Evolution Begins with a Scarecrow

Chapter 70 Is it a dream? It's a dream.

Ring ring ring~

When the alarm rang, Qin Xiaofeng sat up from the bed suddenly, breathing heavily.

I'm not... Suddenly, Qin Xiaofeng saw the familiar mural hanging on the wall. Qin Xiaofeng was stunned, and then looked around blankly at the familiar yet unfamiliar room.

This...is my room? Qin Xiaofeng patted his face with his hand, and then quickly put his hand in front of him.

What appears in the eyes is indeed a hand, a hand of flesh and blood, and the touch on the face is not straw, but real skin.

Changed back? Qin Xiaofeng frowned. He didn't know what happened.

I remember I was in the stone forest...Is this all a dream?

Qin Xiaofeng pinched himself, it hurt. He stood up and tried to use his system and skills, but found that nothing happened.

It seemed that everything was just a figment of Qin Xiaofeng's dream.

Yeah, it's a dream... Qin Xiaofeng had an indescribable feeling in his heart. Everything about being a scarecrow was so real.

The sunlight from outside filtered in through the cracks in the curtains. Qin Xiaofeng opened the curtains and looked out the window at the street.

It's such a long dream...

After a long time, Qin Xiaofeng looked back and said lightly.

Qin Xiaofeng had an indescribable feeling in his heart, maybe he felt a little regretful.


Qin Xiaofeng let out a long breath, but before he could think about it, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Didi didi.

Hello. Qin Xiaofeng took it out and looked at it. It was a call from his subordinate.

However, the name displayed on the phone was the same as the feeling this room gave me, a very distant feeling.

Familiar and strange.

Qin...Captain Qin. The voice on the other end of the phone seemed a little unnatural. I'm sorry to disturb your rest.

It's okay, what happened.

Well...well, we just received a murder case here, and we need you to come over...

Okay, I'll be there soon.

Putting down the phone, picking up his clothes, Qin Xiaofeng walked towards the police station in his memory.

Team Qin.

Team Qin.

At the door of the police station, two young police officers greeted Qin Xiaofeng respectfully.

Qin Xiaofeng returned the greetings in turn and walked into the police station.

Huh? Why are you all so afraid of that new young man?

The moment Qin Xiaofeng walked into the police station, a loud female voice came from the cubicle on the side.

The noisy voices in the room suddenly fell silent. Qin Xiaofeng stopped and listened quietly to the conversation in the cubicle.

Shh! Keep your voice down! Another female voice sounded in the cubicle.

Let me tell you, everyone in the bureau knows that the new Qin team is a scout of the special reconnaissance force on the border...

Then how...

Oh, listen to me. I heard that when I went on a mission again, a very, very dangerous mission, a group of drug lords captured the surrounding residents as hostages and hid them in a warehouse. The transferred Qin Xiaofeng Qin team was the scout sent to rescue those hostages. The female voice who was speaking paused and continued: No one knows what happened in that warehouse. When they arrived, Captain Qin was the only one standing in the warehouse. There was no one alive in the warehouse, and not a single body was intact. Everyone was torn to pieces. I heard, bright red The blood dyed the entire warehouse red, and those people had gunshot wounds...

Then the hostages are also...

That is to say, for this matter, he went to a military court, but because there was no conclusive evidence, the matter was settled in the end, but because of this he was transferred to this place where nothing matters... Suddenly , the people in the cubicle seemed to feel the unusually quiet atmosphere in the bureau.

Qin Xiaofeng looked around and saw that everyone in the room had their heads down and did not dare to say anything.

Ahem. Qin Xiaofeng coughed lightly and smiled unnaturally on his face.

What age has it been? You don't still believe this?

Hahaha, yes, Captain Qin said yes, who can believe this kind of thing.

That's right, it's just spreading rumors. Don't mind, Captain Qin. Don't mind.


Looking at the unnatural smiling faces in the room, Qin Xiaofeng shook his head.

Xiao Liu, show me the documents from the case that morning. Qin Xiaofeng ordered the employee who called him in the morning and walked towards his office.

Really, I believe any nonsense. Qin Xiaofeng sat down in his office chair.

But I have to admit that what those people said was right, but my memory only stayed when I was crawling towards the warehouse, and when I regained consciousness again, I was already standing in the military court. in the dock.

It's been more than ten years, why is it still mentioned? Qin Xiaofeng suddenly froze when he picked up a water-based pen and was about to write something on a piece of white paper.

Wait, more than ten years ago? Qin Xiaofeng frowned. I've been working here for seventeen years, why do they say I was just transferred here?

Suddenly realizing where that strange feeling of familiarity came from, Qin Xiaofeng raised his head sharply.

That's right, isn't that room the same room I had when I was transferred here seventeen years ago?

Captain Qin, the information you want. At this time, Xiao Liu opened the door to the room and handed over a folder respectfully.

Xiao Liu. Seeing Xiao Liu turning around to leave, Qin Xiaofeng called out to Xiao Liu who was about to leave.

Here, what are your orders, Captain Qin? Xiao Liu turned around, bowed slightly, and responded carefully.

A bead of sweat slipped down from Xiao Liu's forehead. It could be seen that he had worked very hard to restrain himself.

Please go find me a mirror.

Is this okay? Xiao Liu took out a small makeup mirror from his pocket and handed it to Qin Xiaofeng.

Okay. Qin Xiaofeng took the mirror, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but take another look at the man in front of him, and said: There's nothing to do, you go and do your work first.

Okay, please call me again if you need anything. After saying this, Xiao Liu rushed out of Qin Xiaofeng's office.

After seeing Xiao Liu close the door to his room, Qin Xiaofeng opened the small mirror.

Sure enough, the image reflected in the mirror was of myself in her early twenties.


After closing the small mirror and throwing it aside, Qin Xiaofeng lay weakly back in the chair.

This...what is going on?

With his mind in a haze, Qin Xiaofeng suddenly realized that no matter how much he thought about it, he could not remember how he had lived his life as a criminal police officer for more than ten years, and what he had done when he became a scarecrow in his dream.

Is it...all a dream? Just when Qin Xiaofeng was doubting himself, he suddenly saw a line of beautiful words written on the white paper on his desk.

Don't doubt yourself, it's time to go back.

Qin Xiaofeng looked at his hand, and then at the line of Juanxiu's handwriting.

Obviously, that was not his own font, and Qin Xiaofeng was very sure that there was no such line of writing on the white paper just now.

Just when Qin Xiaofeng was confused, he was surprised to see his hand suddenly move, and he wrote another line of beautiful handwriting below the line of words.

Go back, I will help you get your body back.

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