Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 439: I am also treating

"Qin Yi ..." Li Qingjun got out of the painting world, and the box was re-covered in his hands, his face was horrified: "This thing is terrible, if it is known ..."

"Well, so can't be known."

Juyun said, "What's wrong, mysterious."

Li Qingjun hesitated, "This thing doesn't know how to cultivate Dao. If we just talk about martial arts, I'm afraid I can cut my practice time in half."

This is the size of a ping-pong ball obtained from Shenglong Peak. It is not only the size of the nail of the original Qin Yi, but the original one is a bit out of step. Qin Yi has no time to practice with it, but just tested it when he got it. Obviously, the auxiliary ability for martial arts during the forging period was greatly improved. Qin Yi doubted that it would be of great use to the next level.

Not to mention Li Qingjun's three-tier situation, it is entirely possible to halve her time, maybe more than that.

Ju Yundi listened a little sluggishly. He hadn't heard anything like this when he was alive.

The practice time is halved ... Said to be an understatement, this is a creation of heaven and earth. If it is spread, I do n’t know how many people will cause it to rain!

No wonder Qin Yixin was thinking about such things ... No wonder Master was seduced by his paintings.

Qin Yidao said: "Now the fragments are only small pieces after all. For the time being, I only find the benefits to martial arts. If you find a big one, it will definitely be beneficial to asking, so Ye Bieqing will never forget, even ... eh."

This kind of treasure, knowing the direction of the painting world, naturally should be taken early, otherwise in case someone is first to get on the spit, it will be called vomiting blood. Ju Yunzheng was still quite satisfied with Qin Yi's soberness, knowing where the treasures were, he could still recognize his weight and weight, and he didn't rush to death, he just waited for several years to meet again before mentioning it.

He did not deceive himself, leaving the painting in his hands and letting her take away. This seems to be simple. In fact, there are not many people who can do it all over the world. Most of them must keep such a big secret in their hands to be at ease.

Just this trust and shame, she didn't read the wrong person.

Ju Yunzhen's voice became softer, and he stroked his blunted loin: "Does it hurt?"

"Uh, okay, okay."

Listening to "OK", Ju Yunxi almost wanted to twist one more, and Shengsheng held back his finger that was about to move, and said softly, "You just woke up, and you are still weak. Don't consider so much, take good rest. Wait for a complete recovery. We will arrange it again. "

Qin Yi really can't move now, she is completely weak, she can't lift a trace of strength, like a serious illness, this is the sequelae of a severe overdraft, and you need to take a good rest.

As a result, his eyes were severely affected by Shura field, Qin Yi's tears swallowed into his stomach.

Ju Yunzhang Li Qingjun looked at each other, and felt a little embarrassed. Ju Yunzhang said: "You are nourished, I'll go to the station of Xiangong and get a consensus with Mo Wuzi first. In case someone really takes you and the monsters Something, Xiangong also has a preparation. "

Qin Yiyi: "Are they not gone yet?"

"No, you have entered the realm of blood and solitude, how can they leave without saying a word?" Ju Yunxi laughed: "You are fighting for the immortal palace in the big game this time, but now everyone's Baby shit. "

Qin Yi scowled and said, "I don't want to be their baby puppet, I want to be a sister."

"I screw you up!" Li Qingjun squinted on the sidelines, Ju Yunxuan couldn't hang on his face, angrily dropped a sentence, and drove away.

There was only Li Qingjun in the room ... and the green tea hiding in the corner.

Qingcha watched Li Qingjun lay beside Qin Yi and hugged: "As long as she can hug you secretly, I can too!"

Qin Yi was weak.

Tea scratches his head.

These adults are actually very childish ...

That ’s right, in fact, this "Sister Qingjun" is more than twenty, right? Tea is more than a hundred!

Qingcha looked at Li Qingjun's face and touched his round face.

This is the years that have smoothed the edges and corners ...

Qingcha sighed and walked back to the house step by step, accidentally hooked on the threshold, and smashed the dog into mud.

