"I......" director Fang Xinxin said, who knows you are the Lengtou Qingzhao political commissar? I fucking caught up. I'm unlucky.

Zhao Jianhui turned back and said to Geng Xiaoli, "director Geng, I suggest that the police station should be well rectified. As for director Fang?..."

Director Fang raised his heart to his throat. He knew that despite Zhao Jianhui's light words, his future and destiny could be determined.

"... as for the director of this party? I suggest to dismiss him on the spot and check the cases he has handled between these sides... "Director Fang's body fell several times, and Zhao Jianhui said something later, which he couldn't hear.

On the way to McDonald's with Zhao Jianhui, Yuan Yiyi jumped and jumped happily. Sitting in a speeding Ferrari, it's hard to restrain her dancing.

"You drove that fat man away with a word? Is it true or false? Zhao Jianhui, I love you so much. You are so awesome! " From Qingxia Road police station, Yuan Yiyi has asked this sentence for the nth time. But this time, Yuan Yiyi stretched out her mouth and kissed Zhao Jianhui“ splendid! I finally got you. Even if I die tomorrow, I won't have any regrets!! "

"Yuan Yiyi, what are you doing? I'm driving now?" I shouldn't have promised her to drive a car. The girl had this idea. However, when I turned around, I saw the flower rain on Yuan Yiyi's face.

The advertisements in McDonald's are broadcast again and again. A few tiny children are dancing to the music, swaying like lovely ducklings. When one of the children made faces at us, Yuan Yiyi finally couldn't help laughing. She leaned her mouth over Zhao Jianhui's ear and said in a low voice, "that child is so naughty. I like it so much. Jianhui, promise me that whether you will marry me or not, let me give you such a lovely child. I beg you!! "

"Yuan Yiyi, how old are you this year? How can you think of such an impractical question? " Zhao Jianhui walked around his scalp and was confused by her boldness and shrewdness.

Yuan Yiyi left his mouth: "I'm 20 years old and can have children long ago, but I haven't found a man I like before."

I'm afraid it's not that simple, said Zhao Jianhui? At that time, if a man dared to climb into your bed, I was afraid that your father would chop the bold guy into meat paste. Even if you don't cut him, cut him, that's for sure.

"Yuan Yiyi, first of all, I want to tell you that I already have a girlfriend. I can't leave her and marry you. One more thing, I don't know what you like about me? I'm not handsome, and I won't make women happy without money. I don't think we're suitable. "

"Do you need a reason to like someone? I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. I know you have a girlfriend, but I just like you. What do you think I should do? Didn't I just say that even if I can't marry me, I'm willing to have your child. Don't worry, i... I'll bring up the child myself. Let him accompany me instead of you. "

Zhao Jianhui looked at Yuan Yiyi foolishly and said that the age difference between us is not big. I'm only five years older than you. Shouldn't there be a generation gap between us? Why does this girl seem a little shocking? The classic lines in a recent sketch sounded, and Zhao Jianhui almost said, "you're killing me."

"You should make it clear that I didn't open the director to help you today..."

"I know."

"We've only met now... Five times..."

"Five times. You see, how clearly you remember, you remember every time we meet... "

"I have a girlfriend, and I don't like you..."

"Well, you're half right... I can see from your eyes that you don't hate me..."

Silence, Zhao Jianhui has been defeated by Yuan Yiyi, so he had to choose silence. He devoted all his energy to the hamburger in his hand.

"You look good when you eat, very stylish and cool!!" Yuan Yiyi smiled at Zhao Jianhui and said“ I can't help you any more. Your father's business... "

"We have talked about this problem. I know he found it himself. I don't resent you, but now I have nothing. I need someone to care about me and love me. I just want you to give me a little love, just a little. I won't expect anything... "

"I'll give you five years. If you still insist on this method at that time, I will agree to your request." There was no way out, so Zhao Jianhui had to use the formula of dragging words.

"That won't work. Five years is too long, two years at most." Yuan Yiyi also gave way, but followed the bargain.

"Well, let's make a deal. I'm full. Take your time. Smoking is not allowed here. I'll go out and smoke one. " Zhao Jianhui said and stood up.

"Hmm..." Yuan Yiyi nodded vigorously, "but we can't meet each other for the past two years, can we? Now that we have established this relationship, we must meet and talk about something. "

Zhao Jianhui turned around and wanted to go. Hearing what he said, he agreed without thinking carefully: "well, you can come to me when you have something, but if there is nothing, don't disturb my life. Is that always OK?"

Yuan Yiyi then said, "if it's a boy, you can't take him." Zhao Jianhui was sweating and said in his heart, why haven't you forgotten these things?

"Hum, you can't look down on me at my age? I don't believe you can turn out my palm. " At the moment when Zhao Jianhui fled, Yuan Yiyi smiled proudly.

He ran out of the KFC store and took out a cigarette from his pocket. Before he lit it, the mobile phone in Zhao Jianhui's pocket suddenly rang.

"I'm Zhao Jianhui..." I connected my cell phone and heard Ma Xulin's voice inside. Zhao Jianhui's face suddenly became gloomy.

How is this possible? There was a prison robbery in Danshan prison in Dayang. Jia Jingshan and Yuan Ye, who were detained in the prison, were rescued. Now the task force has asked for military support.

