Zhou Wanyi knew she had been shot, but there was no time for her to bandage the wound. She leaned tightly on the ground and leaned her head out of the ditch to check each other's movements.

The road was quiet at this time, and there was no movement across the road. The other party probably lies down in the ditch on the other side and observes this side. But the darkness made both sides dare not act rashly.

Behind him came the sound of tire grinding and car starting, about three or four hundred meters away. Knowing that Zhao Jianhui was worried about herself, Zhou Wanyi turned around and drove back.

"But he doesn't have a gun!" Zhou Wanyi was worried. Now Zhao Jianhui's gun is in her hand. He has no self-defense weapons. What's more, he doesn't know the enemy's position now. If he rashly enters the scene, he can easily become a target.

"Don't come here! Don't come! " Zhou Wanyi prayed in her heart. Watching the lights getting closer and closer, she was so anxious that she almost cried.

However, Zhao Jianhui still drove over. As the distance approached, the strong light of the headlights made the dark battlefield seem to have some light gradually.

"Watch your right!" Zhou Wanyi couldn't help shouting.

With a "bang" gunshot, several pieces of soil fell from the edge of the pit above Zhou Wanyi's head with the gunshot. Zhou Wanyi moved a few meters on her stomach and changed her position.

Zhao Jianhui's car also stopped.

The elliptical beam on the ground extends here, leaving only some shimmer. Looking from Zhou Wanyi, Zhao Jianhui can't be seen clearly in the car.

"The other party won't know that Zhao Jianhui doesn't have a gun. She should not dare to attack him through the bright area in front of the car. " Zhou Wanyi was a little relieved and focused on the ditch across the road. Where is she? Maybe it's right opposite, maybe it's climbed more than ten meters along the road ditch. While thinking, Zhou Wanyi quietly moved her position again.

Dead silence was restored on the road. Only faint groans came from under the overturned Mazda.

Two lights appeared in the distance of the highway, and gradually approached. It seemed that it was the truck that had just intercepted itself. When approaching Mazda, the truck slowed down, carefully passed the rollover site, and hurried forward.

Zhou Wanyi saw a dark shadow in the ditch on the right, and the muzzle of the gun in her hand had been aimed“ It's me... "A low voice came, which was Zhao Jianhui's voice.

At this time, Zhou Wanyi felt that the sound was so kind and solid! She could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"We can't spend it here. There must be someone in the other party's truck." Zhao Jianhui squatted beside Zhou Wanyi, lowered his voice and said, "over the revetment, below is the sea. Can you swim?" After listening to him, Zhou Wanyi immediately understood Zhao Jianhui's intention.

However, the revetment behind him was more than two meters high. When he turned over from the bare revetment, didn't those two people really become the target of others?

The truck has stopped 50 or 60 meters away from the two people, and no one has got off the car yet“ If you don't go, it's too late... "

"You go, my leg is hurt." Zhou Wanyi handed the gun to Zhao Jianhui. Zhao Jianhui took the pistol and asked in a low voice, "can you still move?"

Zhou Wanyi bit her teeth: "it's estimated that she didn't hurt the bone."

"The most difficult thing for the other party is the man who shot just now. I guess his position is right in front of us. I'll shoot him later, and you can turn over quickly."

"That man... That man is a sharpshooter. You must be careful!!" Zhou Wanyi said with a little worry. She knew that there would be no danger when Zhao Jianhui shot and suppressed each other. However, he has no weapons in his hands. When Zhao Jianhui reads it, he will be in great danger.

Zhou Wanyi herself is also a sharpshooter. Sharpshooters are generally not sure that they will not shoot meaninglessly. This is also the reason why neither side is shooting now. At such a close distance, it is difficult to avoid the fatal blow of the other party when climbing over the revetment behind you without cover.

"Ready..." before Zhao Jianhui's voice fell, she had "bangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbangbang.

Almost at the same time as Zhou Wanyi climbed over the slope protection, Zhao Jianhui raised his hand and scattered a handful of stones originally buckled in his left hand in the way of "flowers and rain all over the sky".

It's not that Zhao Jianhui thinks that using stones is more powerful than bullets. In fact, the bullet capacity of the 64 pistol in his hand is only seven rounds. Just now, Zhou Wanyi has shot three rounds in her hand. He has shot three rounds himself, and there is only one bullet left in the gun.

With a handful of stones thrown out, Zhao Jianhui's body had shot up like an arrow. However, instead of climbing up like Zhou Wanyi, he threw himself up with the bouncing power of his legs.

As he rose, his eyes were fixed on the other side of the road. Just as Kankan was about to fall on the top of the slope, Zhao Jianhui suddenly raised his gun

"Bang bang" the other party fired at him almost at the same time.

A sharpshooter will not shoot blindly under normal circumstances. Once he shoots, it proves that he has considerable confidence. With the two simultaneous gunshots, Zhou Wanyi, lying on the top of the slope, suddenly felt two drops of hot rain falling on her face.

"Are you hurt?" Zhou Wanyi exclaimed.

Zhao Jianhui pressed her down and raised half of her body: "I can't die. The other party is not much better than me." As he spoke, Zhao Jianhui hugged Zhou Wanyi tightly, and the two bodies rolled down tightly together. Under the revetment, there was a vast expanse of blue sea.

