Evolution Begins with a Scarecrow

Chapter 29 Powerful Weapons

Hearing the man's wanton words, the girl's face instantly turned white.

Ha ha ha ha…….

The laughter and whistles of the drunkards around him continued, and almost everyone looked at the girl who was standing in front of the man without any resistance.

Hey, hey, hey! Hu Laosan! You don't even have a place to live. You want this little girl to perform with you on the street? Hahaha.

How about this, how about I help you take care of Hu Laosan, and my little sister can have a heart-to-heart talk with uncle tonight?

You stepped on my foot...

All kinds of unpleasant words were swept through the tavern along with the sneers. The girl's face was pale, covering her chest, and smiling forcefully at the man: Haha, uncle, you are drunk, so you better stop making trouble.

You stepped on my foot...

Hearing what the girl said, the man named Hu Laosan kicked his eyes, pulled the girl over, and shouted angrily.

Damn it, I think I'm trying to show you shame, but you're shameless! See if I don't beat you to death, you bitch!

The man raised his big hand and swung it down towards the girl's face. The man's palm was bigger than the girl's face. Because he was drunk, the man didn't have any strength to hold back. If he hit the girl this time, he would only be G A low-level girl would probably die or be disabled.

Seeing the big hand waving towards her face, the girl closed her eyes tightly in fear, but the man's big hand did not fall on her face.

I said, you stepped on my foot. An unpleasant voice came from the seat on the side. The man looked for the voice, but met a pair of pupils shining with scarlet light.

The girl opened her eyes and was surprised to find that the man's big hand fanning her had stopped in front of her. On the wrist of that big hand, there was a leather-covered palm that was holding the man's wrist steadily.

Who the hell are you! Do you want to die, huh? When the man saw his hand being grabbed, he angrily cursed at Qin Xiaofeng, and his face was already red from being drunk. It also turned purple instantly.

Alcohol is a really powerful thing. It can make people unaware of life and death. Qin Xiaofeng looked at the man who was desperately trying to free his hand. Qin Xiaofeng sighed, and then moved his hand down to pull the man's body down. On the shards of those plates on the ground.

Ah! What the fuck! The man roared in pain and tried to get up from the ground, but Qin Xiaofeng stepped back onto the broken plates.

Although it doesn't hurt, I hate people who step on my feet and don't know how to apologize. Qin Xiaofeng rubbed his foot on the man's back, and at the same time he sat up straight on the chair and said, And I hate it. People who bully children.”

With a slight exertion on his feet, the man's huge body slowly sank into the ground.

The man opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He could only make a weak cry, and a trace of blood flowed out from the man's seven orifices.

What are you doing! Several drunk men slapped the table and stood up, but when they saw clearly the F-level aura emanating from Qin Xiaofeng, they slowly sat down again.

The noisy tavern suddenly became quiet, replaced by the sound of people's heavy breathing and the weak voices of men.

That..., he...he is going to die. The girl covered her chest and said cautiously to Qin Xiaofeng.

Oh? Qin Xiaofeng played with the chopsticks in his hand, looked at the little girl, and asked, What? Don't you want him to die? Or do you want to continue to be bullied by him?

The girl took a step back, bit her lip and shook her head. She looked at the man on the ground and shook her head again.

Stop it, guest.

The same F-level mid-grade smell came from the back kitchen. Qin Xiaofeng looked up and saw a man leaning against the door frame of the back kitchen, with a cigarette in his mouth and staring at him.

I didn't expect F-level friends to come to a place like this to eat. Could it be that the price of the pub inside has increased again?

The man came over, threw out the mercenaries sitting next to him, and sat down.

Aren't you here too? Qin Xiaofeng said calmly when he saw that the man was also in F level.

Huh... The man blew out the smoke and said softly: We are different. It is very profitable here.

That's it. The man picked up the glass of wine that Qin Xiaofeng just ordered, poured it on the head of Hu Laosan on the ground, and continued: A glass of wine mixed with white water can cost 400 yuan in this shabby place. The price is too high, and with the food for dogs, I can earn this amount even if I don’t say much in a day.”

Five million. The man stretched out a hand, then pointed at the room full of mercenaries and adventurers and said: These pigs are willing to pay this money. Although the money is of no use, it can be exchanged if the amount is large. Something.”

Hearing the man's sarcastic words, none of the mercenaries and adventurers in the room showed any dissatisfaction.

Although the life and death of these pigs has no impact on me, if they die here, it may have an impact on my customer flow, so you better stop. The man put out the cigarette butt on a mercenary nearby. , said contemptuously to Qin Xiaofeng.

Why didn't you stand up when your guy was being bullied? Qin Xiaofeng sneered and asked.

Does she have any influence on my store? It's just G-grade low-grade garbage. As long as it's for one bite, you can have as much as you want. The man became impatient, took out a pistol from his pocket, and pointed it at Qin Xiao Feng's head said: If it weren't for the fact that you are also an F-class element, I wouldn't bother to talk nonsense with you, just put my feet up and get out. Or, maybe I would shoot your head off?

Qin Xiaofeng looked at the pistol pointed at his head. He found that the pistol was strange. Although it was a pistol, there was no magazine in the grip.

Is this thing useful to me? Qin Xiaofeng stared curiously at the small muzzle of the pistol and asked aloud.

Huh, bumpkin. The man sneered and said, You've never seen it before, right? This is a powerful weapon. If you don't get out, I'll let you see if it's useful.


Qin Xiaofeng looked at the shivering little girl beside him, chuckled lightly, and then stepped on Hu Laosan with great force, crushing Hu Laosan under his feet.

At the same time, he grabbed the gun in the man's hand with his left hand, held it in the air with his right hand, and a scythe appeared out of thin air and slashed at the man.

I just want to see the power of this weapon today!


That question for restaurant profitability:

In this speakeasy

Due to food shortage.

Food is more than a hundred times more expensive than normal prices, and the physical strength of top-grade G-class people is much greater than that of ordinary people, and the demand for food and alcohol is also much greater.

PSS: Doing tasks will bring you a lot of money. Items above level F are usually used not with money, but with crystals.

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