Li Fen hesitated and said, "OK." The young and healthy smile is beautiful and calm, without any affectation. Zhao Jianhui felt that if he could not grasp her, it would be his lifelong regret.

At dinner, Zhao Jianhui knew that Li Fen didn't go to college because of the poor economic conditions at home. Zhao Jianhui sighed deeply. If he hadn't gone to the military academy, would he be like Li Fen?

"Can you tell me why you invited me to dinner? You are a college student now. After graduation, you will stay in the army as an officer. Are you willing to find a person without a job for a lifetime? " Although there was still a red tide on Li Fen's face, she forced herself to ask the questions.

Zhao Jianhui said honestly, "since I saw you on the way back that day, I... I've been thinking about your smile in my heart..."

Li Fen's face once again flew up the blush she was wearing when she ran away that evening.

"After I saw you that day, until I came to you just now, there was nothing in my mind. It was your figure shaking. I said to myself, "if I have the chance to meet you again, I must tell you how I feel, no matter what the consequences are after I say it."

Li Fen lowered her head and didn't look at Zhao Jianhui's eyes for a long time.

Zhao Jianhui likes this kind of shyness. Among all shyness, this kind of girl specific shyness is the most beautiful, which can make men give up all things in life.

"I... I don't mean anything else. I just want to express my real thoughts. It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not. As long as you give me such a chance to express myself, I'm satisfied. "

Li Fen raised her head, seemed to think for a long time, and said to Zhao Jianhui, "I never thought I would meet you in this way. I... I want to work in the south, and my family forced me to come. If we... We really have a relationship, will you support me to go out? "

"Well, no matter what you want to do, I will support you. Wait for me. I'll graduate from college in another year. We'll get married after I graduate to the army. Now the salary in the army is quite high. I can support you after I get married. " Zhao Jianhui vowed.

Li Fen's eyes flashed happiness and nodded gently.

There must be a beautiful day in a person's life. Zhao Jianhui thinks that the day he and Li Fen are definitely the best time in his life.

In the next few days, Li Fen spent most of her time with Zhao Jianhui. The two people's feelings warmed up rapidly. They enjoyed the passionate hug after each meeting. On the last day of Zhao Jianhui's return to school, they gave each other their first kiss.

One person's missing is painful, two people's missing is sweet.

After returning to the military academy, Zhao Jianhui and Li Fen told each other about their missing for each other with all the letters handed down by wild geese. Sometimes looking at Li Fen's photos, Zhao Jianhui woke up with a smile many times in his sleep.

Just as Zhao Jianhui had a beautiful vision and counted with his fingers that he could be assigned to the army less than two months before graduation, a military order was like a mountain. He didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Li Fen face to face, so he was sent to the China Myanmar border to carry out a secret mission.

There, he met a group of hot-blooded men and won the reputation of tiger Zhao for himself. When I graduated, I was a lieutenant. After returning home, I had the rank of major on my shoulder. That year, Zhao Jianhui was just 22 years old. Among the students who graduated in the same session, his military rank was the highest.

In his pocket, Li Fen's photos have been sharpened. When performing special tasks and facing the difficult moment of life and death, this photo has become his faith and courage to survive.

For two years, because of this special task, Zhao Jianhui strictly abided by military discipline. He didn't call Li Fen or write a letter to Li Fen. Finally, he is about to see his relatives who are thinking about day and night. Zhao Jianhui excitedly packs up his backpack. His heart can't wait to fly back to Li Fen now.

However, the God of fate once again made a small joke with him. Just when he bought a ticket and was about to get on the bus, he received a military order to go to Congo for peacekeeping.

It was there that he met the beautiful female army medical dragon Lingyun. But what he didn't think of was, how could long Lingyun like himself? He also transferred himself to the Western Sichuan military region and prepared his new house for marriage.

Facing the rebuke of long Lingyun, Zhao Jianhui didn't know where he was wrong. Just when he didn't know how to answer long Lingyun's question, a rich lady in her fifties came in with a calm face.

"Zhao Jianhui, what do you think of our Xiaoyun? Can you bully my daughter? " She is long Lingyun's mother, the noble general's wife.

