Chapter 191 Eighteen Magi Mine (1)

This was the strategy that the 49 demon lords rolled out their heads.

‘Let’s defeat Jeong Inwoo so that we can’t die so that we can’t participate in this ranking match!’

From the beginning, they are overwhelmingly numerous. That’s why he lures Jeong Inwoo to assault him.

You must never kill

Because if it’s not a life dictionary, it’s a big sin.

It was also a simple but sure operation.

Of course, each of them will have to polymorph to hide their identity.

Well, even if the identity was discovered, it was considered that it would not be a big problem.

Isn’t Jeong Inwoo alone?

What can you do alone?

If these 49 demon lords used their personal connections and macaws, they were able to sufficiently cover up an incident of ‘assault’.

Even if the target is the Demon King.

Moreover, if the Demon King was ranked 255th, there was nothing more to say.

“If you can’t, let’s make it so that you can’t even walk for about a year. And three months later, when Jeong Inwoo becomes the subject of the death sentence… then it is the day of his funeral.”

* * *

Long hair fluttering like waves of intense red color.

Blue eyes like a blue hole, the depth of which is unfathomable.

A straight nose as if measured with a ruler.

Her handmaiden named her ‘Mori’.

In-woo remembered her name and face.

Then one day.

Out of nowhere, Morrie said.

“Careful. Lately, the rumors have not been good.”

Then, Mori handed In-woo one of her crystal balls.

“What is this?”

“Maybe it’s a gift.”

Morrie smiled at her as she said something meaningful to her.

It was a pretty warm smile.

And after a while, a video appeared from the crystal ball.

In the video that came to mind, 49 demon kings were seen.

They were talking to each other and plotting.

All of that was contained in this crystal ball.

– If you can’t, let’s make it so that you can’t even walk for about a year. And three months later, when Jeong Inwoo becomes the subject of the death sentence… that is the day of his funeral.

Soon the video ended.


This is not an ordinary video.

It contained the scene where the demon kings were plotting to kill themselves.

However, one of the maids gave such a video.

“The demon realm is the same as the human realm. If you don’t follow the law, you become a criminal. But now, those 49 demon lords are using their power and power to commit crimes.”

“Why are you giving this to me? Who the hell are you?”

“I am Mori, whom I have longed for for a long time.”

it doesn’t make sense Furthermore, it was something that Inwoo could not understand.

However, one fact I can understand for now is:

It was that the demon lords were trying to kill him.


teeth are broken

At first, In-woo had only the rank-and-file battles in mind, so this video was inevitably shocking.

These guys are going to use whatever means they can.

“Let’s do this, shall we?”

If it came out like this, Inwoo would also be willing to choose any means and methods.An eye for an eye, an eye for a tooth.

* * *

In-woo was guided by Enone and entered the item shop of the demon realm.

He was about to prepare for the demon lords.

His types of items were quite numerous, and the stats he possessed were beyond imagination.

For example, weapons with stats comparable to that of Inwoo’s Dragonbone Greatsword were common. In addition, even the price of the item was beyond imagination.

Currently, Inwoo sold one Demon King and had 12 billion macaws, but one great sword with about 15,000 destructive power was 6 billion macaws.

In other words, two great swords were the price of one demon king.

From what I heard from Enone, more than 99% of the main customers of this store were demon lords, so the price was too high.

With this, In-woo realized the importance of Mako.

Needless to say, you have a lot of money.

‘We’ll have to postpone the weapon until later.’

Inu came to such a conclusion.

So far, the Dragonborn Greatsword is still producing enough power.

If you want to purchase a sword with even a little higher destructive power than this, a huge amount of money is broken.

Therefore, in order to spec-up at the minimum cost, the weapon was considered later.

In addition, if it becomes possible to manufacture by raising the rank in the future, it is possible to make a better weapon than this.

So, it was the armor that In-woo turned his attention to.

In fact, since Living Armor, Inwoo has not worn any kind of armor.

In Prokin and Earth, the defense-based skills were sufficient, so there was no need.

But not here.

The defense had to be as high as possible.

Aren’t 49 demon lords aiming for them?

‘Let’s see······.’

There were many types of armor.

From armor to light armor and clothing.

In particular, there was also a coat-type armor, which could be worn over it, so it seemed to be quite effective.

In-woo saw a black long coat.

[Devil’s Black Thread Coat]

Kinds ? armor

function ? Physical Defense +15%, Magic Defense +15%

add-on? Ignores all single spells below level 40.

*The masterpiece of conversion of Sua, a master craftsman in the Demon World. A coat made of devil’s thread.

How could a single piece of clothing have this kind of function?

It was surprising.

The defense was enough to slap the cheeks of any armor, not to mention the additional features.

The ability to ignore level 40 single magic.

For example, magic such as Fire Ball or Hellfire is a single magic.

It was a story that all these magics would be defended if they did not exceed level 40.

Of course, wide-area machines like Meteor and Blizzard will not be included.

Anyway, if this coat is also based on the human world, it was enough to lightly ignore the attacks of magical superhumans.

There weren’t that many superhumans who possessed level 40 or higher magic unless they were rankers.

“How much is this?”

“Yes. 3 billion macaws. His Majesty.”

The store owner answered.

In-woo bought the coat without looking at it.

This leaves Inwoo with 9 billion Mako.

Next, I turned to look at the armor.

Then something caught my eye.

It was about the size of a fist, and had the appearance of sharp thorns sticking out like the head of a mace.

Where the hell is that stuff?

In-woo held it in his hand and scanned the information.

