Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 5 The Magical Use of Fishhook

It feels so good to bask in the sun on the tree!

There are blue sky and white clouds above, rustling leaves around, and a few sparrows chirping happily.

Four or five meters below, the clear lake water rippled with the wind.

Further away, there are modern high-rise buildings.

Lu Chen soon discovered that it was safer to stay in a tree and bask in the sun.

First, you don’t have to worry about threats from the ground all the time.

Secondly, the texture and color of crocodile scales are very close to willow bark, which can form a natural camouflage protection.

Coupled with the cover of dense willow leaves, it is difficult for bird hunters from the sky to detect their presence.

The only thing you have to worry about is that if you accidentally fall down, you will fall half to death.

As noon approaches, the weather gets hotter and hotter.

Several crocodile cubs opened their long mouths one after another and breathed out air. This is a unique way of heat dissipation of crocodiles, which can quickly remove excess heat from the body.

But as the sun became more and more fierce, they soon felt unable to bear it, and climbed down from the tree trunks, preparing to get back into the cave to escape the heat.

The cave is deep underground and has good thermal insulation effect. Even though the temperature outside is more than 30 degrees, it is only 289 degrees inside.

On the way back, Lu Chen suddenly stopped.

At the base of a nearby reed, he found a piece of discarded transparent fishing line with two rusty fishhooks at the end.

Liuhu Lake has a vast water area, and many people usually come to fish. This should be their legacy.

The essential difference between humans and animals is that humans can make and use tools.

The first time Lu Chen looked at the fishing line, he had a new idea in his mind.

If you make good use of this thing, it will be much more convenient to eat fish in the future.

Unfortunately, the fishing line was too short and could only be put into shallow water half a meter away from the shore. At such a distance, it is difficult to catch larger fish.

How about getting another reed to use as a fishing rod? This can extend further into the water.

As for how to break the reed, Lu Chen had his own idea.

With the powerful bite force of the crocodile's teeth, it shouldn't be difficult.

Click, click... He just opened his mouth and bit it a few times, then stopped.

My layout is still too small! has fallen into the misunderstanding of traditional inertial thinking.

Who says hooks must be used for fishing? You can also catch other things, like... frogs!

Lu Chen remembered a frog fishing game he had played in his previous life: take a bamboo pole, tie a thin line on it, and hang bait such as snail meat or earthworms on the other end of the thin line.

Frogs are very sensitive to dynamic baits. Just shake the string back and forth to get these guys to jump and eat. If you mention it at this time, you can easily catch the frog.

Repeat this, and sometimes you can catch several kilograms in an afternoon.

Of course, for humans, frogs are now protected animals.

However, in the eyes of the young crocodiles, they are just food that can fill their stomachs.

Just as he thought, Lu Chen quickly caught two green grasshoppers in the nearby grass and hung them on the fishhook.

Then he used his thick tail for support, half-erected his body, and tied the fishing line to a bush branch more than thirty centimeters above the ground.

The two grasshoppers were suspended in mid-air, twisting their bodies in the breeze.

Next, Lu Chen returned to the cave to cool off and wait for his prey to take the bait.

Even on a hot noon, there are still many frogs foraging among the grass.

Soon, a green-skinned guy appeared nearby and noticed two struggling grasshoppers above his head.

It's protruding eyes widened and it bounded closer.

After confirming the target, it kicks off its two powerful hind legs and takes off.

In mid-air, the frog's eyes were precisely positioned, its tongue stretched out, and it swallowed one of them into its mouth.

All actions were the same as those of countless previous hunts, simple, efficient, and perfect.

However, this time the result was different.

The frog's mouth was hung by a transparent silk thread, and it made a croaking cry.

It used its long webbed legs to claw and claw in an attempt to break free. Unfortunately, the sharp fishhook had already penetrated into the body, and everything was in vain.

Hearing the noise, Lu Chen calmly climbed out of the cave, stretched out his front paws and moved the fishing line.

The frog in mid-air fell to the ground and was bitten by a large mouth before it could escape.

Then there was a click and there was no sound.

Lu Chen carefully took off the fishhook and saw that the grasshopper above was still alive, so he hung up the bait again.

Then he picked up the frog and returned to the cave to enjoy it.

The three remaining crocodiles in the cave looked at the delicious food with eager eyes. Especially the youngest Crocodile Laosi, he was almost drooling with greed.

However, they did not dare to step forward to snatch it.

After the crocodile boss's previous testimony, these little guys have completely understood the reality.

With Lu Chen's digestion ability, eating another frog wouldn't put too much burden on his stomach. However, he didn't plan to eat it alone. He mainly finished eating half an hour ago and was not too hungry at the moment.

In addition, I plan to share some benefits with the three brothers.

Suppressing them blindly will only make them feel afraid. Giving them both kindness and power, and giving them a sweet date with a slap in the face is the best way.

After all, they are still digging holes next.

The third thing is that as long as the trap is not destroyed, there should be a steady stream of food delivered to the door.

Lu Chen used his sharp teeth to divide the frog into four parts and called them to come and eat.

These guys were overjoyed and rushed over to pick up a portion and swallowed it whole.

To them, frog meat is much more delicious than tadpoles.

As expected, about half an hour later, Lu Chen heard another chirping sound coming from the trap.

He poked his head out of the cave entrance and found a magpie caught on the fishhook.

This is a big deal... It's definitely high-quality food. I've never eaten magpie before, so I don't know how many energy points it can provide.

It's just that the magpie is much more powerful than the frog.

This guy flapped his wings vigorously and pulled the tree branch where the fishing line was bound to make a squeaking sound. It seems that the fishing line will break in the next second.

Fearing that the prey in his mouth would break free and fly away, Lu Chen did not dare to hesitate and rushed over quickly, his mouth wide open.

Just as he was about to rush forward, he suddenly felt a black shadow coming above his head.

Hiss...it hurts!

The next second, Lu Chen felt as if his head was stabbed heavily with an iron awl.

The heartbreaking pain came, causing him to roll over and crawl out more than a meter away.

In panic, Lu Chen turned around to look for the attacker: a large black and white bird fluttered its wings and landed, its pointed beak aimed at one of his eyes.

At the critical moment, Lu Chen jumped up instinctively and barely managed to avoid the attack.

so close!

He almost turned into a one-eyed crocodile!

But before he could stand firm, the third magpie fell.

Bang! The crocodile received another heavy blow on the head.

Damn...how come there are so many magpies.

With the help of his peripheral vision, Lu Chen noticed that in just half a minute, four or five magpies flew in the sky.

These guys were hovering overhead, chirping and screaming, and rushing down.

Because he had to prevent his eyes from being pecked out, Lu Chen couldn't find a chance to fight back. He endured the pain and took advantage of the surrounding grass and shrubs to block him, spreading his limbs and running quickly, looking extremely embarrassed.

If it were an ordinary crocodile baby, it would probably have been pecked to pieces in the stormy attack.

Lu Chen has been adding points in a balanced manner these days, and his speed and claw strength have greatly improved.

At the critical moment, he saved his life.

Even so, he was pecked several times, and his scales were burning and painful.

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