Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 106 Algae are intelligent

On a dark seabed hundreds of meters deep, on a flat sandy seabed, many fish carcasses were scattered here and there. The fresh fish meat exudes a strong smell of blood, which continues to spread into the distance as the sea water surges.

Soon, many marine creatures smelled the smell of blood and came to look for food.

These little guys didn't notice at all. Two beast eyes were exposed in the sand not far away, and they were paying close attention to everything in front of them.

After waiting for more than an hour, the expected prey finally appeared.

The huge and thick body is spindle-shaped, with a black back and a silver belly. Coupled with a thin tail, the whole big fish has a head-heavy and tail-light feeling.

This is a bluefin tuna that is more than two meters long and weighs more than three hundred kilograms. It is also a famous and precious marine fish in Blue Star.

If the one in front of me appeared in the human world, it would sell for at least millions.

But in Lu Chen's eyes, it was just food that could fill his stomach.

Watching the prey getting closer, he suddenly jumped out of the sand, opened his mouth and swam quickly towards the prey a few meters away.

As soon as Lu Chen appeared, the bluefin tuna reacted and immediately turned around and ran away.

In a blink of an eye, he swam more than ten meters away.

Tuna are one of the fastest swimming creatures in the ocean, with an average speed of 30-50 kilometers per hour. When avoiding predators, they can even reach 160 kilometers per hour.

This speed can only be matched by sharks and large dolphins.

Although Lu Chen's hunting speed was very fast, it was far inferior to that of tuna.

But he was already prepared for this, and suddenly a compressed energy bomb came out of his open mouth.

In water hundreds of meters deep, both the explosive power and launch distance of compressed energy bombs are greatly shortened. Just for hunting tuna, that's enough.

The sphere penetrated the layers of sea water, rushed out more than ten meters, and exploded with a bang.

The blue-flag tuna had no time to dodge before it was knocked unconscious.

Lu Chen hurriedly rushed closer and bit the guy in the abdomen. He swung his sharp claws one after another and blew out the hard head.

Immediately, he lay on the bottom of the sea and enjoyed his flesh and blood.

After filling his stomach, Lu Chen quietly surfaced from the water and looked at the sky with wide eyes.

Theoretically, he has escaped human surveillance. After all, in the vast sea, trying to find a crocodile with a body length of less than seven meters is actually no different from fishing for a needle.

However, for safety reasons, he repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing abnormal before floating safely on the water to bask in the sun.

After taking a short rest, Lu Chen quickly determined his specific location with the help of magnetic field induction.

Swinging its tail, it swam farther away.

Half a day later, he had arrived at the sea area where the giant algae jungle was located.

With a simple deep breath, enough oxygen was accumulated in his body, which could support him to stay underwater for at least half a day.

Then, Lu Chen quietly sank.

Ever since he learned that there were spirit stone veins at the bottom of the deep pool in the Blood Snake Orchid Valley, Lu Chen had become very interested in this place. But because of the mutated electric eels in the cracks, he didn't come back to explore them for a long time.

Now with the long-range attack weapon of compressed energy bombs, dealing with electric eels is naturally a piece of cake.

Two minutes later, Lu Chen appeared at the edge of the giant algae jungle.

In just a few months, these giant algae have changed a lot again. Originally the plant was only a few dozen meters tall, but now it has exceeded 100 meters.

And the number increased significantly. The tall branches not only occupied the entire pit, but even began to spread toward the outside.

In the reef area below the jungle, there are countless skeletons of various marine life.

Looking up, I saw a dense white forest, more than ten centimeters thick.

From this we can see how many lives they have swallowed up silently these days.

Sharks, seals, whales... Lu Chen even saw several human skeletons carrying oxygen bottles.

Even from a distance of more than ten meters, I felt that the entire sea area was exuding a strong air of death.

Obviously, this place has become a restricted area for life under the sea.

If you don't know the inside story of giant algae hunting, I'm afraid that no matter how powerful the creature is if it enters, it will never come back.

After looking carefully, Lu Chen's beast eyes became a little more solemn.

He swung his tail and swam cautiously into it.

As expected, he felt the presence of his prey, and soon there were giant algae branches slowly floating along the sea water. There was also a trace of blood smell in it, which seemed to attract him to keep getting closer...

After a few months, the kelp jungle has evolved new skills again.

Lu Chen could feel that this bloody smell was definitely a fatal temptation for predatory fish in the ocean.

Other than that, the attack method seems to be the same as before, still relying on tentacle suckers to capture prey.

For Lu Chen, this attack method was too crude. As long as you are prepared in advance, you can easily pass without any danger at all.

He swam slowly along the rocks on the seabed, always paying attention to the branches and tentacles appearing around him.

But after swimming forward for more than twenty meters, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. At some point, the bottom of the sea seemed to have turned pitch black, and almost no light could be seen coming in from above.

Lu Chen subconsciously raised his head and was surprised.

In the water above our heads, giant algae branches are densely packed and criss-crossed, leaving no gaps at all. Even between the front, rear, left and right reefs, there are also giant algae branches extending silently, slowly forming a huge and tight cage structure.

Lu Chen was in it, like a small fish in a net, unable to find a way to break out.

Is it true that these giant algae know how to cooperate with each other?

Damn... is this still a plant? What the hell is it?

Lu Chen was completely shocked.

In order to verify his idea, he twisted his body and swam towards a gap that had not yet been closed.

Sure enough, the branches of giant algae floating in the water ahead started to move.

Before Lu Chen arrived, they began to entangle with each other... It was equivalent to predicting the direction of the prey in advance and blocking him again.

Seeing the giant algae branches growing thicker and thicker, and the surrounding space being compressed little by little, Lu Chen did not panic.

These branch tentacles look like they are showing their teeth and claws, but in fact, a compressed energy bullet solves the problem.

If it doesn't work, try again.

Worst of all, he could also take advantage of his body and directly use his sharp claws to uproot the giant algae and carve out a channel.

Lu Chen didn't hesitate any longer, he opened his mouth and spat out a ball of blood-colored compressed energy bombs.

The next moment, he quickly dodged behind the rocks.

boom! !

There was a dull sound, and turbid waves rolled on the bottom of the sea.

All the branches and tentacles within a few feet were blown off, leaving a huge spherical gap, from which continuous screams could be heard.

Lu Chen approached those tentacles again, but... they actually flinched!

And it quickly shrank, leaving a wide passage nearby.

Damn it, Lu Chen also thought it was a bit funny.

It seems that not only have they evolved the ability to coordinate hunting, but they have also learned to be afraid of giving in.

This behavior is no longer just instinct, but a manifestation of wisdom.

The era of great change has begun, and plants have become more and more strange...

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