[Magi Mines]

Kinds ? bomb

function ? If you pull out the pin and apply a certain force, it will explode.

Then, the merchant’s voice was heard.

“Majesty. It is something that needs to be handled very carefully. Never pull out a pin.”

Looking at it, this looks like a bomb.

“How powerful is it?”

“Even if you tell him to tell the Demon King, it will take a huge blow. I heard that there is no Demon King who can withstand even 10 bursts.”

So it’s almost a scam, isn’t it?

Do you think you will be able to rule the Demon Realm even if you only have a large amount of this?

Then the merchant’s explanation continued again.

“Of course, in practice, it is very difficult to use. Even if you throw it, the opponent can catch it, and in fact, there have been many precedents for that. Because of this, recently, there are occasional demons who hold this with their hands and use it to commit suicide.”


They are demons and demon lords whose physical abilities are beyond imagining, can’t you just throw them away?

Even if you summon only the soft water shield, it seems like it will bounce off.

Besides, it doesn’t seem like it will explode if you take it that way.

Therefore, it seems to be used for suicide by grabbing it with strong force.

In short, it was completely useless.

But what if you change your mind?

Quite the opposite.

Soon, a deep smile appeared on Inwoo’s lips.

“How much is this for one?”

“It’s 500 million Mako, but as I said, it’s a completely useless item unless you’re committing suicide.”

Either way, In-woo handed the remaining 9 billion macaws to the merchant.

“I will buy everything as soon as I have money.”

“Are you saying you want to buy this? haha. As a merchant, I’m sorry to say this, but if your Majesty buys this, I’m just holding a stick. It’s something that doesn’t really sell. Are you still thinking of buying it?”

“of course.”

“all right. Hmm, if it’s 9 billion macaws, that’s a total of 18.”

Number one is amazing.

It just fell to eighteen.

It seemed like it would be perfect for those demon lords who are fucking bastards.

* * *

The 49 demon lords were gathered in their temporary meeting hall.

This was an abandoned castle, where no one could see.

“Okay, there’s not much left of the sequence battle. The plan is to go ahead today.”

“okay. Jeong Inwoo All you have to do is lure him here. Currently, the castle has been renovated so that once you enter, you can never get out.”

It was as he said.

Even now, 49 demon lords gathered a huge amount of mako in this castle and installed a huge camp.

That jin was a jin that blocked movement magic such as dimensional movement gates and warp gates.

In other words, once you enter this place, you can’t escape no matter what you do.

So, if you just lure Jeong Inwoo here, he’ll be able to assault him until he becomes a half-beast.

“Actually, kidnapping would be good if it wasn’t noticeable. The best thing is to get him to come here on his own.”

“Personally, I think Plan Three would be better.”

“Ah, you’re talking about the Queen who was Jeong Inwoo’s woman? A plan to kidnap that bitch and bring in Jeong Inwoo. Right?”

“Yeah, that.”

“I also think that is the easiest and fastest way.”

“Then do it. Let’s put it into action right now.”

bum- bum-

But then, footsteps were heard from this castle where they were everything.

“Shh. Someone is coming.”“Who the hell are you?”

The 49 demon lords were all holding their breath like children caught in bad deeds.

No, it’s true that I got caught trying to do something bad.

bum- bum-

The sound of footsteps gradually drew closer.


Then, the wooden door of the conference room where they were staying began to slowly open.

Immediately, the 49 demon lords looked between the open doors, and their eyes widened at the same time.

“crazy! Jeong Inwoo?”

“Jeong Inwoo?”


Each of them seemed to be greatly surprised, and a look of confusion prevailed.

Then they quickly came to their senses.

“Pu ha ha! Jeong Inwoo! Did the liver come out of the stomach? I don’t know how you got to know me, but as long as you’re here, you won’t be safe.”

What the hell is that bullshit?

What did Jeong Inwoo believe in coming to the middle of the enemy camp where 49 demon lords were gathered?

A question hit my head, but no matter how much I thought about it, there was only one answer.

Jeong Inwoo walks in on his own feet, and he is assaulted until he turns into a half-beast today.


After a while, 49 demon lords stood up, each one of them.

And I started walking slowly towards the place where Jeong Inwoo was.

And then.

Finally, Inwoo’s lips were opened for the first time.

“You better stop.”

Then, In-woo opened the coat he was wearing wide open.


Then, in the eyes of the demon kings, round objects hanging on the coat appeared.

Immediately, the eyes of the demon kings opened wide.

“I, that one!”

“Magi Mines!?”

“That crazy bastard!! I’m here with a magic mine!”

When the guys were terrified, In-woo laughed.

“As you can see, you won’t be able to beat me. If that happens, I will explode.”

Are you prepared to commit suicide?

What the hell is that bullshit?

“Hey, you crazy…!”

It was just as Jeong Inwoo said.

As long as I couldn’t do anything about that magic bomb, I couldn’t even touch the tip of Jeong Inwoo’s hair.

Of course Jeong Inwoo would die too, but he didn’t seem to care at all.

he’s really crazy

How ignorant to use that huge bomb like that.

Then Jeong Inwoo stepped forward.

Then the demon lords took a step back.



In-woo, who stopped at some point, shouted while stroking the magic bomb hanging on the inside of the coat.

“Kneel down! You fucking bastards! Before you blow it all up!”

Meanwhile, In-woo shoved a magic bomb into his mouth to create a dramatic scene.

“If you mess around with it, I will eat it right away! Kneel down!!”

The 49 demon kings were at a loss for words.

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