"I'm not a conservative girl. If the customer doesn't ask too much, I'll consider it." Zhou Wanyi is determined to win this job.

In order to investigate the truth of my cousin's suicide, I sneaked into Haifeng building last night. I didn't know until I came in. The closer I was to the high-rise of the building, the tighter the preventive measures inside.

From the 12th floor up, even the corridor is full of electronic monitoring and laser alarm systems. It's hard to get a clear picture of the situation.

The more so, it strengthened her guess. If Haifeng building is not greasy, why should it be so strict? Even in order to prevent trade secrets, it is not worth putting the whole building in the same place as the Pentagon. These electronic and laser monitoring equipment alone can not be taken down in a small number, not to mention the costs of operation, maintenance and maintenance, which can definitely be described in astronomical figures.

Therefore, after a long talk with Zhao Jianhui, Zhou Wanyi decided to apply for the position of account manager in Haifeng group today.

No one knows what she talked about with Zhao Jianhui, but now she has a firm idea that even at the expense of some looks, she will achieve the goal of sneaking into the company.

It's better to pretend to be generous than to step back and let him advance an inch.

"Oh?" Haiyingmin was obviously interested: "you know, figure and appearance are equally important for this job. Of course you don't have to say what you look like! Can you take off your coat and skirt and see your figure? "

Zhou Wanyi didn't expect him to be so arrogant. She put forward such a request at the first meeting. She couldn't help feeling a little flustered, but she soon calmed down in a moment: "Chairman, is this necessary for the interview?"

"Every girl here must pass this level. If you don't believe it, you can ask her... "Hai Yingmin smiled and raised his chin to the Secretary standing aside:" of course, Miss Zhou really doesn't want it, and I won't force it. But you know, it's hard to find a good job now! "

Although it was difficult to suppress her shame and anger, Zhou Wanyi made a decision quickly“ How arrogant! Forget it, just think it's in the swimming pool. See how I can fix you after I find your criminal evidence! "

Zhou Wanyi comforted herself, slowly took off her coat, stood up and took off her tube skirt, and then observed Hai Yingmin's behavior nervously and shyly.

Zhou Wanyi's upper body without her professional suit is a light yellow vest with thin suspenders matching the suit. The vest is small and exquisite, tightly attached to her body, showing her beautiful chest and abdomen curve.

Zhou Wanyi regretted wearing such a sexy underwear. When she saw that haiyingmin's eyes were almost protruding.

Anger surged up, quickly adjusted his mood and said coldly, "I think you can see my body now."

Hai Yingmin shrugged and said, "now underwear performances in various media are very common. I didn't expect Miss Zhou to be so conservative. If you are so wary of your colleagues in the company, how can you carry out your work? "

Zhou Wanyi held back her anger and said, "OK! But this is my bottom line. " Holding the hem of the vest with both hands, he slipped over his head and took it off.

Haiyingmin greedily looked at Zhou Wanyi, who had only three points left. After a while, he reluctantly looked away, picked up the phone, dialed a number and put down the phone: "Miss Zhou, the personnel manager will be here soon. After completing the formalities, you can go to work. I wish you great development in our company."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Huanghai Public Security Bureau held a meeting of the Party committee members and the leading group of the Bureau in the small conference room on the fifth floor“ The "O" type conference table is surrounded by bureau leaders in police uniforms, with flowers in the hollow and green leaves dripping.

"Comrades, let's welcome Comrade Zhao Jianhui, deputy secretary of the Party committee, deputy political commissar and deputy director, to join our fighting collective with warm applause Comrade Zhao Jianhui came from a military background, has a rigorous style and is young and promising. The arrangement of the provincial department for him to work in the Municipal Bureau is to strengthen our collective leadership and bring us fresh blood. I firmly support the arrangement and deployment of the provincial department leaders without any objection. I believe that the arrival of Comrade Zhao Jianhui will greatly promote the overall work and will... "Director Jia personally presided over the meeting and spoke highly of Zhao Jianhui at the beginning. Then, he said with a smile: "next, please read the division of responsibilities of the members of the Party committee and the deputy directors of the Bureau, comrade Kang Ling, director of the office of the Bureau."

Kang Ling, slim and enchanting, with a white and delicate face, is in her thirties and seventies, with short hair and a pair of gold rimmed glasses.

"Huanghai Public Security Bureau Gong Zi No. XX... Jia Jingshan, Secretary of the Party committee and director of the Bureau, presided over the overall work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Contact: Municipal armed police detachment. "

"Zhao Jianhui, deputy secretary, deputy political commissar and deputy director, assisted the Secretary in doing a good job in the political and ideological work of the overall police, focused on the construction of the cadre team, domestic security and petition work, and assisted the director in charge of the Party committee, petition room, domestic security detachment, legal affairs office, criminal reconnaissance, criminal science and technology research, entry-exit management, etc. Assist the director in charge of the criminal investigation division, the Institute of criminal science and technology, the action technology division and the exit entry administration. Contact: highway traffic police detachment, concurrently director of criminal investigation department. "

"Li Tao, member of the Party committee and executive deputy director, assisted the director in presiding over the daily work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau; Responsible for traffic management, fire fighting, etc. Assist the director in charge of the office, political research office, traffic police detachment and fire brigade. "

