Although there are many high-rise buildings in the city, Haifeng economic and trade building, located in the golden area of the urban area, still stands out from the crowd. Huanghai star enterprise Haifeng industrial group is located in the building.

At this moment, the towering building of Haifeng economic and trade building was also submerged in the rain. It's said that the Haifeng building is very powerful. Working as a security guard here costs more than 3000 yuan a month. Unfortunately, Haifeng group has never dealt with local security companies, and the security guards used are recruited from outside the group.

As Zhao Jianhui thought, he looked at the towering Haifeng building standing on the roadside through the rain curtain, but he couldn't believe it and stepped on the brake.

Because his sight was bad, he couldn't help rubbing his eyes again.

However, the object just seen was like a remnant leaf in the wind, close to Zhao Jianhui's eye, almost scraping the front of the car, and a bloody rain was aroused with a snap.

It's really a rain of blood! pinkish. Raindrops like shining dewdrops hit the glass of the car and were soon washed clean by the white rain curtain.

Although there was no trace left on the car, Zhao Jianhui knew that an accident had happened.

Anyway, my body has been soaked, and I don't care if I get a little more rain. Zhao Jianhui pushed open the door and got off, but he saw that right in front of the car, the torn goose yellow dress was wrapped with a pile of meat mud whose shape could not be seen clearly. The pink blood came out of the pile of meat mud and was soon diluted by the cool rain.

Only the pair of long pink legs still wearing a high-heeled sandal can vaguely let people know that the pile of "objects" in front of them used to be a woman.

I won't be so unlucky, will I? Is there such a good thing to find along the way? Zhao Jianhui stepped back and couldn't help looking at the door of Haifeng building with a bitter smile.

It can be seen faintly that a group of people are running outside the gate. Shit, don't be framed!

Tonight is the 10th anniversary of Haifeng industry. A celebration will be held in the employee entertainment center on the 44th floor. Not only the employees of the company, but also provincial and municipal leaders at all levels and heads of some departments were invited to attend the activities.

The celebration ceremony was not lengthy. First, the chairman of the company, Hai Yingmin, made a brief review of the company's development, and then Wang Xuejun, vice governor in charge of economy of S Province, and Wang renlunfan, vice mayor in charge of economy of Huanghai City, gave some praise and encouragement to Haifeng group.

After the ceremony, Wang Xuejun left with dignity, followed by the usual dancing and karaoke, as well as some lucky draw activities interspersed in the middle.

When Wang Ren came down from the rostrum, a soft zither solo "Moonlight on the Spring River" was playing. The lights dimmed, the red and green mercury lights began to flash, and people in twos and threes were walking into the dance floor together.

"Why doesn't Mayor Wang jump? When the mayor went up, they were all compared. " Hai Yingmin smiled at Wang Ren who had just sat down.

"Don't just talk about me, you go dancing too!" Wang Ren said with a smile.

"A flower in our police community has not come to an end. Mayor Wang, please invite it!" Jia Jingshan, deputy secretary of Huanghai Municipal Commission of politics and law and director of public security, urged with a flattering smile.

Everyone's eyes turned to a beautiful girl at the table in the opposite corner. Goose yellow shirt, goose yellow skirt and white corset show the snow-white and delicate skin. Under the two thin curved eyebrows is a very upturned nose and big black and white eyes. Colorful neon lights shook her soft face, light like a hazy mist.

This girl is a flower in the police circle in the mouth of the director. Her name is Zhou Meirui. Although she is young and only 27-8 years old, she is already the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of Huanghai Public Security Bureau. Next to Zhou Meirui sat two men on the left and right, respectively Di Bo, the criminal police of the Municipal Bureau and ye Zhiqiu, the inspector general of the procuratorate.

"The self-restraint of the British people is really good!" Ye Zhiqiu said softly, "I know we're checking him and invited us to participate in the activity."

Zhou Meirui snorted softly, "this is his brilliance. He pretends to have a clear conscience."

Several waitresses in miniskirts are busy walking around the ballroom like butterflies. Although it is only an internal entertainment center of the company, all the furnishings and arrangements here pursue high grade. The ladies here are also carefully selected. They are not only first-class in appearance, but also outstanding in temperament. But the presence of Zhou Meirui today eclipsed them all. The eyes of the men at the table glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally. Several men came forward to invite her to dance, but they were faintly declined by her.

The soothing music stopped and replaced it with a fast-paced waltz. Several pairs of dance partners walked out of the dance floor, and people constantly stood up from the outside and walked into the field hand in hand.

Jia Jingshan was excited: "I'm best at waltz. I'm going if you don't go!"

Wang Ren patted Jia Jingshan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "go, Lao Jia, make love with Xiao Zhou. I'll take care of my sister-in-law."

Jia Jingshan said with a smile, "Mayor Wang, do I have what you said so badly? At the municipal government, Lao Jia listens to you and at home, Lao Lao Zi listens to me. " With a smile, she stood up and walked to Zhou Meirui and made an invitation. The head of the Bureau invited Zhou Meirui. Zhou Meirui only stood up with an embarrassed face.

The crowd watched the two enter, holding hands and began to rotate. Jia Jingshan is tall and thin. Although he is over 50, he is still agile and coordinated. Zhou Meirui's figure is exquisite and concave convex. Both of them danced beautifully and attracted the attention of most people outside the court.

