Fairy Palace

Chapter 1853: Ash body

Upon seeing this, the guard introduced Ye Tian into the city lord's mansion.

As soon as he entered, Ye Tian used his divine sense to investigate the structure of the City Lord's Mansion.

The wandering of the divine consciousness will always stop as if imprisoned in some places, and then continue to sweep the city lord's mansion.

"Could it be that...My Sea of ​​Consciousness is not the same as the Divine Consciousness shielding here, so this caused this situation?" Ye Tian made a preliminary conclusion, and at the same time the structure of the City Lord's Mansion also emerged in his mind.

This City Lord’s Mansion has three floors, each floor covering a full area of ​​nearly one acre, and the higher it goes, the less. At this moment, there is a powerful ability to fluctuate in a certain room on the top floor.

Thinking about it, the guard led Ye Tian to the third floor and knocked on the door.

"My Lord, the person who just came to visit you, I brought you here." The guard said in a low voice, as if for fear of irritating the people inside.

"Retreat," the man inside said, and then the door opened suddenly, "Let him in first."

Ye Tian was helped into a room, and until this moment, his consciousness was completely imprisoned.

"This should be a special room..." Ye Tian pondered.

"The blindfold can be removed," the city lord said.

Hearing that, Ye Tian naturally took off these troublesome blindfolds and lowered the hats again.

I looked at this room a little bit, and there was nothing special about it, except that the walls were all made of a purple material. Perhaps this was the reason why the divine consciousness was imprisoned.

The rest is nothing special. There is nothing in this room except two futons.

The city lord made a gesture of inviting you to sit, but Ye Tian declined. He knew that there were many inconveniences in sitting down.

"You said, you caught Jiang Yicheng? Is it alive or dead? Can you let me see it?" The city lord struck a series of questions.

Ye Tian was not vague, and said, "Let me see the reward you mentioned first, otherwise I won't pay it."

The city lord's face was condensed, but he still took out a storage bag from his waist.

This kind of bag is usually specially used to hold things outside the body such as Zhizhenshi, Ye Tian can recognize it at a glance.

"This place confines the divine consciousness, how do you make me sure that there are half a million Supreme Stones in it?" Ye Tian was a bit dissatisfied.

After all, the opening of the storage bag requires a small amount of divine consciousness as a switch. Right now divine consciousness is completely imprisoned, how can we find out the specific amount?

There was dissatisfaction in the city lord’s eyes, but he still snapped his fingers helplessly, the purple walls around them gradually turned white, and Ye Tian’s consciousness was slowly released.

Just a glance away, Ye Tian determined the amount of 500,000.

"Now, can I hand in someone?" the city lord asked, his tone becoming extremely dissatisfied.

It seemed that he didn't believe that Ye Tian had caught Jiang Yicheng at all.

But confirming that the payment is indeed correct, but Ye Tian's consistent style has not completely confirmed that he would not hand over his own goods before.

"My Lord, have you forgotten something?" Ye Tian wiped the storage ring in his hand. "The one in my hand is a living person."

Immediately afterwards, the city lord threw out another paper document with array symbols on it. To be honest, Ye Tian couldn't understand.

However, the fetal spirit jumped out at this time, looked at the formation talisman on the document, and said, "Ah, this is not contract law!"

"What is contract law?"

"It's similar to the formation of a contract. Once one of the two parties breaches the contract, they will suffer from heaven and karma. But this formation is also the most basic formation." Fetal Spirit said.

Ye Tian nodded when he heard the words, and carefully checked the paper document.

The information written on it is very simple. After signing the contract, Ye Tian must provide the living person Jiang Yicheng to the city lord, otherwise he will accept the catastrophe and die completely.

The city lord, after Ye Tian provided Jiang Yicheng, had to give half a million to reach stones and runes for the trial of the void gate, otherwise he would accept the heavenly calamity and completely die from consciousness.

It seems not bad?

Ye Tian nodded and input a ray of his own spiritual sense in. At the same time, the city lord also input a ray of his own spiritual sense.

The contract is successfully signed, and the transaction is now on an equal footing. Ye Tian released that Jiang Yicheng from the storage ring in his hand, and Jiang Yicheng just came forward and wanted to escape.

It's a pity that the city lord's reaction was also very quick. With a snap of his fingers, the walls all around turned purple.

The imaginary Jiang Yicheng ran into the wall.