"Ma Ping, member of the Party committee and deputy director general, is responsible for public security administration, logistics support, network supervision and trade unions. Assist the director in charge of public security detachment, logistics department, motor vehicle driver examination center, network police detachment, Yellow Sea Security Co., Ltd. and trade union. Contact: forest police detachment. "

"Jin Zhenzhen, member of the Party committee, deputy director and leader of the Economic Investigation Detachment, is responsible for economic reconnaissance, science and technology communication, drug control, drug rehabilitation, urban management and law enforcement. Assist the director in charge of information and Communication Division (Science and Technology Division), anti drug detachment, compulsory drug treatment center and urban management police detachment. Preside over the work of the economic crime investigation detachment. "

"Wang Haiping, member of the Party committee and deputy director general, is responsible for 110 police reception and handling, attack prevention and control, guard, supervision, guard, detention, etc. Assist the director in charge of command center, security office, special police detachment, Supervision Detachment, detention center and detention center. "

"Xiao Leping, member of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and chief inspector, is responsible for Discipline Inspection, supervision, supervision and audit. Assist the director in charge of the supervision office, Police Supervision Detachment and audit office. Preside over the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. "

"Ma Xulin, member of the Party committee, director of the political department and Secretary of the Party committee, is responsible for organizing cadres, education and training, external publicity, assessment, Party building, family planning, avant-garde Sports Association, veteran cadres, courageous deeds, the Communist Youth League and women's Committee. Assist the director in charge of cadre office, police office, publicity office, education and training office, assessment office, avant-garde Sports Association, Police Association, Youth League Committee and women's Committee. Preside over the work of the party committees of political departments and organs. "

Other party committee members: Mei Lan, head of the traffic police detachment, presided over the work of the traffic police detachment, Wan Daxi, director of the Development Zone Branch, presided over the overall work of the Development Zone Branch, and Geng Xiaoli, director of the Binhai District branch, presided over the work of the Binhai District Public Security Branch.

Kang Ling, member of the Party committee and director of the office, assisted deputy director Zhao Jianhui in handling letters and visits and presided over the work of the office.

After the reading, when Kang Ling sat down, she looked at Li Tao, the executive deputy director, who was smoking with her head down. Zhao Jianhui was originally in charge of several tasks. Kang Ling's eyes clearly said: you don't have any emotion when you pick meat from your bowl?

Jia Jingshan looked at the Party committee members sitting around him with a smile on his face: "well, director Kang just read out the division of labor among the team members. Vice political commissar Zhao took a heavy burden when he came. There's no way. We are all old. You are the youngest. You are only 25 to 26 years old. Young people have enough energy. Those who can do more work. Ah, ha ha... Do you have any different opinions? Director Li, what do you say? "

"I firmly obey the director's arrangement and have nothing to say." Adjusting the division of labor of deputy posts is originally the right of the director general. Even if there is any dissatisfaction, Li Tao will not raise it at this time.

Besides, Jia Jingshan has always regarded himself as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. He has obviously weakened his business and handed it over to a new person, and asked his ideas in front of everyone? If you really want to consult yourself, why not talk to yourself alone before announcing the adjustment plan?

Now if you ask yourself what you think and express your dissatisfaction, wouldn't it offend him, the director and the new deputy political commissar at the same time?

Maybe this is Jia Jingshan's original intention? It's a shame to lick your face and say such a bad trick!

During the whole meeting, Zhao Jianhui only listened more with two ears and looked more with a pair of eyes. The rest of his mouth didn't say a word except for an occasional cigarette.

After the meeting, Kang Ling walked to Zhao Jianhui with a smile“ Commissar Zhao, I asked them to work overtime to clean up your office at noon. If you are dissatisfied with anything else, I will revise it immediately according to your instructions. "

"Oh... Director Kang is so annoying. I don't know where the office is. Can you send someone to show me?" Zhao Jianhui said with a smile.

Kang Ling stroked her glasses on the bridge of her nose: "who else are you sending? I serve the leaders. I have all the keys ready? We'll be there as soon as we get out of the conference room. "

"Well, director Kang is right. She is the housekeeper of our bureau. If deputy political commissar Zhao lacks anything, just ask her. If she can't do it well, I'll deduct her bonus." Jia Jingshan walked out of the conference room with a smile.

This is a suite of rooms on the west side of the sunny side of the fifth floor, which is as big as three rooms. There are large windows in the South and West, fish tanks and televisions on the east wall, and large pots of flowers at the corner of the south wall and the east wall. Opposite the TV is a glass coffee table and three groups of sofas surrounded by a U-shape. Seven or eight people have a small meeting. Don't go to the conference room at all.

These furnishings occupy almost one and a half of the space. Near the north wall is a dark red wooden bookcase with the whole wall, but there are no books in it. The front of the bookcase is a leather armchair. The dark red solid wood desk is just ahead of the armchair. The "L" desk is one meter and two wide, and the front is two meters long. In addition, the part that turns past is almost three meters long. Large tables and high backed chairs give people a sense of dignity and massiness.

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