"I... how could I bully her? Aunt, your daughter is my comrade in arms. If someone bullies her, I am willing to give everything and even my life to protect her safety. I like her. I don't deny it, but it's not love. I have a fiancee in my family... "

"Enough, I don't want to hear your words. I just want to know if you are willing to marry yun'er?"

"Aunt, if I abandon my fiancee in my hometown and marry your daughter, who will I become? Can you have such a son-in-law? " Zhao Jianhui looked at the general's wife, shook his head very firmly, turned to long Lingyun and said, "please forgive me. I think all this between us is a misunderstanding."

When he had finished, he turned and walked out of the room with firm steps. Behind him, the general's wife gave a cold hum: "I don't know whether it's good or bad. Do you believe that one word from me can change your destiny?"

Zhao Jianhui had no way not to believe it, because her words immediately changed Zhao Jianhui's fate.

He was transferred from a lieutenant colonel to a deputy league cadre, returned to his hometown and became the chief of the security section of the County winery. He still couldn't get a salary. Until later, he could become a glorious security guard. All this can be said to be thanks to her one word.

"Hey, are you all right? There's no movement in going to the bathroom for so long. I warn you, don't think about jumping out of the window. This is the 25th floor. " Zhao Jianhui is immersed in the gorgeous memories like fireworks. He doesn't know when he finished peeing.

Hearing long Lingyun shouting at the door of the toilet, he quickly agreed. I'll jump and run away? I'm not dizzy. Why did I jump off a building?

When he walked slowly back to the room, he calmed down from the memories of the past.

Zhao Jianhui looked at long Lingyun, who was closely behind him, and smiled faintly: "sorry, Miss long, this is the ward, and I have nothing to entertain you. I'm going to bed. Would you please come back? "

"Before you say that, please think about who I am? I haven't seen you for more than a year. Have you forgotten what I do? " Long Lingyun smiled and sat down next to Zhao Jianhui on the hospital bed: "this ward is too simple. Change a better one tomorrow."

"A better room? Miss long, this ward is arranged by the police. If they don't pay, I don't know if I can afford to pay the hospitalization fee. Change to a better ward? I'm a poor boy who doesn't enjoy that blessing. " When he thought that he had fallen into such a "miserable" situation because of the girl in front of him, Zhao Jianhui's words brought a sense of resentment.

"Are you blaming me?" Long Lingyun turned his head and stared at Zhao Jianhui with big beautiful eyes. Tears were already hidden in his eyes: "you just blame me. Do you know how I spent more than a year? Hearing the news that my mother asked you to change your job, I had a big quarrel with her. I thought of looking for you in S Province at that time, but the hospital arranged for me to go abroad for exchange and study. I knew it was my mother's hands and feet in the middle, but the military order has come down. You used to be a military man, so you should know the truth of military orders... "As he said, long Lingyun had cried out.

"I......" Zhao Jianhui couldn't see a woman crying. Seeing long Lingyun crying, he couldn't help but lower his head and couldn't speak. However, hearing that long Lingyun didn't catch up with him because of overseas exchanges, he felt inexplicably relaxed.

This feeling surprised even Zhao Jianhui himself. Are you expecting long Lingyun to come to me in your heart? Is it because long Lingyun didn't come to him for more than a year that the resentment just happened inexplicably? No, it won't be like this!!

"What are you doing? Your fiancee has broken up with you. Do you have no excuse now? If you drive me away again, unless you don't like me at all. "


"Do you remember what you said that day? If you can give up everything for a girl and even protect her life, what is such a feeling if it is not love? You love me. I already know that you love me, don't you? " As long Lingyun spoke, he stretched out his arms and hugged Zhao Jianhui tightly: "for more than a year, I miss you all the time... Hold me Jianhui tightly, I can't lose you anymore..."

I... do I really love long Lingyun? Zhao Jianhui let long Lingyun lie on his chest and couldn't help sobbing. His hands were lifted in the air. He didn't know whether he should push her away or hold the exquisite body.

What is it like to love someone?

Is it because she can give everything, or is it hard to see her all day? However, these two feelings were put on two women. What's the matter?

"Zhao Jianhui, you're very good. I haven't seen you for a while. Where did you hook up a little sister?" Just when Zhao Jianhui didn't know whether he should push away or hold long Lingyun, ye Qiuyu's voice suddenly came from the door.

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