There are more than thirty tables in the hall, in a semicircle around the temporary dance floor. The hall door and window sill of the dance floor constitute the two ends of the diameter of the dance floor.

Zhou Meirui's clothes are floating, like a fairy in the sky. Looking at her dancing posture, men are fascinated, while women can't help feeling ashamed.

They kept rotating like clouds and flowing water, reflecting the same fast rotating neon lights, which dazzled the people outside.

I just think they turn faster and faster, turn out of the ballroom and turn back in the blink of an eye.

At the end of the music, the two suddenly separated. Jia Jingshan exclaimed in surprise, "Xiao Zhou, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Meirui covered her mouth with her hands and hurried to the windowsill. Everyone watched her jump up and push open the window. Just before everyone reacted, Zhou Meirui suddenly jumped out of the window.

Next, the scene that Zhao Jianhui saw on the road just now happened.

Everyone knows that jumping from such a high floor will certainly fall into meat and mud. Doesn't the director of criminal investigation know? Or is this Zhou Meirui an idiot? Obviously, Zhou Meirui should have no problem with her IQ if she could be the director of the criminal investigation department. However, it happened so suddenly that most people were stunned.

The crowd was silent at first. After several women took the lead in making harsh screams, it exploded like thunder. Jia Jingshan and Hai Yingmin woke up first and ran to the windowsill.

The crowd flocked to follow, completely ignoring the heavy rain coming in from outside the window.

"Director!" Debo ran to the window and looked at their trembling shoulders and backs, and their voices trembled slightly. Jia Jingshan retreated, pale.

Their capable female subordinates actually committed suicide in front of themselves. No matter what reasons exist, they must bear unshirkable leadership responsibility.

Debo poked his head out. Outside the window, it rained heavily, as if crying for that young life again.

Below, the lights of the city are winding like countless little snakes in the wind and rain. In the faint light, he seemed to see a tiny figure lying quietly on the ground under his feet.

Driven by Jia Jingshan, the crowd has crowded like running outside the door. But there were only Jia Jingshan and di Bo who had the courage to rush out of the lobby of Haifeng building and stood next to Zhao Jianhui.

In the distance, the siren has sounded!

"Alas, poor thing. Director Zhou is still so young. Why can't he think of it?"

"Yes, even if you want to commit suicide, you don't have to choose to jump from such a high place? You can't even leave a whole body... "

No, there's something wrong with this? Standing in the crowd, listening to the people around him talking, what's wrong with Zhao Jianhui's intuition.

Listen to them, the woman jumped out of the window by herself. But... But... This is different from what you see? Is it because of the heavy rain that my eyes are dazzled? Thinking of this, Zhao Jianhui couldn't help raising his head and looking at Haifeng building

No, I can definitely trust my eyes. They have experienced countless tests of blood and fire.

The first to arrive at the scene was the traffic police. A group of male and female police set up warning belts and isolation ropes in the heavy rain. One of them is Gao Xiangbing and Zeng qianrou, a little policewoman who has always been inseparable from him.

After busy work, Gao Xiangbing turned around and found Zhao Jianhui. He came over and asked, "boss, why are you here?" Zhao Jianhui smiled bitterly and pointed to the car surrounded by them into the isolation rope: "it's a coincidence to drive Chen Zhili's car through here."

Gao Xiangbing looked along his fingers, shook his shoulders and whispered, "boss, you're really unlucky."“ Puff...... "the little policewoman Zeng qianrou smiled behind the two people. It's painful to cover your mouth when you think this occasion is not the time to laugh.

The police and forensic doctors of the criminal investigation department and the technical department have begun to work on the cordon. There are suicide cases witnessed by the mayor, the director and dozens of government officials. In fact, there is nothing to study, although everyone is regretting that Zhou Meirui's flower withers when it shouldn't wither, But Zhou Meirui's body was hurriedly carried to the ambulance and sent to the morgue of the municipal hospital.

As a witness, Zhao Jianhui was lucky to be invited to the police station for investigation. After being asked about two optional sentences, he signed an inquiry record and was politely "blasted" out by the police.

In the Starbucks Cafe just a block from the police station, Zhao Jianhui chewed delicious food and drank coffee from time to time. In the middle, he had to take out his spare time to say what he saw and wondered about today, but he was really busy.

"The whole process is like this." Zhao Jianhui said, looked at Gao Xiangbing opposite, turned his face and looked at Zeng qianrou. He smiled silently: "forget it, it's useless to tell you that you are all traffic police, not criminal police. It's useless at all." Not far from Zhao Jianhui's table, a 23-year-old beauty sat alone at a table. When Zhao Jianhui spoke, she sat quietly, biting her lower lip tightly, two slender white hands holding a coffee cup, turning blankly, and her eyes were full of tears.

When Zhao Jianhui finished, the cup in the woman's hand broke in two. Zhao Jianhui looked back at the sound and saw that her hands were dripping with hot coffee and blood.

"Are you okay?" Zhao Jianhui walked over, grabbed her wrist and pressed the napkin on her wound.

"Zhou Wanyi, who are you..." the woman shook her head and said it was all right. At the same time, he made a sound of inquiry, with a soft and magnetic voice, which was as beautiful as the first sound of oriole. However, there was a faint sadness in the voice.

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