Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 110 Different Space

One beast and one bird passed through the dense jungle, startling countless beasts along the way.

When these guys saw Lu Chen appear, they immediately ran away in confusion, only hating their parents for having four legs.

On normal days, he would naturally not mind hunting a few Dada Yaji, but now he had no time to care about it and just kept running.

General, when you are on your way, do not chase the hare.

Lu Chen would naturally not do the same thing as picking up sesame seeds and throwing away a watermelon.

After running for twenty or thirty miles, he climbed to a hillside and looked around, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

According to previous visual inspection, the giant tree was almost fifty miles away from the cave, and it was only sixty or seventy miles away at most.

Logically speaking, if you run so far, the distance should be much closer.

But now Lu Chen felt that the distance between the two had not shrunk at all, and the giant tree was still standing dozens of miles away.

After running forward for more than twenty miles, he stopped again.

As before, the giant tree remains out of reach...

Isn't it a mirage?

A guess popped up in Lu Chen's mind, but he rejected it immediately.

Mirage is a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light. It usually occurs in calm seas, rivers, lakes, snowfields, deserts or Gobi.

There may be such a spectacle in the primitive tropical jungle, but it should be extremely rare.

In addition, the prototypes of the scenes that appear in mirages can be found in reality. But the fiery red giant tree not far away does not exist on Blue Star.

If it existed, it would definitely be a spectacle.

I used my mobile phone to check information on the Internet before, and I would not get any information.

Another point is that as long as the observer adjusts the viewing height or angle, the mirage illusion will be broken. But even after running such a long distance, the giant tree was still clearly visible without any change.

More importantly, Lu Chen seemed to vaguely sense that the giant tree exuded a wild aura, indicating that it really existed.

So parallel space...or another time and space?

Combined with the weird golden rain last night, Lu Chen felt that his guess was very reliable.

I wonder if the humans on Blue Star have also discovered the existence of this giant tree phantom, or are there other wonders appearing on Blue Star at this moment?

For a moment, Lu Chen had a new idea in his mind.

Find time to leave the primitive jungle and visit the human world.

He no longer worries about being discovered by humans.

The weird and mysterious golden rain last night must have caused a great sensation in the human world.

Blue Star has undergone tremendous changes, and they have no time to pay attention to a prehistoric giant crocodile.

It is estimated that most human beings are now in a state of panic!

Lu Chen really guessed it right. Similar spectacles were appearing in many places on Blue Star at this moment.

Or rows of huge stone statues appear above a certain mountain forest, or rolling mountains appear vaguely on the water, or glorious ancient palaces and temples are clearly visible above the city, just like the fairy mountains and heavens in myths and legends.

There are also countless people who used their mobile phones to take pictures of a group of huge strange fish flying through the clouds, with wings like clouds hanging from the sky.

All the changes came so suddenly, and the officials of various Blue Star countries had no preparation.

They also found that these magical landscapes were illusory and did not block the sunlight from Blue Star.

Some countries even used modern weapons, but found that they could not be eliminated.

Countries can only continuously broadcast news, reminding citizens to stay at home temporarily to prevent possible unknown dangers, and wait for follow-up arrangements.

Of course, many quick-thinking humans have realized that the world is undergoing great changes.

It's a bit like the sun and moon reopening, the world is still uncertain, and anything can happen.

They secretly thought about it, planning to seize the opportunity to overtake in corners first...

Knowing that the giant tree could not be approached, Lu Chen's excitement gradually calmed down.

Since the opportunity is not available, I should continue to improve my strength honestly.

There were black spots pointing the way in the sky, and Lu Chen quickly discovered traces of three similar species of crocodiles.

After the two sides reunited, they headed back toward the cave.

Encountering a herd of elephants on the way, Lu Chen quickly attacked. Half a minute later, a ton of prey fell in a pool of blood.

As for the remaining elephants, they panicked and fled deep into the jungle.

There was enough prey on the ground to fill the stomachs of four crocodiles and black spots, so Lu Chen did not kill too many animals.

After returning to the cave and taking a short rest, Lu Chen dived into the bottom of the pool again to dig for spiritual stones.

He has a clear understanding in his heart: no matter what the world will eventually change into, as long as he has enough strength, he can be invincible.

But as soon as Lu Chen entered the valley, he immediately felt something strange here.

The mist above the deep pool was much thicker than before, and the originally clearly visible waterfall became extremely blurry.

Among them, there were abnormal fluctuations.

what's the situation?

With doubts, Lu Chen swam forward cautiously.

Just after swimming more than ten meters away, I suddenly felt a trance in front of my eyes.

Then, the waterfall disappeared!

A majestic river appeared more than ten meters ahead, and further beyond was a dense jungle.

There are towering ancient trees inside, and unknown beasts roar one after another...

Encountered a phantom again?

With a bit of disbelief in Lu Chen's eyes, he stretched out his toes and touched the clear river water.

The running water is slightly cool... It's not an illusion, it's real.

Then, he took a sudden photo of the water.

Tong... directly knocked out a palm-sized strange fish, then picked it up and swallowed it in his mouth.

Prehistoric oil fish, can provide 2 energy points

Lu Chen was not surprised by the energy points contained in the strange fish, but by the text on the system panel - Prehistoric Oil Fish.

In other words, I just followed the white mist and entered another space.

Then the Prehistoric Overlord Salamander and Prehistoric Abnormal Electric Eel hunted before were not native to Blue Star, but escaped from another space.

Lu Chen turned his head and could vaguely see the mist behind him.

He jumped and returned to the Blue Star Deep Pool again.

Not far away, a waterfall flows, like Bai Lian hanging on a cliff.

After jumping back and forth several times, Lu Chen was sure it was not a dream.

There is indeed a passage to other spaces near the deep pool in the valley.

For a moment, he felt a little funny.

Half a day ago, I traveled dozens of miles looking for opportunities, but finally found that the opportunity was right at my doorstep.

It's right to think about it, there is a spiritual vein distributed in this mountain forest.

For them, it is the greatest opportunity.

After confirming that he could enter and exit the different space at any time, Lu Chen became bold and began to explore further along the river.

Soon, I smelled a strange smell.

Lu Chen immediately stopped and focused his attention.

This is a strange space, everything is unknown, and no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious.

A rustling sound soon came from the grass more than one meter high, and a large snake more than five meters long appeared in front of him.

Two snake heads, this horse riding is unscientific!

Seeing the appearance of the big snake across from him, Lu Chen was immediately stunned.

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