Fairy Palace

Chapter 1916: evergreen

"What's the matter?" The black-bearded man who noticed the strange followed Lu Wenbin's sight, but he didn't find anything strange, he said curiously.

"There seems to be something wrong!" Lu Wenbin said with a slight frown.

The black-bearded man looked carefully again and found that it was just an ordinary wood with dense weeds, with a look of doubt on his face.

Lu Wenbin's spiritual energy spread out, turning into several cyclones to lift his figure, and his whole person flew up into the sky like a big bird, flying straight to the place he was observing.

The black-bearded man was puzzled, but he still took control of the wind and followed Lu Wenbin.

After a while, the two fell into the weeds in the forest one after another.

Lu Wenbin observed from left to right, his eyes condensed suddenly at a certain place, three steps and two steps forward.

The waist-high weeds were separated, revealing Ye Tian lying on the ground.

He closed his eyes, as if he was just asleep peacefully, but the heavy rain around him kept pouring down, letting Lu Wenbin and the man with black beard who saw him know that things are definitely not that simple.

"He's dead," the black-bearded man looked at Ye Tian, ​​shook his head slightly, and made a judgment.

"The time of death shouldn't be long, and it doesn't look like there was any trauma. Maybe he died of illness and was thrown here." Lu Wenbin nodded.

In the eyes of the two of them, Ye had no breath at this time, and his vitality was cut off, let alone just a mortal. In this case, there would be no other possibility besides death.

Lu Wenbin looked at Ye Tian for a while, then averted his gaze and focused on the flourishing flowers and trees around him.

It was only an accident to find Ye Tian here, and it was the flowers and trees around that made Lu Wenbin curious.

Taking a casual look on the boat just now, Lu Wenbin saw that the flowers and trees here seemed to be quite spiritual.

In Lu Wenbin's eyes, this feeling should only be possessed by some extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth.

But now I came to observe and found that the flowers and trees in this area seemed to be slightly more prosperous than the others. Other than that, there was nothing special.

They are just ordinary mundane plants.

What's more, when you look closely, the aura of heaven and earth here is extremely thin, and it can even be said to be barren.

This situation made Lu Wenbin judge in his heart.

The glance just now was probably just an illusion.

"It should be that the upcoming temple puts too much pressure on my heart..." This thought flashed through Lu Wenbin's heart, and he sighed slightly.

"Go back," Lu Wenbin greeted and flew back to the boat on the river.

The black-bearded man left behind.

In the consciousness of the sea, Ye Tian Jing's consciousness relaxed a little.

These two men should be the first human beings approached after Ye Tian came here, and they were also two monks.

The cultivation base of these two people is not high, in the late stage of Qi training and the early stage of foundation building, but for Ye Tian, ​​who has not yet awakened the previous spirit, it is still completely impossible to match.

But Ye Tian is now a real mortal, even a strong man in the real immortal stage, he can't find his sleeping spirit and weak consciousness.

If there are no accidents, it is considered safe.

The heavy rain that was still continuing soon completely covered up the traces of Lu Wenbin and the black-bearded man.

The raindrops hit Ye Tian's sleeping body, and the rain raged on his pale cheeks that were solidified like a sculpture, and finally all flowed down the river, quietly, and returned to the earth.

The continuous heavy rain lasted for more than a month before it gradually stopped.

In rain after rain, the weather gradually became cooler, and autumn arrived in the cool breeze.

The surrounding flowers and trees gradually began to be stained with withered yellow, and the fallen leaves fluttered, completely burying Ye Tian on the ground.

However, the weeds within nine feet of Ye Tian's body were still green for a long time, and it seemed that they had not sensed the seasonal weather changes outside.

Occasionally, the boats on the river and the pedestrians on the official road on the opposite bank notice the strangeness here from afar, but people only regard it as a small accident during the journey, and no one is curious to delve into it.

During the long time, of course there were some monks who passed by, but apart from Lu Wenbin at the time, no one could see the weirdness anymore, and naturally they would not devote extra energy to them.

After autumn, winter comes.

In the heavy snow, except for the upright trees, the weeds and the Ye Tian in between were completely covered up, and there was no trace anymore.

The place where Ye Tian slept was forgotten by the whole world.

As winter goes and spring comes, the snow melts and the ice opens, and the weeds here turn green very quickly.

Strictly speaking, in the past autumn and winter, this piece of weeds did not turn yellow at all, but maintained a green vigor.

