If all the ancient monster land in the rift valley are counted as tombs, Qin Yi has not traveled so far, and hundreds of tombs have been explored ... If not, he has also experienced the tombs of the ancient pine laymen and Ye Bieqing .

It seems that Xiuxian always has an inextricable bond with the tomb exploration ...

Many of the so-called secret places are essentially tombs. For the monks, it is ordinary exploration, because the monks know too much about the spiritual practice of the soul. The so-called ghost is nothing more than the body without a physical body. The coagulation of a class is different in nature, and the strength is also different, that's all.

Unlike mortals who always think that ghosts have mysterious evil spirits and dirty things, the monks have no such feeling at all. Many people who find a tomb with aura may still inherit it as a cave house, and there is no psychological barrier at all.

The monk also detained the soul, played with all souls, raised ghosts, and sacrificed corpses. Both the body and the ghost were used as an energy form without any mystery.

In the eyes of monks, the mortal ghosts are either invaded by the force of the soul and caused problems, or they are simply robbed of their possessions. That ’s why, so Taoists play things like “exorcising ghosts and exorcising evil” in mortals. It's simple, the essence is analyzed at a glance, and then anyone's fist is harder.

From this perspective, it seems that materialism is very good.

Qin Yi also carried a little ghost with him ... the evil, cold, and fierce feeling that I felt when I first met, it is long gone now, and materialization is like rubbing a ball, afraid of you being a ghost ...

In addition, the pure soul has many disadvantages. Even tassel is so powerful that without the physical body, it can not do many things, and there will be some natural restraint. For example, it will fear the sun, and ordinary little ghosts may be damaged by the sun. At the level of the yin **** such as tassel, you are not afraid of ordinary sunlight, but Buddha light and light are very easy to restrain it, and there are many magic weapons against the soul that are very dangerous.

Unless you return to the level of Yang Shen, you will not be afraid of these.

Attached to the mace, in addition to this artifact is enough to keep its soul for tens of thousands of years, the most important thing is a "shell". With a strong stick blocking, the soul will not be exposed directly to the outside and targeted.

Now it has recovered to the level that it can run on its own without sending souls, but it still won't get away easily, that's too dangerous. To go is also to go with a stick, one day Qin Yi offends it, even the stick is gone.


Pulling away, in fact, means that there is a certain possibility that this tomb still has a soul body left. But even if they still have a Qianyuan soul, they are not afraid. Without the pure soul body of the flesh, the defect is too big, and Ju Yunzhen, who has now recovered, is enough to solve it by himself.

Ju Yunzhang spread out the pages of the book, the book spirits scattered a little, scattered in the tomb, and explored the road.

After a while, he turned to Qin Yi: "The stall owner just came here shortly after, and the signs of being touched and destroyed by various agencies here are obvious, which is equivalent to showing the path directly. If he went to a fake tomb, would we want to Going differently from him? "

"Go to the fake cemetery first to see if there are clues. Even if there is nothing, it should be a feng shui place that can be used as a fake cemetery, which is conducive to our recovery and rehabilitation."

"Um." Ju Yunzheng took the tea and led the way.

Qin Yi was carrying Li Qingjun behind him, remembering his past tomb exploration experience, as if he never had to walk through a maze, everyone had a variety of ways to directly explore the road. The cultivation of the immortal world for tens of thousands of years may be the peak of the grave robbing skills ...

"In other words, sister, did you go back and get Ye Bieqing's funeral? Did he have high-end treasures by his side?"

"No ..." Ju Yun paused for a moment, and sighed in a low voice: "Buried completely, why not be greedy."

Qin Yidao: "It's not me who is greedy. Even this tomb, I just want to borrow the Dan furnace and investigate the clues of the **** realm. I won't easily take people's funeral products. But Ye don't love the situation. Same ... and your magic weapon is not high-end. "

Ju Yunxi smiled and said, "This painting world is already the treasure of Qianyuan, and it still has potential for development. This is not even high-end, and your vision is too much now."

