The starting point of the recent explosive rewards activities should be known to everyone. I exploded to a certain number of words + everyone rewarded a certain amount, the starting point of the reward is returned in proportion.

Yesterday after the 4th burst, it has reached 60,000 words, which can make everyone's previous rewards return 6%.

读者 The reader's reward has also exceeded the one million bitcoin level, and 4% can be returned. Now we add up to 10%.

If today and tomorrow I can explode more than 10,000 words a day, reaching a total of 80,000 words, I will return 12% of everyone's rewards. I took leave at home these two days, try to explode, and try to satisfy 80,000 stalls, for everyone Return a little more.

I happen to have a starting point today and there is a recharge discount. Everyone also try to see if the reward amount can be rushed to the next level. We work together and try to get the total return to 20%.

Strive for rewards, if you ca n’t reach them. In short, my 80,000 character file will definitely try to sprint.

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