle-aged man immediately lost his smile. He looked at the two five-patterned Pediatric Pills on the table, and these two pills can sell forty thousand spirits The medicinal materials needed for refining these two immortals are nothing more than a thousand spirit stones.

This direct value of forty times, for a businessman like him, is equivalent to a huge profit. When he looks at Song Ning at this time, it is like seeing a grandfather.

"Oh? That wage ..." Song Ning asked.

"One Pei Ying Dan, one thousand spirit stones!" The middle-aged man stretched out his fingers and looked at Song Ning.

A thousand spirit stones?

Song Ning did not know the value of Pei Ying Dan, nor did he know the market price of Wu Wen Pei Ying Dan in this Roland City, so at the moment he heard about a thousand spirit stones, he was calculating if it was based on a thousand spirit stones. The price, how many elixirs he needs to refine to be able to make up the medicine he needs.

Song Ning's hesitation in that moment, the middle-aged man immediately changed his mind: "No, no, I just said wrong, it's a thousand spirits, not a thousand spirits!"

"One thousand five spirit stones?" Song Ning was slightly surprised.

"Yeah, I rarely see alchemists like you. My mouth just drifted." The middle-aged man laughed.

Song Ning is not a fool. From a thousand spirit stones to a thousand spirit stones, Song Ning again associates the value of this medicinal material with the price of Pei Yingdan placed outside. Song Ning asked: "The five patterns How much can Pei Ying Dan sell? "

The middle-aged man was embarrassed and immediately lost his smile: "Hey, this Daoist, you think so, this elixir our elixir needs to be packaged, it needs to be sold in the place where our elixir is sold, we need us Customers, so the selling price of this medicine has nothing to do with the rewards you can get, so I think ... "

"Never mind, I think there is another Elixir opposite, and the business of that one is not bad." Song Ning turned around and left.

The middle-aged man was scared this time, and he immediately came out from behind the table and stood in front of Song Ning: "Do n’t stop, so if you can refine more than ten Wuwen Peiying Pills in a day, then I will give you eight Wanling Stones, how? It's skyrocketing, but if you can't make ten pieces out of twelve hours a day, then there are one thousand and five hundred spirit stones. "

"Deal." Song Ning nodded, turned around and walked to the alchemy furnace next to it.

"Uh, are you trying to make alchemy here?" The middle-aged man's heart is bleeding, but when he thinks about the value of the five-stripe Peiying Dan, he is still extremely balanced, even if it is according to a peiying Dan ten thousand spirits. He can still earn ten thousand yuan for the expenditure of stone, but this is a big deal for their immortal medicine firm.

"Is there a special alchemy room for me?" Song Ning asked back.

"This is natural." The middle-aged man said that he would send a voice to the female nun who brought Song Ning before: "Hongyi, you come here."

Hongyi was outside to greet the guests at this time. They were all earning royalties, and now the boss suddenly called her, and she was a little unhappy. When she thought of it maybe because of the young man before, she was even more upset. .

"It must have been the president who was angry, hum, it affected me to make money and it might hurt me to be criticized by the boss." Hong Yi looked displeased, but even though she was displeased, she quickly came outside the room and knocked on the door. .

When I wanted to come in Hongyi, I would have to get over the addiction and insult the young man, otherwise I would feel very stubborn.

In the room, the middle-aged man opened the door with a smile: "Haha, I do n’t know how to call the master? I have never heard the name of the master before. Now the master can come to us. It ’s really an honor for us. Master, you ... "

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