Evolution from the crocodile

Chapter 90 Primitive Cave

Lu Chen put his toes in front of the white-throated capuchin monkey's nose and stayed there for a while, but he didn't feel the presence of breathing air.

Really dead!

He probably didn't fall to death... This guy ran seven or eight meters away after landing on the ground. If he hadn't roared, he would have climbed up another big tree and escaped.

Roar? After seeing the frightened expression on the other party's face, Lu Chen gradually came to his senses.

Perhaps... this is also an application of the bloodline atavism mutation.

When he hunted the jackal king half a day ago, Lu Chen roared the same way. The opponent seemed to be immobilized by a spell. He didn't know how to dodge at all and was allowed to bite him to death.

The white-throated capuchin monkey in front of me fell from a height of more than ten meters and may have injured its internal organs. In addition, he roared at close range, so he was scared to death?

In his previous life, Lu Chen had seen news that a tiger roared in a protected area in a certain country, frightening a dozen monkeys to death. Although this matter has not been finalized in the end, it at least shows that it is possible.

Although the body of the white-throated capuchin monkey began to become stiff, in order to prevent it from pretending to be dead, Lu Chen still stretched out his sharp claws and shot the head directly.

After doing everything, he turned around and entered the river.

At dawn, I again sensed the slight fluctuations coming from the propeller in the water.

Just as Lu Chen was about to speed up, he suddenly heard the sound of gunshots.

Soon, the strong smell of blood flowed down the river.

When he arrived nearby, he found that the big ship had already sailed away.

A four-meter-long carcass of a crocodile was floating on the water. There were several egg-sized blood holes in the scales on its back, which should have been left by the gunshot just now.

In just two or three minutes, several giant piranhas came smelling the smell of blood and were gnawing with their sharp teeth.

After inspecting the scene, Lu Chen was just about to swish his tail to follow the big ship when he suddenly felt an unusual fluctuation.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw a dark and slender figure floating on the water.

Damn it, another mutated anaconda!

It must have smelled the bloody smell of the crocodile carcass and swam in a hurry to find food.

Lu Chen was surprised at first, and then became excited.

The scene in front of him reminded him of the hot spring valley in the Tiannan Mountain Reserve.

This jungle is definitely not normal!

If an anaconda mutates, it may be an accident. There are more than two, indicating that there must be something nearby that can cause them to mutate.

Could it be the Blood Snake Orchid? Lu Chen could almost instinctively think of the goals of these humans' trips. After all, the Blood Snake Orchid contains the word snake, so it was difficult for him not to associate it with it.

In this case, this anaconda cannot be killed anymore.

Lu Chen instantly made up his mind to beat this guy up and let him go. I followed quietly to see if I could find their nest.

As for the big ship, Lu Chen decisively abandoned it.

There is no need to fight with humans when there are better choices.



There was a continuous sound on the river surface, and waves as big as millstones continued to roll.

In the center of the waves, a dark object could be vaguely seen rising and falling, as if there was some giant creature struggling to fight.

For a moment, an anaconda dragged its bloody body and swam to the shore quickly, escaping deep into the jungle.

Lu Chen paddled his limbs and followed up slowly.

The faint smell of blood lingering in the air along the way was the best coordinate, and he was not afraid of losing it at all.

I don't know how long I ran forward, but this guy suddenly disappeared among the vines in the distance.


Lu Chen quickly ran nearby and sniffed. Only then did they discover that the anaconda had not disappeared, but had burrowed into a hidden mountain cave. There were dense vines and bushes all around, almost blocking the entire entrance of the cave.

Lu Chen was two or three meters away and almost missed it.

He turned his head and looked inside the cave a few times, and found that it was pitch black inside, and blocked by the hanging plant roots from the ceiling, nothing could be seen further away.

However, the damp and fishy smell was very strong, and it was obvious that the air inside was not well ventilated.

Isn't this the anaconda's nest? For a moment, Lu Chen hesitated.

With his strength, he is more than enough to deal with the lone mutated anaconda. But it’s hard to tell if you encounter a swarm of anacondas.

After a little thought, he decided to go in and investigate.

After all, opportunities are rare.

Lu Chen used his sharp claws to pull open the ivy tree roots covering the entrance of the cave, and carefully entered it.

The entrance is only about one person tall and nearly two meters wide. It is almost completely obscured by vine roots, making it extremely difficult to walk. He crawled forward for a distance, and the cave suddenly opened up, revealing a cave with an area of ​​over a thousand square meters.

It was empty inside, with only a huge stone standing abruptly in the middle.

There are also strange reliefs carved on the surrounding rock walls.

Lu Chen came closer and looked carefully, and found that the surface of these reliefs was covered with a thick layer of moss, making it almost impossible to see their original appearance. It should be portrayed by the primitive natives of Madura.

Judging from the surrounding traces, the cave has been abandoned for a long time.

Even so far, it is very likely that it has not been discovered by modern humans. Because inside the cave, he didn't see anything related to modern civilization.

Lu Chen no longer looked for traces of anacondas, but instead became interested in relief sculptures.

He jumped up, his two hind legs drove his body to stand up, and his thick tail served as another support, standing up steadily.

Immediately, he waved his front paws and clawed at the surface of the stone wall.

As the moss was cleared away, the relief gradually revealed its original appearance.

There is a thick snake carved on it, coiled around the body, with its head raised high and its mouth open, showing its ferocious teeth.

The erect snake eyes exuded a terrifying cold and vicious intent. It seems that the next moment, it will be resurrected from the relief.

Not far in front of the big snake, there is a strange red flower.

It seems that my guess is correct, the blood snake orchid is indeed related to the mutated anaconda.

So, is this really the anaconda’s nest?

Then, Lu Chen cleaned up the second relief. The protagonist of the picture is also an anaconda, which is entangled with a Bengal tiger and seems to be swallowing it completely into its belly.

This is a kind of primitive worship of ancestors. After a brief look at it, Lu Chen already understood it.

At the same time, some doubts arose in his mind: Judging from the content expressed in the murals, those mutated anacondas had existed for at least decades, hundreds of years, or even earlier.

Why has it never been recorded by modern humans before?

It seems...somewhat unexplainable.

The days are long, and I have enough time to understand slowly. Now I have to find where the injured anaconda is hiding first.

Lu Chen explored along the cave and found a passage that led directly to the darker underground depths.

The smell of blood emitted by the anaconda disappears from here.

Lu Chen carefully stepped into it and noticed a little fluorescent light on the stone wall of the passage. Although the light was very weak, it illuminated the way forward for him.

Forty or fifty meters forward, more and more water accumulated on the ground.

Suddenly, a huge cave appeared in front of him.

There were also a lot of fluorite scattered on the stone walls inside the cave, allowing Lu Chen to see the surrounding environment clearly.

Strange-shaped stalactites hang from the ceiling of the cave, stalagmites on the ground rise and fall, and many stalactites and stalagmites join together to form huge stone pillars.

Not far away, there is an underground river flowing slowly.

Being in it is like stepping into a confusing mythical world.

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