"This is specifically for you." Seeing the real Jiang Yicheng appear, the city lord's eyes became quite interesting for a while.

"Now, you can leave." The city lord threw a runestone to Ye Tian, ​​the whole body was purple.

Ye Tian could perceive the powerful force contained in it with just a little induction, and that force was communicating with him and going to a certain place.

"So, the Void Gate needs me to find it myself?" Ye Tian said in surprise.

The city lord nodded: "The power in this runestone will guide you to the Void Gate. But where the Void Gate is, no one will know except yourself."

"Everyone's runestones have a unique void gate, so you don't have to worry about someone damaging your gate."

Ye Tian nodded when he heard the words, pushed open the door and left.

At the moment of parting, Ye Tian vaguely saw Jiang Yicheng, who was already imprisoned, with the killing intent flashing in his eyes.

"By the way, what exactly is this Void Gate?" Fetal Spirit shook his legs, basking in the sun leisurely on Ye Tian's shoulders.

"I don't know." Ye Tian tried to find out the location of the Void Gate, "In short, it's a great opportunity."

The coordinates of the Void Gate came into Ye Tian's mind in an instant.

"Yes." Ye Tian curled his eyebrows and found the door of the void, it seemed that it was not as difficult as he imagined.

Ye Tian only had two hours left before and after. Fortunately, the journey was not far away, and it only took about an hour to arrive.

It's not that Ye Tianguang needs an hour to use the speed, mainly because he doesn't know the geographical location, and without the surrounding scenery, it is inevitable that he will take some detours.

"In a state, there are two trial people." Ye Tian pondered, "Since the two choices are in the hands of the city lord, naturally one will be given to his direct descendants?"

While thinking about it, a silver needle came silently behind Ye Tian.

A clear sound of "Ping" sounded, the silver needle did not penetrate into Ye Tian's body, but was bounced out by the Demon Cinder.

"Who?!" Ye Tian quickly found a figure in the area where he maximized his consciousness in an instant.

Now, his location is extremely remote, and it is not easy to find himself.

This just shows that the other party has come prepared and directed at oneself.

"My whereabouts have been exposed?" Ye Tianming asked himself, there were no traces of where he walked, not to mention that he walked so fast that ordinary people couldn't see him, right?

For the safety of going to the Void Gate later, Ye Tian hesitated and chose to arrest this person who wanted to hurt him first.

Otherwise, it will not be worth the loss if you only make wedding gowns at that time.

Anyway, the time is still nearly two hours, and the gate of the void is close at hand.

The other party fled quickly and kept escaping in the forest, for fear of being caught by Ye Tian. It's a pity that there is still too much difference, Ye Tian just came to that person in a moment.

Ye Tian squeezed the arm of the man in front of him tightly and asked, "Who are you? Who sent you here? Is it specifically to deal with me?"

A series of questions were asked, but the other party didn't mean to answer at all.

"Don't tell me?" Ye Tian's mouth evoked a strange arc, he was good at extorting a confession by torture.

After all, Divine Sense Inspection had already told Ye Tian that the opponent's strength was far below him.

As Ye Tian's strength increased, the man wailed, but he still didn't mean to say anything.

The man just gritted his teeth, then broke his arm and threw a silver needle again.

Ye Tian threw away the only arm in his hand and spit: "It's so cruel."

The distance was too close, and the silver needle immediately plunged into Ye Tian's chest.

The Silver Needle did enter Ye Tian's body, but the moment it entered, it was wrapped and swallowed by Demon Cinders.

"You will die soon." The man finally said something. At this moment, he clutched his arms and made a gloomy smile, "That's the poisonous needle that the wasteland can't resist! Cough cough...in a quarter of an hour, you will die. undoubtedly!"

Ye Tian felt a little amused. It seemed that the other party didn't know about his invincible physique.

"If so, it's good." Ye Tian used Devil Cinder to completely imprison the man. As the space continued to shrink, the man had to squat inside and curl up in a ball.

"Ahem... If you think you can change something by torturing me... Then you are very wrong! If you kill me in time, I will have no cure!" The man's mission has been completed, even if he died here, he There will be no complaints.

It's just that if you can find a way to save your life, it's better to save your life.

Ye Tian let the Devil Cinder enter the man's ears, nose, mouth, and even every pore of his body, with Devil Cinder infiltrating.