Someone had come out of the cargo car. Under the cover of the dark night, he bowed down and walked this way carefully. We can't help but say that Zhao Jianhui's judgment is accurate. Through the weak light, we can see that the four people are holding long guns in their hands. If you don't run, even Zhou Wanyi has a pistol in her hand, which is useless.

At the moment of falling into the sea, the slight coolness made Zhou Wanyi's skin shrink suddenly. Then, there was a sharp and penetrating pain at the injured part of the root of her thigh. The taste of the wound touching the sea water can be imagined. At the same time, Zhao Jianhui also gave a low, dull hum.

He was also shot in the shoulder. If he hadn't dodged quickly, the other party's shot would almost kill him. But when Zhao Jianhui shot himself, he knew with confidence that the other party was no less hurt than himself.

It seems that the other party is not ordinary people, either retired special forces soldiers or specially trained professional killers.

"Wheezing..." in the sound of the waves, the sudden wheezing sound made Zhao Jianhui's heart tight. The other party actually used a professional gun with a sight and silencer? If it weren't for the surging waves of the sea, these two shots might have killed themselves and Zhou Wanyi.

There was no time to think more. Zhao Jianhui grabbed Zhou Wanyi's body and closed his breath to sink to the water. Zhou Wanyi is wearing a skirt separated from the top and bottom today. She is soaked in the sea water. Under the buoyancy of the water, the skirt of the lower body is suspended at her waist, while the clothes of the upper body have been contracted and wrapped around her armpits, and her whole body is almost half naked.

Zhao Jianhui stretched out his arm and put his big hand back from her armpit, just holding it in front of her chest“ Gulu... "Zhou Wanyi was attacked in the chest without preparation. She had drunk several salivas in one mouth.

The salty and astringent entrance of the sea made her even more flustered. Involuntarily, she stretched out her arms and tightly hugged Zhao Jianhui around her. His legs are more like octopus, winding around Zhao Jianhui's legs.

"This stupid girl, don't you want to drown both?" I thought so, because I dived into the water, but I couldn't open my mouth to remind Zhou Wanyi.

The huge pain in the wound on his left arm also made Zhao Jianhui a little depressed. He still held a pistol without bullets in his right hand. Zhao Jianhui still insists that weapons are your second life. As a soldier, you can't lose your "life" at any time.

Anyway, now I don't have to hug myself. Zhou Wanyi hugged herself tightly. Loosened her left hand holding Zhou Wanyi, fumbled with her right hand, found a holster at her waist, inserted the pistol, and tried to swim forward with Zhou Wanyi hanging on her body

This is a golden beach. The rising sun shines on Zhou Wanyi's face with anxiety and heat. Involuntarily raised his hand and wiped his eyes. With the rotation of his body, there was a great pain in his thigh.

"Hiss..." Zhou Wanyi woke up with the air conditioner. She suddenly found herself lying naked on the beach, with waves in her ears and blue sky and white clouds overhead.

She pulled down a skirt wrapped around her waist to cover her snow-white thighs exposed in the sun. When her elbows moved, she felt a soft object pressing under her body.

"Ah..." is Zhao Jianhui?!

Zhao Jianhui lay on his back on the beach with one hand still on his lower abdomen. A small hole was broken in his left shoulder clothes, and the red blood kept coming out. It can be seen from the posture of the two people that they were lying on him just now.

"Zhao Jianhui, wake up... Wake up... Zhao Jianhui?!" Zhou Wanyi rubbed Zhao Jianhui's body and shouted Zhao Jianhui's name anxiously.

"If I hadn't taken his gun If... I don't do this exchange business with him and force him to work as a policeman, he won't die... "Seeing Zhao Jianhui motionless, tears blurred Zhou Wanyi's eyes, and she cried desperately.

"Zhao Jianhui... You... Don't die! Sobbing... "Zhou Wanyi pushed Zhao Jianhui hard. She felt that Zhao Jianhui's chest was still slightly fluctuating. Suddenly, she felt a burst of ecstasy. She bent down her head and took a deep breath. A breath with strong fragrance poured into Zhao Jianhui's mouth.

Let go and kiss... It turned out that Zhou Wanyi was giving Zhao Jianhui artificial respiration.

"Cough... What are you doing? I'm so tired. Don't you let me have a good sleep?" Zhao Jianhui didn't open his eyes at all. His weak voice was like a voice outside the sky. The blood on his shoulder flowed faster than just now, and half of his shoulder had been dyed red.

"You scared the hell out of me!" Zhou Wanyi rushed into Zhao Jianhui's arms and wept with joy like a beloved baby lost and recovered.

"Cough... Don't worry! I... still alive! Just tired and sleepy, you let me sleep a little longer... "Zhao Jianhui groaned and smiled bitterly.

After struggling with the waves for half a night, I also took a woman who fainted like an octopus. No matter how strong she is, she will feel exhausted.

What's more, Zhao Jianhui's arm was hurt? In water, blood is lost much faster than on land. Had it not been for the ultimate training, even if I had not been tired to death and faced the threat of death, I would have been scared out of my mind.

At dawn, when Zhao Jianhui climbed onto the beach with Zhou Wanyi in his arms, his spirit relaxed after the danger was relieved, and he suddenly fell on the beach.

Just now Zhou Wanyi pushed herself and gave herself artificial respiration. Zhao Jianhui felt it clearly, but his eyelids were heavy and he didn't want to open them. When he heard Zhou Wanyi crying, he spoke with Zhou Wanyi in spirit.

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