Just like Ye Tian’s clothes, even if Ye Tian didn’t deliberately change anything before, even if Ye Tian’s cultivation was completely lost and turned into a mortal, his spiritual roots are still there. The clothes on his body, the surrounding flowers and trees, As long as it takes a long time, it will still be affected and nourished unconsciously and silently.

Become mundane.

Day after day, year after year.

Affected by Ye Tian, ​​the range of flowers and trees that began to become evergreen became larger and larger.

The first year is three feet, the second year is six feet, and the third year is nine feet.

With a fixed distance of three feet per year, it spreads outward.

Ten years have passed, and there has been a radius of thirty feet, flowers and plants evergreen, and trees evergreen.

Even from a distance across the river, it has become extremely obvious here.

Whether it is in the late autumn when everything is dying, or in the cold winter covered with ice and snow, the plants in this area are full of vitality and majestic hair.

More and more pedestrians, even monks, have come here to explore because of curiosity, but no one can reach Lu Wenbin's eyesight. They have not found any abnormalities and can only classify them as unknown.

Not to mention that in the second year, because of the relationship between fallen leaves and floating dust, Ye Tian's sleeping body was already buried underneath, and the sky was not visible.

Then, as the years passed, Ye Tian was buried deeper and deeper, completely disappearing.

Now even if someone is standing where Ye Tian is sleeping, he can't be seen at all.

Gradually, starting with a group of boatmen and coachmen who often pass by, a name was given to this place, called Changqingtan, and it spread slowly.

Twenty years later, when Ye Tian slept here for a full thirty years, centered on the place where he slept, the range of undiminished weeds had reached a full hundred feet.

The real riverbanks are connected together.

Beside the official road on the opposite bank, I don’t know when it started. A stone stele was erected at a height of ten feet high. On it was carved three characters: Evergreen Beach.

In the vicinity of the stele along the official road, some restaurants, tea stalls, and even small temporary piers were scattered.

Whether it is the pedestrians passing by on the official road or the boat passing by in the river, when the itinerary is not so stressful, people are accustomed to resting here for a while and watching this amazing sight in their eyes.

Especially in the seasons of late autumn and cold winter, everything withered and fell into silence, but on the opposite side of the evergreen beach, flowers and grasses, lush trees, not afraid of cold and wind and snow, stood proudly, which made people sigh.

The deceased is so reluctant to give up day and night.

In the vicissitudes and alterations of the cycle of heaven and earth, a hundred years have passed by.

After a busy day, Zhan Yongfu finally watched the last batch of goods settled on the ship and left the dock.

He sat down on the dock, took out the smoking pot, filled it with tobacco, lit it with a fire fold, took a beautiful breath, and let out a comfortable breath.

Accompanied by the curling green smoke, Zhan Yongfu’s old eyes looked around the Ningkang River flowing by. As the sky got darker, the lights came on and reflected in the river water, accompanied by the undulating currents. sparkle.

"Ding Ding Ding," someone ran up and stepped on the overhead wooden plank with a crisp sound.

"Grandpa, it's dinner," said a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy with dark skin and bright eyes, stopping behind Zhan Yongfu.

"Come on," Zhan Yongfu replied, putting his dry lips on the cigarette holder that was smoked brown, and spit out a cloud of smoke in the sound of puffing.

The young man waited quietly, his gaze fell on the Ningkang River that was gradually shrouded in the night.

"There is a weird ship!?" Suddenly, the young man's eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise, pointing upstream.

"What kind of weird ship?" Zhan Yongfu mumbled while looking at the direction the boy was pointing. He didn't see anything.

"It's a big ship!" The young man stared into the distance, his eyes full of wonder: "It runs so fast! I have never seen such a fast ship!"

"You haven't seen a lot of things," Zhan Yongfu said casually, but the expression on his face has become serious.

The eyesight of the youth is one of the best in this evergreen city built along the Ningkang River, and it has been recognized by everyone.

Therefore, Zhan Yongfu knew that his grandson shouldn't be talking casually.

Sure enough, Zhan Yongfu soon saw that in the upper reaches of the Ningkang River, there was really a huge ship, cutting through the wind and waves at a speed that made him such an old boatman who had spent his entire life on the water unimaginable. Coming!

The sails above the ship were full of drums, and this was what surprised Zhan Yongfu.

Today’s Ningkang River has sparse moons and sparse stars, calm waves, and extremely low wind. How could it be possible to swell the sails to that extent? !