Suddenly, the man seemed to pierce his heart with ten thousand arrows, frantically struggling to escape from the already low Devil Cinder cage, as if he was about to break through that cage at any time.

But only Ye Tian knew that it was at least 10,000 years before he broke through the Demon Cinder Cage.

"Come on, tell me what I asked, maybe you don't need to die. At least, you don't need to die so miserably." Ye Tian transformed the devil into a sword with countless barbs on its head. It makes people feel painful when they get up.

For this kind of person who wants to kill him, Ye Tian naturally won't show any mercy to him.

"Anyway...you are a dying person...tell...you can do it..." the man forcibly contained his pain, gritted his teeth and said, "please...untie this cage..."

Ye Tian waved his hand, the cage disappeared suddenly, and even the devil embers that had penetrated into the man's body surfaced.

"Quickly, don't want to delay my time." Ye Tian pointed at the man with a sword, and at the same time there were some Devil Cinders imprisoned at the man's feet.

In this way, you are not afraid of the man running away.

And a quarter of an hour will soon pass. If the man delays the time and causes a quarter of an hour to arrive, and sees that Ye Tian is not dead, it is unknown whether the other party will tell the news.

"Yes... the city lord sent me... I'm just a Tier 1 prisoner... the lord said... take back the ultimate stone and runestones from you, and the runestones can belong to...my hands."

"Although I am...a death row prisoner, there is still a...daughter. I want to...give her to accept better...opportunities."

Ye Tian nodded, with a hint of playfulness in his tone: "In other words, your daughter, is it near here, right?"

The man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something, so he hurriedly ran to Ye Tian's face.

"Please... I beg you... You can kill me. Kill me as much as you want. Put me in that cage... As long as you don't hurt my daughter!" The man was crying and he was very scared. , I was afraid that my daughter would die because I said one more sentence.

However, at this time, a slender woman walked out from behind the tree.

"Kill him." The woman said to Ye Tian, ​​her tone and eyes showing no mercy.

Ye Tian felt a little funny. How could his daughter want someone to kill his father?

At this time, the man's eyes became desperate, but he still clung to Ye Tian's trousers, begging him not to kill his daughter.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ye Tian asked the woman regardless of the man's begging for mercy.

"I don't want to admit that he is my father!" The woman bit her finger, and immediately blood dripped from her hand. "He was arrested because he killed my mother!"

Hearing this, the man turned his head and looked at his daughter. He was still holding Ye Tian's trousers tightly with his hands. He burst into tears and said, "Xuan'er... Dad is sorry for you. Dad is wrong. Dad shouldn't. Listen to their nonsense..."

Before the "ding" was over, something on the man's body made a crisp sound.

A quarter of an hour has come.

The man turned his head and looked at Ye Tian again, his tone was full of horror: "You...Why are you still not dead?"

As soon as the voice fell, a breeze blew by, and the man turned into a skeleton in an instant, and his body was swallowed by Ye Tian.

Seeing this scene, the woman's eyes suddenly became erratic, and even the person almost couldn't stand firm.

She just felt that her father deserved to die, but she didn't expect that death would be so miserable.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Ye Tian looked at the woman. At this moment, he had the time to look at the other party.

"You want to kill or pluck, whatever you want." The woman still had tears in her eyes, "In this world, I have no relatives either."

"No interest." Ye Tian said, before turning into a gust of wind, he went to the gate of the void.

Only the woman was left messy in the wind.

The gates of the void are quite peculiar in length, and most of them are hiding in some unknown corners. Ye Tian's hands are a portal hiding in a cave.

Ye Tian looked at the scenery in front of him slightly. This was an unnatural cave, which should have been opened by a certain monk temporarily hiding. The outside was piled with stones, as if he wanted to cover up the original cave.

"There won't be anyone in there, right?" Ye Tian destroyed the stone after three times, and the cave was exposed in front of his eyes.

What to say, there are people in the cave, but they are already sitting down, only a skeleton is left, and a book of exercises is placed in front of it.

"This is..." Ye Tian picked it up, only to see the words'Tongtian Jue-Fragments' written vaguely on it.

The words above are crooked, and the same is true when you open them, as if they were copied by someone.

Ye Tian took this technique into his storage ring.

Anyway, the space of the ring in his hand was so big that Ye Tian couldn't imagine it. With his spiritual knowledge, he couldn't find the edge?

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