Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 142 Sensing danger in advance (Added update for

In addition to him, other members who participated in the operation were also injected with ferocious beast DNA serum medicine.

For example, Scott, another team member who just spoke, was injected with a drug from a mutated jaguar.

When this guy is in combat, his speed can reach an astonishing thirty meters per second.

It only takes more than three seconds to run a distance of 100 meters.

If it were before the big change, it would have been comparable to the fastest cheetah on land, and even the 100-meter world champion would have had no choice but to lag behind.

And Scott not only has amazing speed, but also has super long endurance.

In order to give full play to his combat effectiveness, the company behind the scenes also spent a huge amount of money to create a special alloy sword.

The main material is said to come from extraterrestrial meteorites, which has an indestructible effect and can easily penetrate steel plates several centimeters thick.

A few days ago, Scott entered the primitive jungle of the north single-handedly and easily killed a level 4 mutated brown bear.

As for the other members, they also have extraordinary combat power.

It is no exaggeration to say that before a major change, they could easily destroy a small country with their own strength.

Deep down in his heart, Sanchez also believed that dealing with the mutated crocodile was enough.

He has also seen the previous battle videos. Although the opponent is powerful, he is still a beast, and even if he has wisdom, he is very limited.

If appropriate combat methods are used, it is not impossible to kill.

What's more, they are assisted by modern weapons in this dispatch.

According to inside information obtained by Sanchez, the company has already begun research on extracting DNA serum from the bodies of ferocious beasts from different spaces.

It's just that their structures are very different from those of Blue Star animals, and their blood seems to contain some kind of pollution. Therefore, its compatibility with humans is relatively low. Although the experimental subject becomes stronger after injection, it will completely lose its mind and become extremely cruel and violent.

Moreover, he does not distinguish between friend and foe, and attacks all humans who come close to him.

The most important thing is that the success rate of the experiment is extremely low, less than one in ten thousand.

For example, some time ago, the nation of Merrigan used a nuclear bomb to hunt down a Kaiju beast from another space. As a result, after extracting the genetic serum from its body and injecting it, all the experimental subjects died.

In a short period of time, it is estimated that the company behind the scenes will be difficult to make breakthrough progress in its research on ferocious beasts from different spaces.

Because of this, they turned their attention back to the mutated crocodile.

So far, this guy should be considered the most powerful local beast in Blue Star.


Xia Guo, crisis management team.

A team member reported urgently: Captain Dong, our high-altitude detection drone found that more than a dozen armed helicopters suddenly appeared over the primitive jungle of Madura. According to the analysis of the flight path, the opponent seems to be planning to attack the Dragon King!

What?! Dong Mingjun was shocked when he heard the report from his subordinates and hurriedly entered the conference room.

After watching the real-time picture on the big screen, he slammed the table: Guys like Mulligan, are they out of their minds? They are just fooling around...

Regarding the existence of the Dragon King, the crisis management team has already made a clear conclusion: it is of great value.

Facts have also proved that Professor Wu’s initial proposal for cooperation between the two parties was very prophetic.

It was with the help of the Dragon King that Xia Guo was able to obtain valuable sword training techniques from a different dimension.

It has been confirmed that this practice method has significant effects on humans.

There are now thousands of team members in the crisis team practicing. After tempering their bodies with spiritual stones, most of them have reached level 2 in just one month.

Such a stunning effect made many people ecstatic.

It is already being discussed internally. After waiting for a while, once it is confirmed that there are no hidden dangers, the next step will be to promote it to the whole people.

As for the orc plan of the Merrigan Country, in the view of the crisis management team, it is completely crooked. The consequences are unpredictable and the risks are extremely high.

What should we do? The contact device should have been brought into a different space by those crocodiles. There is no signal at all. We have no way to notify the Dragon King to escape in time... A team member said with a worried face.

Haha, no need to inform, the Dragon King may have known about it for a long time. Dong Mingjun shook his head with a smile.

I know, how is it possible?!

Several members had surprised looks on their faces.

They had just learned about the plans of Merrigan's mercenaries through reconnaissance drones.

Where did the Dragon King learn about this?

Have you forgotten the wolf king we killed in the northwest desert a week ago?

Hearing the captain mention the fierce wolf king, many team members who participated in the operation were naturally impressed.

More than half a month ago, they received a distress message from the local area.

A two-headed wolf king suddenly appeared somewhere in the northwest desert. For some unknown reason, it led the entire group to attack human gathering places. In just one week, hundreds of humans were brutally killed.

The local crisis management team organized manpower to hunt several times but failed to achieve results, and five members were lost as a result.

Helpless, they could only ask the headquarters for help.

After receiving the information, Dong Mingjun led the team there immediately.

After several days of hard fighting, the opponent was finally killed.

But the whole process was very tortuous. The two-headed wolf king was cunning and sensitive and escaped from their encirclement again and again.

They still used a missile saturation attack to injure and surround the opponent, and then Dong Mingjun led the team to kill them personally.

Afterwards, some team members speculated that it was possible that the wolf king's sense of smell had evolved abnormally and was able to smell the scent left by humans within a few kilometers, which was why several previous hunts failed.

After thinking about it carefully, I felt that this statement was untenable. After all, the team launched the attack from the sky by helicopter, and theoretically there would be no smell left.

Because of this, many team members still have doubts.

Dong Mingjun spoke again: Professor Wu and the others have carefully analyzed and studied the video and believe that when these ferocious beasts evolve to a certain extent, they will awaken abilities similar to premonitions... They can sense the presence of danger in advance, so they can escape in time.

It's really like that. After hearing this, a team member nodded repeatedly.

The two-headed wolf king's behavior completely predicted human beings' predictions.

Captain, if animals can do it, can humans do it? Can you... Another team member asked curiously.

With Dong Mingjun's current strength, he can rank among the top five cultivators in Xia Kingdom. Otherwise, he would not be the captain of the crisis management team.

I can only have a vague sense of danger now, similar to what everyone calls the sixth sense...

Dong Mingjun did not deny it. After all, as the level of cultivators improves, these will no longer be secrets.

Since the Dragon King knows that there is danger, it still stops where it is, which shows that it is very confident in itself and has the ability to solve the danger. Moreover, Professor Wu and the others have evaluated the Dragon King's combat power based on the various traces left in the foggy space. I think it has probably become a level 5 ferocious beast, or even higher, and has more than one mutant ability. Ordinary conventional weapons, even if they are saturated with attacks, should not cause much damage to it...

This chapter is an update for Your Big Brother. Thanks for the reward, this book has its first protector.

Also say some gossip.

First of all, let me reiterate that although the results of this book are not good, it will not be a eunuch.

Second point, if there are no special circumstances, we will update twice a day until the end...

Finally, I would also like to thank my friends who have been following the updates until now.

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