Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 178 “Authentication Analysis” Attribute

For example, King Kong in the previous life movie was also in his infancy when he first appeared. He was more than 30 meters tall and weighed more than 400 tons. At that time, it had become the overlord of the ferocious beasts on Skull Island, possessing absolute authority and status.

After continuous growth, King Kong finally reached a height of more than 100 meters, which is almost the same as Godzilla.

As for Godzilla, the change of stage (state) is even more outrageous.

This ancient behemoth is 120 meters tall and weighs nearly 100,000 tons. It has extraordinary bone tensile strength. The atomic breath emitted by it can release 315 trillion joules of energy and reach a temperature of up to 100,000 degrees Celsius.

Moreover, the attack range is unlimited and can even penetrate the core of the earth.

Before, Lu Chen would have thought that the monsters in the movie were just imagination.

Now he no longer thinks so. In an era of great change, anything is possible.

In the different space, tens of thousands of tons...even ferocious beasts that can swallow the sky and the earth do not exist.

etc? Lu Chen was just guessing when he suddenly noticed new changes on the system panel. I don't know when, but there was an additional identification analysis attribute.

Because the data is zero, no comments can be seen behind it.

Out of curiosity, he immediately used energy points to add.

In just a short moment, the Authentication Analysis attribute data surged to more than 6,000 points, and indeed a lot of text appeared behind it.

Identification and analysis: 6289 (The host can spend a certain amount of energy points to identify, analyze, restore, and evolve items. The higher the level of the item, the more energy points are consumed...).

I go!

This attribute is simply awesome.

By the way, Lu Chen had discovered before that the system panel had its own identification function, but it was relatively rudimentary. If you want to be convinced, you must take a bite and try it.

It's completely different now. You can identify and analyze foreign items just by using energy points.

However, the appearance of this attribute made Lu Chen realize that he and the system panel were in a magical combination, or two in one.

Out of curiosity, Lu Chen used identification analysis on the nearby black spots.

Black Spot's predecessor was obviously just an ordinary magpie, but it turned out to have an extraordinary speed of evolution and mutation.

He has always been curious, what kind of bloodline does this guy have?

Name: black spot

Type: Special magpie (ancient black crow bloodline)

Weight: 516.37kg

Wingspan: 30.8 meters

Age: 1 year 11 months

Abnormal abilities: Bloodline Reversion (37%), Black Crow Golden Fire (Level 4), Black Crow Dharma (Level 2)

Evolution level: 5

After consuming five thousand energy points, the text appears immediately.

I really made myself guess... Black Spot is indeed not simple, he actually has the bloodline of the ancient black crow.

No problem, magpies and crows belong to the Corvidae family and theoretically have the same ancestors.

Moreover, this guy's evolution speed was somewhat beyond Lu Chen's imagination. Unknowingly, it turned into a level 5 ferocious beast.

Now its strength should exceed that of Crocodile Boss, ranking as the second most powerful ferocious beast in the territory of the Crocodile Clan.

The Black Crow Golden Fire should refer to the fire power possessed by Black Dot. As for the Black Crow Technique, Lu Chen had never seen this guy use it.

Then, he turned his attention to the crocodile boss.

Name: Crocodile Boss

Species: Special Crocodile (bloodline of ancient giant crocodile)

Weight: 23 tons

Body length: 16.35 meters

Abnormal abilities: bloodline reversion (21%), river of water veins (level 3), frozen for thousands of miles (level 2)

Evolution level: 5

It seems that as long as living things evolve, they will awaken the mutant ability of bloodline regression. As for the river of water veins and thousands of miles of ice, Lu Chen was naturally no stranger to them, and he quickly understood these two mutant abilities.

Looking at Crocodile Er and Crocodile Sister, their basic body data are similar to Crocodile Boss, and their realms are also the same, but their mutation abilities are different.

Crocodile Lao Er has lightning domain (level 3) and Tianji Thunder Technique (level 1), while Crocodile Little Sister has space teleportation (level 3).

In short, after a thorough investigation, Lu Chen was very satisfied with the new attributes that appeared on the system panel.

If you encounter unfamiliar creatures or items in the future, you can directly use identification analysis. You no longer have to worry about putting it in your mouth to taste it, and you may get poisoned by inadvertently.

Lu Chen thought about putting in the pyramid spiritual treasure again.

After coming from the hands of the Lizard King, he used his consciousness to explore it several times, but he never solved the mystery hidden in it.

When Dong Mingjun led people into the waterfall space some time ago, Lu Chen had planned to sell this thing to the other party in exchange for spiritual stones.

Later, I felt that it would be a bit of a loss to sell it for no reason, so I delayed it.

Now, it’s time to identify it.

It really works... text will be displayed on the system panel quickly.

Name: God's Heart Artifact

Grade: 6

Note: This spiritual weapon is refined from part of the heart of the god Anubis and contains a forbidden rune array. After the owner offers the best blood, and uses the law of consciousness energy to activate it, he can summon the undead army of the Sirius God Clan to come.

This spiritual weapon can continue to grow, and when it reaches a certain height, it will have the power to destroy the heavens and create the world. The host can consume a certain amount of energy points to analyze and refine it. Do you want to choose to analyze and refine it?

A sixth-grade spiritual weapon...isn't it the same grade as a psychic spear and cannon, and can be analyzed and refined?

Lu Chen was surprised and excited when he saw the words above.

He increasingly felt that the various myths and legends on the earth in previous lives were not just imagined by the ancients, and may have their roots.

In ancient Egyptian legends, Anubis, who has a wolf head and body, has many titles, including the guardian of cemeteries, the god of mummification, the god of judgment, etc., and his duties are all related to death.

This guy also possesses the tool that determines the reincarnation of mortals - the Judgment Scale of Anubis, the God of Death.

It can give salvation to the dead by weighing their souls.

An ostrich feather is placed on one side of the scale and the heart of the deceased is placed on the other side. If the heart is heavier than an ostrich feather, it means that the sinner is serious and will be sent to hell and the heart will be eaten by the devil. If the heart is lighter than a feather, it means that the heart is kind and virtuous, and it can ascend to heaven and live forever with the gods.

It was also the first time for Lu Chen to know that those alien kobolds were from the Sirius Clan, and he didn't know if there was some connection with Sirius.

Because in previous lives, the ancient Egyptians had long regarded Sirius as a god, and there were many legends related to it.

Lu Chen believed that this couldn't be a coincidence. Similar to Blue Star, those Sirian gods existed on Earth in previous lives and built many pyramids.

Later, for some reason, these guys left quietly again.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Chen finally used his consciousness to speak out: Analyze and refine

The host consumes 50,000 points of energy, and the heart of God analyzes and refines 1%.

The host consumes 100,000 points of energy, and the heart of God analyzes and refines 2%.

The host consumes 200,000 points of energy...

Lu Chen was completely confused. This level 6 spiritual weapon was not as simple as he thought.

More than 300,000 energy points were consumed, and the analysis and refining was less than 10%.

Calculating this, I need to spend at least 5 million energy points to fully understand the secrets hidden in it.

This is a bit cheating.

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