Qingcha wailed and climbed up, crouched with a nose and poked at the fish.

Li Qingjun laughed and said, "That little girl is fun."

Qin Yi turned slightly and hugged her, biting her ear and saying, "How can she have fun with you ..."

"Well. That's because she can't play yet." Li Qingjun blushed and said, "Go and be your sister's baby, don't touch me."

"You came to touch me ..."

"Aren't you proud that so many people are jealous of you?"

"Uh ..." Qin Yi paused a bit awkwardly and whispered: "Are you angry with me?"

"Live." Li Qingjun said a word with a stern expression, and then sighed slightly: "In fact, it is nothing, if you stayed in the south to marry me, I wouldn't allow you to accept it, if you look at Minghe I can go and help you say that I will also send you all my maids ... but that's not the same ... Now I'm so guilty that I always feel that everyone around you is better than me, I can't find it It's my place. "

"Who says that others are better than you?" Qin Yi said, "Does this also follow the practice? You are the unique Qingjun, what is it like to others ..."

Li Qingjun smiled slightly: "I know, in fact, the one they are most jealous of is me, even if I am just a mortal."

The two kissed unconsciously, and Qin Yi began to be unruly.

Li Qingjun held down his hand and shouted, "You are so weak that you can't get up now, and this kind of leisurely ease is really bad."

Qin Yi let down his hand awkwardly.

This is not when he is still in such a state of mind, normal people will naturally move when they kiss and kiss.

Li Qingjun suddenly said: "Cheng Cheng said, would you practice both?"

Qin Yi was a little embarrassed: "A little ..."

"Is this effective for your recovery?"

Qin Yi sneaked his eyes to see that the tea had left, and whispered: "It is more effective than lying down like this ..."

Li Qingjun also made a thief-like look around, and suddenly gritted her teeth: "She can sneak you and hug you, why can't I eat it! Let her pretend to be a senior and drive me to the guest room."

"Well, wait, wait ... I can't move ..."

"What action do you take, your work!"


Suddenly, the tea outside heard a strange noise from inside the room, and the eyes were straightened with a big eye.

What is this and what ...

Master has just left ~ www.readwn.com ~ This sister ... is too decisive and sharp, is this the attitude of a famous person?

Over there, Ju Yundi met Mo Wuzi.

"There may be rumors that Qin Yi and the monster are in love, first make a base?" Mo Wuzi looked at Ju Yunxi strangely: "What is the best way to do this kind of thing? You blasted his head, what happened to outsiders? "

Ju Yun shouted, "You know what I'm talking about isn't the case. Shemales don't distinguish between right and wrong, and want to give thanks to people all over the world."

"What is that? One day, my organ man was born with an instrumental spirit, that is my love, can it be counted as falling in love with monsters?" Mo Wuzi dismissed: "We are a man of fairyland, what a weird person No? All those who listen to the right way, don't have time? "

Ju Yunji smiled slightly: "That's OK, just make a base."

"I see. I'll talk to them when I look back." Mo Wuzi said, "Your apprentice is here, can't you see me?"

"It's gone now. I don't have time to teach my disciples. It's a shame to meet each other in the name of a teacher. I will be tired after a while and return to Xiangong. Then I will teach my disciples and open up the leaves."

Mo Wuzi smiled and smiled: "Sooner or later you will know how to get tired of it. The world is sinister and not suitable for you."

Ju Yunzhang laughed: "It has not been realized yet, it still takes time."

Mo Wuzi nodded: "Okay, then we will withdraw."

Simply and simply exchanged opinions, and Ju Yunzhen didn't stay, and returned.

Qingcha was horrified when she saw the streamers approaching the horizon.

How did Master come back so fast?

Over ...

"Li Qingjun! What are you doing!"

Seabirds start flying, sea fishes flee, waves turn, waves change, and the sun and the moon disappear.

Li Qingjun grabbed the quilt and then bit his silver teeth: "I said I was also treating, do you believe it?"

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