Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 218 The universe is so big!

Captain Dong, you will know in the future. The laws of heaven and earth exist in many different spaces or planets, and the same is true for Blue Star.

This law of heaven and earth not only restrains but also protects all creatures in Blue Star. Aliens are outside the rules, and it is not that easy for them to enter Blue Star. First, the Blue Star environment must be transformed so that the scope of the rules is expanded and the boundaries become blurred. So they can enter it. Otherwise, once you enter, you will be counterattacked by the laws of heaven and earth...

Then, Lu Chen told in detail the news he had received from the Sirius God Clan.

To him, these messages were ordinary, but to humans they were rare secrets.

If Lu Chen hadn't informed them, they might not have realized it until very late.

So that's it. Dong Mingjun's eyes moved slightly after hearing this, and he hurriedly asked, Where did Mr. Dragon King know that he has already dealt with alien races?

Yes, not long ago, I killed a Sirius protoss in the waterfall space. The opponent was the Osiris family from the distant star field... They had arrived on the Blue Star ten thousand years ago, and the pyramid was the base they built. Later, they were The mysterious Blue Star can be driven out.

The news was so shocking that Dong Mingjun fell into silence for a while.

After a long time, he asked again: Has Your Excellency the Dragon King ever found out why these aliens came to Blue Star and what their purpose is?

This is also where many Blue Star people are confused. They simply can't figure out why the alien races are obsessed with Blue Star and are trying every possible means to invade.

It is said that it is for the 'Ancestral Disk Fragments'. I wonder if it has ever been recorded in your human data. Lu Chen asked back.

The fragment of the ancestral disk? This is the first time I have heard of it. What does it look like? I can have someone search for it carefully later...

This Dragon King doesn't know much about it. I only know that it is an indescribable sacred object. Legend has it that it appeared at the beginning of the birth of the universe, and the reproduction and survival of all races in the starry sky are related to it...

Lu Chen gave the words he received from Osiris intact to him.

This is too exaggerated. Is there something related to the origin of the universe in Blue Star? It's a bit ridiculous... After listening, Dong Mingjun felt a bit ridiculous.

The universe is so big!

Before the Great Revolution, among the probes launched by humans, the one farthest from Blue Star was Pioneer 1. It has been flying in the universe for fifty years and has traveled more than two hundred trillion kilometers.

At this speed, it will take at least ten thousand years for Forerunner 1 to fly out of the solar system.

In the vast Milky Way, there are at least hundreds of billions of stars like the sun.

In other words, the sun is just a speck of dust in the Milky Way.

It's unremarkable, nothing special about it.

If you look at the sun from the spatial dimension of the Milky Way, it is almost negligible.

As for Blue Star, it’s not even dust.

The Milky Way is just a tiny existence in the local galaxy group...

As for how big the entire universe is, with current human detection technology, it is impossible to detect its boundaries.

To say that there is something on Blue Star that is related to the origin of all races in the universe is a fantasy. If the person who said this was not the Dragon King, Dong Mingjun would almost yell at him.

Captain Dong, before the great revolution, you didn't think about the existence of alien races, right? Lu Chen naturally understood what the other party was thinking and said.

Your Excellency Dragon King, you don't think this is true, do you? Dong Mingjun said in surprise.

I think it doesn't matter if it's true or not. The key is that those aliens think it's true. Otherwise, they wouldn't plan to return to Blue Star after thousands of years. Then, as the seal of the eternal forbidden law that protects Blue Star is loosened, the aliens who enter will only It will become more and more powerful, and humans should prepare early.”

I know. I will report it to my superiors immediately and secretly search for information about the fragments of the ancestral disk...

Knowing that the Dragon King wanted to explore different spaces, the Xia Kingdom expert team naturally welcomed him.

After all, in recent times, space cracks everywhere have become increasingly unstable, and powerful beasts have continued to emerge.

It would be of great benefit to them to be able to destroy a group of them with the help of the Dragon King.

After receiving the spirit stone, Lu Chen jumped into the air and left.

The first stop is to go straight to Tiannan Mountain.

I haven’t seen Jindian for a few months, and I really miss this little guy.

As expected, even without the help of spiritual stones, the evolution speed of Golden Point is quite astonishing, and it has now reached the early stage of level 5.

However, compared with the crocodile tribe in the Lost Continent, this speed is a bit insignificant.

After Lu Chen gave hundreds of spiritual stones as gifts as usual, he entered the foggy space under the cover of night.

As for the Swallowing Heaven and Food Qi Technique that was suitable for the training of the orcs, Lu Chen had no intention of passing it on to the other party.

In the foggy space, everything is as usual.

Compared with a few months ago, Lu Chen's realm had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now that the divine consciousness is released, the layers of fog can no longer be a barrier.

Everything within a radius of dozens of miles can be sensed.

The mother tree of the demon-loving tree has returned to a height of seven or eight meters, and its branches are covered with white cocoons.

However, compared with Amu in the space, the two are now completely different.

Amu's trunk reaches a height of 100 meters and has grown into a level 5 magic weapon.

Lu Chen originally thought that the Demonic Tree would not grow leaves, but he recently realized that he was wrong.

Sparse white leaves have grown on the branches of Amu, which looks extremely strange.

Obviously, new changes occurred after it reached a certain level.

Lu Chen was still thinking about when he could summon this guy to fight the enemy and see the effect.

You can't just let yourself feed blood food all the time.

Then, he appeared near the spirit stone vein again.

This place has been mined several times, but there is still majestic spiritual energy emerging from the ground.

Lu Chen directly fired five compressed energy bombs in a row, blasting wildly. The mine expanded to 10,000 meters in size, and he finally saw new spiritual stones appear.

Although the quality and reserves of this vein are not as good as the volcanic lava pit in the waterfall space, the mining difficulty is much smaller.

Lu Chen spent five days mining tens of thousands of spiritual stones from this mine. The highest level was level 4, which made him a little disappointed, but it was still a good gain.

After leaving the mine, Lu Chen came to the sword mark of Saint Tongtian again and tried to use the system panel to analyze and evolve the sword mark left by Saint Tongtian.

After all, the laws of kendo are contained here.

It really works... Soon, text was displayed on the system panel.

Name: Swordsman inheritance of Tongtian Saint

Grade: (not recognized yet)

This sword inheritance was left by Saint Tongtian and contains the supreme sword law. The host can consume a certain amount of energy points to analyze and refine it. Do you want to choose to analyze and refine it?

Analysis and refining Lu Chen suppressed his excitement and responded consciously.

The host consumes 100,000 points of energy, and the analysis and refining of the swordsmanship inheritance of Tongtian Saint is 0%

Let me go, what do you mean by zero percent? System error?

Seeing the new text prompt that appeared on the panel, Lu Chen was confused for a moment.

Then, after spending another half a million energy points, it was still 0%.

Lu Chen didn't believe in evil, so he spent two million directly this time, and the text finally changed.

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