Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 498: Royal domain triple failure

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Xianli was too confusing, because of the attack of Xianli, the surrounding space appeared to be distorted. The distortion of the space directly squeezed Song Ning in the middle. At this moment, Song Ning could not perform the magic sword technique at all. What surprised him was that the surrounding space was crowded. Pressed, his body seemed to be bound, unable to move.

Static domain!

Song Ning's heart moved, and wanted to control his body with the static and dynamic domain, but the time passed, the static and dynamic domain did not appear, and the sixteen immortal attacks had already fallen on Song Ning's head.

Is it because of the rupture of the ethereal domain just now that caused the three types of failure of the entire imperial domain? !

Song Ning gritted his teeth and quickly operated the two forces of ice and fire in his body. At that moment, the sixteen magical attacks had fallen three inches above his head. Under this distance, Song Ning's skin was already under a strong impact. Cracked, blood flowed out, and there was a feeling of seed coat opening to flesh.

"The power of these immortals has weakened a lot, but it is not what Song Ning can resist." In the distance, a middle-aged man looked at this scene, his expression unhappy.

Beside him, there is a young man with a Chinese character face, looking at Song Ning at the moment, but slowly shaking his head: "Dad, you can't help but underestimate Song Ning too much, although the power of these sixteen immortals still has Some, although Song Ning was only a monk who heard the Tao, although he was unable to resist at the moment, but you forget, he is Song Ning. "

Is he Song Ning?

The middle-aged man smiled when he heard the words. They watched Song Ning fighting with 16 monks and watched Song Ning play in this battle. Indeed, Song Ning did not exert the power of rumors, but he mastered With the immortal technique of "splitting the ground", how could it be so embarrassing in front of these sixteen old and sick?

It ’s just that they do n’t know anyway. If Song Ning was able to exhibit the magic technique, then he would have already performed it. He did n’t want to be attacked by the unknown monk who prides himself again after casting the magic technique. He can escape it. Once or twice, there is no guarantee to avoid the third and fourth times.

Just when these 16 monks thought they had succeeded, they suddenly burst out two forces from Song Ning's body. The two forces collided as soon as they appeared. Song Ning's left hand was Hanbing and the right hand. In the middle is flame, ice and flame blend, and two extreme forces begin to rotate, appearing before Song Ning.

"Crazy!" There is only such a thought in the minds of those watching the battle.

Just after they blurted out these two words, they only heard a bang, and Song Ning exploded in front of his body. This was a burst caused by the collision of the anode and cathode forces. The bursting force formed two, one of them The strand directly hit the sixteen attacks, while the other strand pushed Song Ning back.

On top of the mountain, it shattered.

The peak of Baizhang Gao collapsed during this collision. Song Ning got away at this moment and quickly retreated. At this moment, there was no squeeze in the space around him. Even though there was continuous blood in his mouth, he still got out at the fastest speed. With the two forces of anode and cathode, Song Ning's spiritual power was almost exhausted at the moment, and now he dare not show off his swordsmanship in succession, and can only fly quickly towards the east.

He could feel it, and it seemed that Xiao Fen and Xiao Ke were getting closer and closer to him.

"Chasing!" The sixteen monks did not expect Song Ning to survive from their attack anyway, nor did Song Ning have the ability to escape.

Although the sixteen of them are all coming to the limit, they are considered the bottom of the existence in the fairyland, but their knowledge is definitely not lower than anyone. They can see the attack used by Song Ning just now.

"No wonder you want to use a **** chase to kill a Wen Dao monk, this person is too strong ..." One of the Dao Xian looks dignified, at this moment he regrets a bit, he still has fifty years old Shou Yuan, if he died today Here, the gains outweigh the gains.

Even other monks have this idea, but after the attack just now, they can feel that Song Ning is extremely weakened. If they do not pursue it now, they might be preempted by others.

Because of the attack just now, because of Song Ning's weakness at the moment, where Song Ning escaped, a monk immediately caught up with Song Ning and was also waiting to attack Song Ning.

Song Ning sank like water, he knew that this **** chase order could make these people instinctively want to attack. At this moment, although he didn't want to flee around, if he didn't escape, then as long as he was caught by the monk, he must die next time.

The shock of the fairyland monks who watched Song Ning ’s battles has not dissipated until now. Just now, they saw the two extreme forces in Song Ning ’s body collided and exploded, but this is not their most shocking, they are most shocked by this The two forces divided after the collision of two forces can be controlled by Song Ning.

Above the Changsheng Mountain, the meditating old man muttered: "Two forces, one of which is extremely strong, rushed to resist the attack of the sixteen immortals, while the other was extremely weak, pushing him away. Now he The spiritual power in the body is almost exhausted. I am afraid that part of this spiritual power is consumed because it controls the power just now. "

There are two incompatible forces in the body at the same time, which is already shocking. It is even more shocking to draw these two forces at the same time. But the most shocking thing is that he can control the power after the explosion. .

"This is really not easy. If it is not the Scarlet Pursuit Order, you can help him." The elder sighed. The Scarlet Pursuit Order is a kind of magic curse, even if it is to his level. As long as it is still within the range of the demon domain, it is impossible to disobey, and once disobeyed, it will immediately explode and die.

Many people understand this truth, especially the elders who have been watching Song Ning for Song Ning who pinched the cold nine sectarian forces. They were originally discussing how to help Song Ning to bring it together, but at this time Found that they were wrong, this time they want to discuss how to ensure that Song Ning will not die under the **** pursuit order.

But what can they do? The Scarlet Pursuit was ordered, and it was almost impossible to survive.

"Forget it, we can't help him. He will definitely die. Sixteen Wonderland monks, even if each one is half dead, is not something that Song Ning can resist. Let's change the matter we discussed at this meeting, Song Ning. This is no good. "One of the elders sighed bitterly.

The other eight elders nodded after staring at each other, and the **** chase ordered, Song Ning ’s death was sooner or later, just to see how long he could persist.

Thinking of this, they changed the discussion of the meeting once again. As for Song Ning, who is being hunted down, they do not need to go to too many geographical meetings, they just need to know when Song Ning will die.

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