Chapter 208 kick (1)

Baal walked away with his back on his back, and In-woo followed him.

The two quickly escaped the Demon King’s Castle.

Baal walked a long way across the garden.

In-woo, who had been following silently, asked.

“Where are you going? What are you going to show me?”

“Follow me and you will know.”

Baal, this child lacks kindness.

In a certain sense, it seemed to be of the same class as In-woo.

Well, to sum it up in one word, without complicating it, it was unlucky.

‘A gloomy, bad-tempered bastard.’

In-woo was thinking that as he looked at the back of Baal who was wearing a black coat.

But then, Baal flinched.

Seeing that, In-woo smirked without realizing it and asked casually.

“What, why all of a sudden?”

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

After finishing his words, Baal stroked his stomach.

At first glance, something like a bandage was sticking out of the clothes.

“Did you get hit by Lucifer?”

“He also did not escape safely.”

Is it like that?

But, it’s like a guy with a reputation for being number one in the demon world doesn’t take good care of his wounds.

something was funny

That’s a wound that can be healed with just one Essence of Power.

Well, even so, Inwoo had no intention of giving Baal the essence of his precious power.

He was just curious.

“Why didn’t the wound heal? Aren’t there any potions in the Demon King Castle?”

“I am doing this to be remembered for a long time. Also, so as not to be indolent.”

What’s with all these perverts?

Inu thought so.

Baal was treating himself harshly.

That’s way too much.

Hell, he’s such a venomous guy, so he must have risen to the top of the demon realm.

He has something different from others.

Because of that, in the eyes of others, that something only looked like a very meaningless struggle.

Why are they suffering, no, why are they buying and suffering?

Inu also had great things like poison and venom, but Baal was almost morbid.

If that’s the case, maybe you have a psychotic level of self-hatred.

A self-loathing person who can’t become a Demon God at all costs… … . That kind of self-hatred.

In-woo’s expression relaxed as if he had somehow felt pity. And he pursued Baal without saying a word.

Today’s Baal is very favorable to Inwoo.

It would never be to treat Inwoo with bad intentions.

If he had bad intentions in the first place, he wouldn’t have laid him down on his own Demon Castle for treatment.

think for a moment.

Suddenly, Baal stopped walking.

“It is here.”

At that word out of the blue, In-woo looked around.

But all he could see was a vast meadow.

What do you mean?

“What are you going to do here?”

At that question, Baal raised his index finger and pointed at his feet.

“Can’t you see?”

In-woo followed Baal’s fingertips and looked down.

Then something caught my eye.A meadow full of bushes.

In the middle of it, something like black smoke was rising.

What the hell is this?

Baal’s voice was heard, as if trying to answer the question.

“God’s dungeon, that’s the entrance.”

“… God’s Dungeon?”

“okay. The entry requirements are very strict. A being endowed with divine power. In other words, it’s a place that only you and Lucifer can enter.”

Baal had a bitter face for some reason.

Because it was an area he couldn’t enter at all costs.

“Do you remember the coat Lucifer was wearing?”

Of course I remembered.

Lucifer had defended against Baal’s attack by spreading the hem of his long coat like a bat’s wings.

At the time, In-woo wondered what kind of power that item had, so that it had such a nonsensical defense.

“All items that Lucifer possesses are in the dungeon of the gods. They are also items obtained by entering this place in the past.”

“… It’s a great place.”

“ Jeong Inwoo. If I had known in the first place that you were endowed with divine power, I would have brought you here right away. You are different from Lucifer.”

It’s different from Lucifer.

The last word contained an unexpected trust.

Inu was hot.

If you think about it, Inwoo is not much different from Lucifer.

He himself also tried to kill all the demon kings in the demon realm.

But Baal was unaware of that fact.

That’s probably why you say things like that.

“If I’m not very different from Lucifer, then what?”

In-woo looked at Baal and asked.

Baal replied with a grin.

“Then I will kill you.”

“… … .”

It is an issue to consider.

It must be pointed out that

Can I think of the Demon Lords of the Demon Realm as mere chunks of experience?

Inu frowned.

Wasn’t it just because he gave experience points, and furthermore, because the demons entered, they defined it as evil and grabbed them all?

No, no.

In fact, some demon lords were evil.

There was a madman who tried to swallow Earth and Prokin,

There were some guys who were conspiring with each other in order to hit Inwoo first.

In-woo did not get fooled by this, but rather hit the back of the head.

He gained enormous experience, and he leveled up tremendously.

So, back to the point, were they evil?

should I have died?

‘of course.’

At least according to Inwoo’s standards, it is an evil that deserves death.

In-woo has always responded that way.

This was Inwoo’s belief.

Killing the arguing and dangerous people without even looking at them.

If he had survived, he would have been stabbed in the back at some point.

That’s how I was able to survive all this time.

Had he had the same mindset as a batted cotton bat, he would have been betrayed and died right away, or he would have died because of the dagger bread.

In order to face ‘evil’, you have to have some ‘evil’.

Good is only a protection in the face of evil.

Evil always uses any means and means, and the good that opposes it always loses something.

Therefore, in order to fight evil, we have to become evil.

This was the belief that In-woo has kept until now.

