Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 104 The Dragon King Reappears

Watching the prehistoric giant crocodile disappear, many viewers watching the live broadcast still had expressions of disbelief on their faces. They all saw for the first time that animals in reality have extremely high intelligence and actually know how to make humans lose their vigilance by pretending to be dead.

Moreover, its attack power is beyond imagination, and it can jump more than ten meters high.

This seems to be no longer explainable by prehistoric creatures, more like some kind of mutated monster.

That's right!

They are no different from those monsters with extraordinary attack power in blockbuster movies.

Continue to use high-explosive grenades and aim at the target. Don't let this guy escape into the sea. Chase him quickly! Klein's eyes were red and he let out an angry hiss, completely losing his original elegance.

After understanding how difficult it was to capture this prehistoric giant crocodile, he had completely changed his mind. He no longer insisted on catching the opponent unscathed, but chose to use the most drastic means.

Even if the prey is seriously injured or killed, he will not hesitate.

This guy has appeared in front of the world and attracted the attention of countless institutions around the world.

I believe everyone can now see the huge value hidden behind it. If it cannot be successfully captured today, more agencies and consortiums will definitely swarm in.

After all, this prehistoric giant crocodile is an ownerless thing, and the forces behind him cannot stop others from coming.

By then, the situation must be completely out of control!

Klein regretted a little. If he had known this, he should not have rushed to conduct this live broadcast, but waited for the arrest to be successful before announcing it to the outside world.

After getting the order, there were explosions again in Dahe, and huge waves rolled.

However, without the participation of two helicopters, their containment plan had a big loophole.

Lu Chen lurked at the bottom of the water and headed towards the river mouth.

It's just that although his swimming speed in the water is fast, it can't be compared with that of a helicopter.

After dodging several times, a high-explosive bomb finally landed three meters away and exploded.

Lu Chen felt as if he had been hit by a heavy truck. His body was carried by the rapid water and fell seven or eight meters away.

Immediately, he lost consciousness.

In Xia, many netizens also entered the live broadcast room to watch the prehistoric beasts, and then quickly recorded the video and forwarded it...

As the number of netizens discussing it continued to increase, the news about prehistoric giant crocodile quickly reached the top ten in the popularity rankings of Qiandu, Mingri ShouTiao, Xinliang Bib and other media.

In the comment area below one of the most popular videos tomorrow, a netizen sent a message asking about the true identity of the giant crocodile.

Can anyone do some popular science? Is this guy still a prehistoric creature, or is it some kind of new species that hasn't been discovered yet?

This question quickly received tens of thousands of likes and support, and the number is still rising.

A few minutes later, the professional interpretation arrived.

As a biologist, I am still in shock. The external shape of this mysterious giant beast has obvious crocodile characteristics, so it is very likely to be a crocodile-like creature. But the way it appears is very abrupt, almost without any trace. The signs are incredible.

We know that no biological individual can exist in isolation, and there is a population support behind it, especially an animal as large as this one.

According to genetic and demographic studies, it is found that in the wild natural environment, the threshold for a population to continue is 50 individuals.

The strange thing is that no bones or fossils similar to this mysterious giant beast have been found anywhere on Blue Star before... So theoretically, it should not exist on Blue Star.

And its behavioral characteristics are also amazing.

I just calculated based on the video that the giant beast ran at an astonishing speed of 70 kilometers per hour after landing. You may not have any idea about this speed. We can take another animal as an example for comparison. Currently, the fastest animal on Blue Star land is the cheetah, with a top speed of 110 kilometers per hour. Cheetahs are very small and run on flat grasslands...

Running quickly in a dense forest with such a huge body is an impossible miracle for Blue Star land creatures, and it completely subverts our understanding. If I hadn't been watching the live broadcast now, I would have almost thought that this video was synthesized from animation...

According to this netizen, the giant crocodile in the live broadcast room is definitely an alien creature.

Many people expressed support for this.

At this time, a netizen named Brother Chun is a real man left a message that became popular again.

The title is: I found the predecessor of the prehistoric giant crocodile. It was not an alien creature, but a mutation of the ordinary crocodile.

At first, many netizens thought this guy was sensationalizing, but after clicking on the comments, they found out that it was well-founded, with pictures and the truth.

This guy took a screenshot of the video in the live broadcast room and compared it in detail with a crocodile named Dragon King that appeared in the Tiannan Mountain Nature Reserve more than half a year ago.

As a result, he was surprised to find that the textures of the scales on the two crocodiles had many similarities, especially the earthy brown scales on the top of their heads, which were almost identical and very similar to the word 王 in Xia Guowen.

After being reminded by Brother Chun is a real man, many netizens immediately recalled the mysterious crocodile incident that occurred in the Tiannan Mountain Reserve seven or eight months ago.

It was precisely because of the unique scales that many netizens named the opponent Dragon King at that time.

After the incident, officials and private individuals conducted large-scale searches along the river several times, but no trace of the crocodile was found.

As time passed, the matter slowly became silent.

Now, things are brewing again.

Many netizens took the initiative to compare screenshots of the videos of the two crocodiles. They found that there are indeed many similarities between the two, and many of the texture features of the scales can correspond to each other.

Beyond that, their attack and running patterns are surprisingly consistent.

After seeing the comparison, more and more netizens are leaning toward the fact that this is the same crocodile. As for the body shape and the row of bone spurs on the back, it can be explained.

This guy was in his infancy when he was first discovered. Over the past six months, his body has grown rapidly, and his external features have also undergone some mutations...


Suffering the impact of the huge explosion, Lu Chen's brain was buzzing and he was groggy. It seemed that his consciousness could no longer feel the existence of his limbs.

The huge body slowly surfaced, motionless.

do you died?

It's better to pretend to be dead...

With his previous experience, Krahn was much more cautious.

Looking at the motionless body on the water, he did not dare to let his men lower their flying height.

Krahn was tempted to give the order again and continue hunting with high-explosive grenades.

But then he gave up the idea.

Although a dead prehistoric giant crocodile is still valuable, its value is greatly reduced and cannot be compared with a living one.

After thinking for a while, he decisively picked up the walkie-talkie and gave the order: Shoot with a firearm, do not aim at the vital parts of the head.

In order to capture this prehistoric giant crocodile, they had considered various unexpected situations in advance and naturally made sufficient preparations.

Roger, the captain quickly replied.

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