"I know this picture is very powerful. The problem is that it is not an enemy item ..." Qin Yi looked at the sealed picture of the fight with the monkey on the picture, and it was a little bit painful: "Anywhere, there was a thunderstorm and hid in the void. Are better than now. "

Ju Yunji shook his head: "Slowly, this painting has endless potential, and you can paint it freely. As for conventional enemy supplies, our things are different. It doesn't make much sense to take others, but you still need to make them by yourself. You should I bought a bunch of miscellaneous things before? ”

Qin Yi looked at her serious expression, and would like to say that at least half of your things were bought indiscriminately ...

At this moment, my face is high-end, and I want to take the opportunity to cover up the dark history of shopping around, probably not even tea ....

Qin Yi did not say much, and heeded the traps of the authorities along the way. It can be seen that the organs here have been basically destroyed, some of which are quite high-end, and there are still traces of battles on the ground. I can imagine the shadow of the hard work of the stall owner when he found this place.

It's very likely that I've been tossing here for a few days ... It's possible to be tortured by an agency trap and hurt.

This time, the former people planted trees and the younger people took advantage of the cold, but it was cheaper for them. All the way unimpeded, the speed of advance is fast, and in a few dialogues, it has already reached the main grave chamber that the stall owner visited before.

I can imagine the feeling of the stall owner finally arriving here after a hard time-an empty stone house inside, with a skeletal bone lying in the middle, other poor and white, nothing.

Even the level of the corpse bones is very low. It seems that there were most clouds in life, and the corpse bones were not fully energized, which caused them to decay after many years.

Obviously a tomb that is likely to belong to the Qianyuan level has a lot of organs along the way. This morality comes in. You can imagine the feeling that the stall owner's heart is half cold, and that kind of mood will probably anger him.

The bone magic weapon and ring tokens that had been buried have been touched away by the stall owner, and even the arm with the corpse bone was ashed with indignation, and everything could be simulated and restored without any problems.

In the picture scroll came the ridiculous mocking sound: "You mysteriously come here to see a dead bone with the highest level of clouds? Hahahaha ..."

Qin Yiyi ~ www.readwn.com ~ Can you see what's going on outside? Can you even hear the sound?

Feng Buyi seemed to be stunned for a moment. He didn't break the secret of the picture scroll, and he "looked" at the outside world inexplicably in the knowledge of the sea. For a moment, he subconsciously taunted and listened to the faint echo in the stone room before realizing that his voice was actually heard.

After waking up, I feel a little regretful. If the voice can go out, it means that the divine thought is likely to find a way out. It can completely carry out a sneak attack. It shouldn't strike the grass ...

Sure enough, Ju Yunzhen immediately held the scroll, and a slight glow appeared in his palm.

As if the sound of a rumbling sound came from the earth, the painting world was frozen again for a while, and the outside scene in the sea that had not been sealed again disappeared, and the voice became inaudible: "Dogs and men! Wait for this place to break out of the world and ask you to survive Don't beg for death! "

"Shut up, you!" Qin Yi tucked in a stick.

Feng Bu, inside, saw a huge mace falling from the sky, and a smash into his head.

"It turns out that this stick has the ability to travel in a realm, no wonder, no wonder ..." Feng Buyi turned away and attacked, his eyes were even more stunned: "This is a strange object, and its value is not inferior to the blood pupa ..."

At this time, there is still greed, and Qin Yi is also powerless. He doesn't care about showing something special in the face of Feng Buzhen, anyway, it is impossible to hope that you can be okay with this kind of person. It is impossible for you to die.

But there are ghosts here.

This picture is very good, but the solidity of the realm seems to have weakened a bit, resulting in Feng Buqi's powerful sea of ​​knowledge reflecting the external image. There is nothing wrong with the picture scroll, it is definitely the special situation here.

"It is the ghostly atmosphere of another realm that has influenced the painting world." Liu Su said flatly: "Under this tomb, there is definitely another world!"

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