Eventually, In-woo looked at Baal clearly and said.

“I will tell you one thing. I will treat you as an enemy, no matter how good you may be, if you expose his claws for a moment.”

“It is the same with me. Jeong Inwoo.”

“Yes, we are neither friends nor enemies. I am grateful for the favor you have given me this time.”

“I am also just using you to fight Lucifer.”

The two looked at each other as if they were about to fight.

Then Baal spoke first.

“Now go in, Jeong Inwoo. To the dungeon of the gods.”

Inu nodded his head.

Then I moved to the place where the black smoke was rising.

Then I asked myself.

“However… How do you get in here?”

“That’s it, I don’t know. It is a place where only beings with divine powers can enter.”

right then

The smoke engulfed In-woo’s body at once.

Push woo woo woo woo.

The next moment, Jeong Inwoo’s body was seen in the meadow.

Jeong Inwoo was motionless like a corpse.

Baal squatted in front of him and touched Inu’s pulse.

There was no pulse.

“Looks like you got in safely.”

After a while, a swarm of white lights began to wrap around Jeong Inwoo’s body.

Whoa whoa-

Until Jeong Inwoo comes out of God’s Dungeon, no one can do any harm to this body.

After confirming this, Baal immediately headed to the Demon Realm Temple.

There, the meeting of the 72 Demon Lords was to be held.

Very important, the meeting.

* * *

[You have entered the ‘God’s Dungeon’.][All items including artifacts are disabled.][All physical abilities are temporarily reset, and they remain in effect until you return.][All passive skills are disabled.][All active skills cannot be used.][All demon king’s powers cannot be used.]

“What is this?”

As soon as I entered, I heard a beep.

And I felt that the enormous power in my body had disappeared.

In-woo hurriedly called the status window.

Level: 1

Stats: [Strength 15] [Agility 12] [Magic 8] [Health 18]

Undistributed points: 0

[EXP 0 / 100]

– Cannot be used.

– The function is turned off.

– Cannot be used.

there was nothing.

There were no skills, no items, or anything.

All abilities seemed to be reset in this dungeon.

It seems that at the same time as entering, ‘physical ability is temporarily reset’, ‘this is valid until you return to the outside.’

In other words, it means that it is a temporary initialization phenomenon to the last.It was that in the dungeon of the gods, he could not use his abilities that had taken off from the human world or the demon world.

As long as you don’t go outside, this will be valid.

No, then how do you clear this dungeon?

If it’s level 1, it’s just a normal person.

To put it simply, Inwoo is just an adult male with better motor skills than others.

Of course, no matter how hard he was, he had the confidence not to lose even if he fought dozens of adult men.

Because In-woo’s combat sense and experience were that great.

But that doesn’t help much.

At least in front of the monster.

This is not the time for him to be like this.

In-woo quickly scanned the entire scene of the dungeon.

Overall, it looked like a cave.

It was very large, about 5 meters in diameter, and the surroundings were bright enough to secure a view.

Also, the back was blocked off, and it was in the form of a damn cave, with the only option being forward.

Okay, let’s go first.

Inu walked out slowly.

– Wow.

At that moment, the cry of the monster was heard in front of me.

At the same time, In-woo’s face rotted.

“ha. I will turn.”

* * *

Magical Temple.

72 Demon Kings were gathered here.

No, to be precise, it was the 71 Demon Lords.

Said Bassago, number three.

“This battle with Lucifer has brought sacrifices.”

Everyone had a gloomy face.

Due to Lucifer’s final blow, Andromalius, number 72 in the Demon World, died.

This was a very big problem.

72 The Demon King was nothing more than the Demon Realm itself.

These were the legendary demon kings who had been with the past history of the demon realm.

They occupied an absolute position to the extent that the ranks had hardly ever changed.

However, one of them, Andromalius, died.

As a result, Andromalius’s ‘No.72 Mark of the Demon King’s Castle’ lost his owner.

Again, Bassago said.

“I think I have expressed my condolences enough. Now, let’s talk about who will be seated in the seat of the 72nd Demon King.”

And then, Baal, who had been sitting still, opened his mouth.

“There is nothing to talk about.”

============================ Review work ===================== =========

Arahess Is your company? I really want to go and eat it hahaha (Seriously)

炫。 – Whoa! 1000 times!? We will work hard. haha..!

escalate ? If it’s 100 albums, it’s not easy to guess.

leusteria? Is there heating in that basement…?

Anna ? Yes, even 5 times a week. Still, thank you for watching.^^

Coffee withdrawal? Drip dumplings make you feel good whenever you hear them (?) because it means that you enjoy watching them as much as you do. thank you. ^^

dolphins? Yes. It will be incredibly difficult. So, you have to roll it around. cancer.

Candice ? It’s not a team, it’s a team, it’s like a team, Baal and Jeong Inwoo. haha

Yant ? In fact, I am most proud when we communicate like this. Thank you always. ^^

Chukske ? Thank you always, sir. ^^

Heims-chan? Italian food!? Come to think of it, is your ID a chef?

Park Ha-on? It seems impossible right now haha ​​So, Inwoo, roll!

This is a comment as of 02.06 PM 5 PM!

Thank you always. ^^


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