Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 165 Humans express concern

Lu Chen suddenly realized that from this moment on, mankind had been left far behind.

In other words, because of the existence of the military formation field, he has enough confidence to stand on an equal footing with humans.

The future exchanges between myself and Dong Mingjun will be a dialogue between two different races and different civilizations.

Looking at the video captured on the communicator, Lu Chen wanted to send it to Dong Mingjun to show off.

Then he decided to forget it. It would be bad if he scared the other party.

After all, with regard to the current strength of the Dragon King, mankind is already a little concerned about the power of the Dragon King.

If they knew that they still had such powerful attack methods, many Blue Star human executives would probably not be able to sleep at all.

It’s better to continue to carry on and develop in a low-key manner. There is no need to deliberately stimulate human sensitive nerves.

After all, Lu Chen believed that he had no real conflict with the Blue Star humans.

However, after understanding the key factors for the growth of power in the field of military formations, he then paid more attention to the similar species of crocodiles living in Blue Star.

Lu Chen once checked the relevant information with the help of a communicator. Currently, there are probably more than 200,000 crocodiles of the same species living in the tropical waters of Blue Star.

They can be found across the entire tropical waters from the southernmost Ocean Island to the Nixiang Kingdom in the north.

When Lu Chen first recruited his subjects, he did not search too far. Today, there are still at least 40,000 to 50,000 crocodiles living near the mouth of the river in other directions in the virgin jungle of Madura.

These are valuable human resources and should not be missed again.

However, Lu Chen did not plan to go there in person, but planned to send the crocodile leaders to recruit other subjects on his behalf.

If he relied on his strength alone, it would take at least half a month.

What's more, Lu Chen didn't raise these crocodile leaders just to use them as food. It was time to help.

Things must happen sooner rather than later. After making up his mind, Lu Chen immediately issued the order.

Now the humans of Blue Star are paying very close attention to Lu Chen. In order to accurately grasp his whereabouts, high-altitude reconnaissance drones are hovering near the crack all day long.

A large number of crocodiles suddenly appeared in the Blue Star World, which immediately attracted great attention from humans.

Before Dong Mingjun could interrogate him, Lu Chen had already taken the initiative to establish contact with the other party.

Tell yourself that you are ready to continue migrating the crocodile population from Blue Star and let them live in the waterfall space.

Soon, the news spread to all major countries in the world.

Many knowledgeable people in Blue Star have expressed concerns about the Dragon King's actions.

No matter how powerful and ferocious a single alien beast is, it can always find a way to deal with it.

Once they are gathered into a group, the situation is different, and a huge group fighting power will erupt.

What's more, the wisdom currently displayed by the Dragon King is far from inferior to that of humans.

Under the leadership of the other party, no one can predict what kind of changes will happen to the crocodile population in the future.

Even if all these ferocious beasts migrate to a different space, it seems to be a good outcome for humans. But no one can guarantee that they will not return to Blue Star one day.

By then, if humans try to wipe out the crocodile population, they will probably pay a huge price.

The best option now is, of course, to nip this possible threat in the bud.

However... no country is willing to come forward to do this, not even the country of Merrigan, which was once known as the Blue Star Police.

Not long ago, the Dragon King had proven to the world his powerful deterrence.

Once you attack those crocodile groups, it will be a fight to the death.

As the most powerful beast in Blue Star, the consequences of the Dragon King's anger are completely predictable. That terrifying energy bomb is estimated to cause hundreds of thousands or even millions of human deaths.

No country is willing to bear such a serious price.

Judging from the current performance of the Dragon King, it is kind to humans.

It would be unwise to push this huge combat power into the opposite direction just because of the possibility in the future.

And the most important thing is that Blue Star is becoming more and more dangerous.

Many space cracks are continuing to expand, and more and more strange beasts are emerging from them, and their strength is far greater than before. Most modern weapons are completely useless.

Countries are currently at a loss to deal with the situation, and it is really not appropriate to establish more natural enemies.

Therefore, with the tacit consent of humans, the leaders of the crocodiles can recruit their own kind without any hindrance.

Some media even sent out drones to follow the incident live, causing a lot of discussion on the Internet. Perhaps because the Dragon King was born on Blue Star and has helped humans, most netizens are very fond of it.

Some people even formed the Dragon King Club privately to share videos and information about the Dragon King. What's more, regard it as a kind of spiritual sustenance or protection... In recent months, amulets with the image of the Dragon King have become particularly popular, which is the best proof.

Lu Chen didn't notice this situation for the time being, and he didn't know that he had gained hundreds of thousands of fans among humans unknowingly.

At this moment, he looked at the new crocodile army that appeared in the space and was a little at a loss.

Lu Chen originally thought that it was amazing that the leaders of the crocodiles could bring back 30,000 of their kind.

I never thought that the number far exceeded my expectation.

Today, there are more than 60,000 new crocodiles of all sizes, and more than half of them are cubs born after the great change.

Blue Star undergoes tremendous changes, and various creatures continue to mutate.

Vicious beasts are emerging one after another, many plants are beginning to contain strong toxins, and coupled with those terrifying and terrifying bugs... many places are no longer suitable for human habitation.

They continue to retreat from the jungle or coastal areas and develop towards large gathering places in big cities.

As a result, the living space of animals has further increased.

Crocodiles are the overlords of the swamp and are at the top of the food chain. Without human intervention, the number will naturally increase explosively.

In just a few months, the number of places has more than doubled.

That's why the crocodile leaders completed their mission so successfully.

However, tens of thousands of new mouths suddenly appeared in the field, which put great pressure on Lu Chen.

Including the first batch of people who settled in the waterfall space, the number of subjects under his command now officially exceeds 100,000.

These guys have to make proper arrangements for eating, drinking and sleeping. In addition, conflicts and contradictions will occur between different groups.

In short, various things arise in endlessly. If not handled well, it is likely to cause large-scale fighting.

If Lu Chen managed it alone, his head would probably explode.

Fortunately, he is not fighting alone.

Now there are more than 500 crocodile leaders under Lu Chen's command. Together with the powerful warriors who have undergone mutation and evolution in the first batch of tribes, the number is in the thousands.

They have seen Lu Chen's terrifying strength, and they are awe and loyal, and they are the best helpers.

In order to facilitate efficient management, Lu Chen planned to rearrange the subjects of the Crocodile Tribe. The previous extensive model was no longer applicable.

He planned to adopt a three-level structure: the Crocodile King's Palace, vassal states, and various tribes.

As the ruler of the entire crocodile kingdom, the Crocodile King's Palace naturally requires Lu Chen to be in charge.

However, because he goes out constantly, Crocodile Boss, Crocodile Girl and Black Spot are in charge in his absence.

When something happens within the clan, they can discuss and deal with it.

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