As the ship approached very quickly, it was gradually possible to see that there were three floors above the ship's deck, with carved beams and painted buildings, extremely exquisite and prosperous, brightly lit, noisy and lively, and from far away, human voices could be heard.

Looking at this unreasonable ship, Zhan Yongfu also felt surprised.

After this ship came to the river where the pier is located, the sail that was bulged to the limit suddenly turned over and bulged backwards.

It's as if suddenly there was another strong wind that was completely opposite!

As a result, the speed of the big ship dropped extremely quickly.

Then, he turned around, and came to the dock here.

Seeing these strange images one after another, Zhan Yongfu remained motionless, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"This boat is really amazing!" The young man behind him widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"Could it be...?" Zhan Yongfu whispered softly, as if trying to remember something.

"Grandpa, have you ever seen such a powerful boat?" Not only did the young man have very strong eyesight, his ears were also very sensitive, and he heard Zhan Yongfu's self-talk.

"I see, it's what you often talk about. When you were my age, you saw the boat that the fairy who went to the sanctuary took?!" The young man thought a little, his eyes brightened and exclaimed.

"Yes!" At this point, Zhan Yongfu's face also showed a trace of pride.

"That should have happened sixty years ago..." Zhan Yongfu said as he looked at the brightly lit prosperous ship across the river.

"At that time, I was about the same size as you now, and the boat is exactly the same as the one in front of us now. It is as fast as a bird flying in the sky, passing through the Ningkang River!"

"This first ship passes by every sixty years. My grandfather and my grandfather's grandfather have also seen it."

"It's just that they, including me when I was young, just saw the boat hurriedly passing by, stopping like today, and being so close, this is the first time since the legend!" Zhan Yongfu said with some excitement.

During the conversation between the grandfather and grandson, on the boat parked on the river, suddenly a figure flew up into the sky like a meteor rising from the sky, looking down from a condescending position, seeming to be observing the masses of beings below.

The figure naturally stepped into the air, and between the gestures, there was a kind of exquisite temperament that was detached from the world, looking at the world, as if everything was stepped on by him lightly, so that people just watch from a distance, and they can’t help their heart. respect.

Zhan Yongfu looked up from a distance, his heart was full of excitement, and he couldn't speak.

The boy next to him was full of yearning.

"I want to go to the sanctuary too!"

"I want to be a fairy too!"

The boy couldn't help muttering to himself.

"I don't want to be an immortal..." The old man said casually with a smile, and then turned his attention to the immortal in the air, forgetting the young man's rhetoric for a moment, and he didn't care at all.

The figure in the air is a middle-aged man. He looks quite old, with gray hair and a rickety back.

The vicissitudes of life looked at the mortal city and the river with thousands of lights below.

There is also a lush forest and grassland on the other side of the river.

"It's been five hundred years. I didn't expect that a large-scale human city has already appeared here!" The man slowly muttered to himself.

The conversation between the grandfather and grandson on the dock below was also heard by him, causing the middle-aged man's eyes to narrow slightly, revealing a deep emotion.

He seemed to have seen him who was also on this river five hundred years ago, on his way to the church for the first time.

At that time, he was young and proud, heroic and talented, full of endless expectations and fantasies for the temple and the path of spiritual practice.

Just like the mortal boy who said that he was going to enter the temple just now, and the young people in the boat below.

Then, his gaze turned to the other side of the river and landed on the flourishing vegetation that seemed indistinguishable from the surrounding area.

It was the only young monk who could see that Ye Tian's sleeping place was a bit strange at the time, Lu Wenbin.

The last time he saw the difference here, he stopped and went forward to observe carefully. He also saw the sleeping Ye Tian, ​​but in the end he didn't find anything special. Finally, he mistakenly thought it was his own hallucinations, and then left. .

Now that five hundred years have passed, Lu Wenbin once again passed through here, still seeing it at a glance, and feeling exactly the same as before, so he stopped observing again.

It's just that, just like five hundred years ago, flowers are not flowers and mists and mists. The feeling of spiritual accumulation is like an illusion. It seems to exist, but when you reach out and grab it, there is nothing.

Lu Wenbin shook his head in disappointment after seeing half of the salary. He landed and returned to the boat below.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter?"

Several people were waiting on the deck, watching Lu Wenbin's actions curiously, and when he came back, they stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, I've been to this place before, and now I'm revisiting the old place, I just sigh." Lu Wenbin smiled and said casually.