What Ma Xulin said on the phone is vague. In fact, he is not very clear about some situations. Although he was promoted by Zhao Jianhui to the task force, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and provincial departments were mostly responsible for the detention and interrogation, and the Municipal Bureau just cooperated.

However, yangdanshan prison is heavily guarded. How can prison robbery happen?

Turning off his cell phone, Zhao Jianhui flew to the Ferrari sports car. When Yuan Yiyi came out, he had to stop and complain.

Yangdanshan prison is located at the south foot of yangdanshan mountain in the north of Huanghai city. There are high walls on the West and east sides, overlapping mountains on the north and pingye on the south. It is a special place for important prisoners in S Province.

The walls around yangdanshan prison are 7 meters high, covered with power grids, and a watchtower is built on the wall. The watchtower and the outermost gate are guarded by armed police with guns. It is really the place where one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand people can't open it.

The prison has more than 150 large and small cells, which are divided into solitary confinement and multi person detention according to the identity of prisoners and crimes committed. The largest cells are 200 square meters, and the smaller cells are also more than a dozen square meters.

For safety reasons, all permanent facilities in the prison room have been removed and polished into a circle. Wire, broken glass, rope and even cloth, as well as flammable and explosive materials... In short, all tools that may be used to commit murder, suicide and escape from prison have disappeared here. Even the walls of the recidivist cell are specially made to strictly prevent prisoners from crashing into the wall and committing suicide.

There are also three buildings with interrogation rooms in the prison. If you need to interrogate prisoners, you don't need to go out at all. It's unimaginable that the prisoner was robbed in such a tightly guarded place.

From the southern end of the coastal area where Zhao Jianhui and Yuan Yiyi eat to yangdan mountain, the nearest distance is to go north along the central trunk road of the urban area and go out of the city and directly into yangdan mountain.

Along the way, Zhao Jianhui relied on his skilled driving skills to overtake and run the red light offside, giving full play to the performance of Ferrari sports car. When he stormed out of the city, a large group of traffic police driving all kinds of vehicles had fallen far behind his ass.

Out of the city, the road was wide and there were few cars. Zhao Jianhui stepped on the accelerator and Ferrari seemed to float. The traffic police behind soon couldn't even see the bottom of the car.

When Zhao Jianhui arrived at yangdanshan prison, he saw many cars, police, fire engines and ambulances parked in front of the prison. People in police uniforms are busy in front of the door. There are several pools of blood on the guard table at the gate and not far from the guard table.

Ma Xulin, who was directing the police to investigate the scene, saw him coming and hurried to Zhao Jianhui. At this time, Zhao Jianhui learned the truth from Ma Xulin.

At this post in front of the prison gate, three armed police soldiers are usually on duty, two of them are on the post outside the gate and one is in the communication room next to the gate. One of the two soldiers on the sentry post was carrying bullets and the other was carrying a semi-automatic rifle. This is carried out in strict accordance with the principle of separating bullets from guns at higher levels.

At 11:29 a.m., a taxi stopped not far in front of the gate. A man in a light windbreaker, a black thread hat and only two eyes came out of the car.

This season, this dress was very eye-catching. The soldiers on the post immediately pointed their guns at him and shouted him not to go any further. The armed police soldier in the duty room went out of the duty room to check him. When he was about to approach the man three or four meters away, he took out a pistol, fired two shots at the two sentinels standing on the duty post on the right side of the gate, and then pointed the muzzle at the soldier on duty standing in front of him.

Watched the two soldiers who were first hit and fell to the ground blow an emergency whistle. The gangster calmly took the rifle held by the soldier with the gun in his hand, watched more than a dozen armed police soldiers run out of the door and hit two shots back, then calmly got into the taxi, turned around and fled in the direction of coming.

This was a typical one, but no one could think of it at that time. Because the armed police on guard were injured and their guns were robbed, this is an earth shaking event. The highest commander of the armed police stationed in the prison is Lieutenant Li Xiaoxu, the squadron leader of the armed police squadron. While ordering people to organize vehicles to chase the criminals, he asked people to call 120 for rescue.

Such a big thing, even the police stationed in the second line of defense were alarmed, and more than a dozen off-duty police joined the pursuit team. More than 40 people took 89 large and small vehicles to pursue along the line, and suddenly hollowed out the garrison forces in the prison.

Ten minutes later, with an earth shaking noise, the east wall of yangdanshan prison was blasted with explosives to open a gap five or six meters wide. More than a dozen guys dressed like the gangsters who robbed guns at the gate rushed into the prison, killed three guards, rescued Jia Jingshan and Yuan Ye, who were held in two adjacent rooms in the second prison area, and entered the undulating yangdanshan mountain.

In this way, the prison leaders have clearly defined the real goals of these people.

It happened that the people of the task force were interrogating Wang Xuejun in the prison. After receiving the report, they resolutely contacted the local garrison, deployed defense around yangdan mountain, shrank and surrounded on all sides, and vowed to capture this group of vicious criminals.

After listening to Ma Xulin's words, Zhao Jianhui could not help wrinkling his eyebrows. From what Ma Xulin said, it is not difficult to see that this is an organized and prepared prison robbery. Whether the other side robbed guns and killed people at the gate or blasted the prison wall, it shows that this is a gang of gangsters with practical combat experience. The psychological quality is calm, the application of weapons and explosives is skilled, and the local land type is also very familiar.

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