"Then we continue to set off?" one person asked for instructions.

Lu Wenbin paused, looked at the strange place on the bank of the river that gave him the illusion twice, and then looked at the quiet and peaceful mortal city on the other side of the river.

"There is still plenty of time to go to the church, so let's stop here for a day," Lu Wenbin said.

"Yes, sir." The man replied respectfully.

Lu Wenbin nodded lightly to several people, and went straight back to his room.

The ship carrying the celestial celestial being will stop at Evergreen City.

This kind of news spread throughout Evergreen City after a whole night.

The city is boiling.

People rushed towards the Ningkang River and gathered on the banks of the river just to have a look from a distance.

From the beginning of the morning, the voices were full of hustle and bustle, and it continued.

At about the hour, Ba Hongwen, the lord of Evergreen City, also came.

Ba Hongwen is also a monk, with a cultivation base in the middle of Qi training.

For the entire huge world, this kind of cultivation is already extremely low.

But in this Evergreen City, there are already immortals that have attracted much attention.

In the mid-training period, he was already able to control the wind to fly, but in order to show respect for the temple, Ba Hongwen chose to ride a small boat, under the gaze of countless Evergreen people along the coast, approached the big boat and boarded Up.

There is a sign on the side of the big ship.

That is a sign that the entire world, whether young or old, men or women, as long as they are wise and remembered, will recognize it.

The logo looked like an opened book on which was painted various abstract mountains, rivers, and vast lakes.

Everyone knows that the whole world is drawn on that book.

And this sign represents the sanctuary.

The church does not belong to a certain city, a certain state, or a certain country.

It is a place of cultivation.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of all cultivators, it is the most noble holy place above all else.

The sanctuary is a great honor and opportunity for all the immortals in the world.

Not to mention mortals.

And people know that the immortals in the temple will walk in the world every sixty years, looking for those with sufficient talents, and bring them back to the temple for practice.

What's on this ship are the disciples who will enter the sanctuary this time.

There are also many people in Evergreen City who can't help but have illusions in their hearts, hoping that they will be valued by the immortals of the temple, so they can enter into it.

That will be a real opportunity to soar into the sky.

Of course, in the eyes of more people, the temple is too far away from them, and it is even more whimsical to enter into it to practice.

It's like the young man said that he was going to enter the church that night, and his grandfather Zhan Yongfu just listened to it as if he was listening.

Looking far away is enough. This is the attitude of most people on this matter.

When the people in Evergreen City gathered on the banks of the Ningkang River and looked at the church boats, the young disciples on the boats were doing business as usual, practicing spiritual practice, reading books, and occasionally talking in twos and threes.

Those who have the qualifications to enter the sanctuary are absolutely the most dazzling pride of the sky no matter where they are, and battles like Evergreen City have long been accustomed to these young people.

Countless scenes greater than this kind of scene, these people are also commonplace.

On the top floor of the cabin, in a certain room, the city lord Ba Hongwen of Evergreen City had an extremely suppressed expression of tension on his face. He cautiously lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the middle-aged man opposite.

In front of the mortals outside, Ba Hongwen is the lofty city lord, and the immortal one in a thousand.

But he himself knows very well that no matter it is this small identity and low cultivation level, in front of the temple monk in front of him, there is nothing more than a small dust.

The exquisite teapot is poured, and a hint of clear water line spreads with a refreshing fragrance and falls into the white teacup.

"City Lord Ba, please have tea." Lu Wenbin pushed the teacup forward in front of Ba Hongwen.

"Thank you sir!" Ba Hongwen nodded.

Taking a sip of the teacup, Ba Hongwen felt peaceful and comfortable, and sighed in his heart. It is worthy of the sanctuary. Even this tea is a good thing with extremely strong spiritual content.

"Evergreen City has a history of more than 480 years since the monument was erected," Ba Hongwen said after putting down his teacup.

While talking, Ba Hongwen pointed to a bluestone step on the bank of the river in the distance. At the center of the step, there was a stone stele measuring up to ten feet high.

It is the stone stele with the three characters Changqingtan carved on it.

"Changqingtan is the original name of Evergreen City, and it is also the key to this place."

"When the monument was erected, there was no such city here..."

Ba Hongwen slowly talked about this Evergreen City and the beginning and end of Evergreen Beach for hundreds of years.

Originally, Ba Hongwen was not qualified to go here and see Lu Wenbin.

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