"Erin, what Xianlong said may not be right, have you ever thought about this? "

"Yuanfeng, I know what you think in your heart, and I know that you want to help me, but I don't want you to kill too many people. "

"How can the war not be dead, if I don't participate, then do you think about how many people will die in the Kingdom of Dogunov, if the Kingdom of Lordaeron is really captive by the dragons, if there are dragons behind this war, then if you fail, what will happen to your people. "

"But... Hyunryu-sama said..."

"That's enough, Erin, you're the queen, you're the one in power, don't always listen to other people's opinions, as the ruler of the kingdom, the first thing to consider is whether your country is safe. "

"Yuanfeng, can you help me?".

"Erin, rest assured that as many of my men in the Lordaeron army come to die. "

Yuanfeng smiled at Erin's evil charm, not knowing how to look at Yuanfeng in front of him, Erin felt a little strange, but didn't say anything, but took Yuanfeng's hand.

"You can't kill so many people, after all, we are all of the same kind, promise me Yuanfeng, if you can, don't kill if you can, okay?"

"Okay, I promise you. "

Yuanfeng looked at Erin in front of him and agreed softly.

Yuanfeng accompanied Erin to the vicinity of the city wall, instructed the surrounding soldiers to make a series of deployments, and slowly walked back to the palace, after having dinner in the palace, the two returned to the palace together, the two stood side by side on the balcony, from the highest place in the Dolagunov Palace, looking at the Dolagunov City in front of them.

"The whole kingdom is really beautiful when you look at it from here. "

"Yes, this is my favorite place since I was a child, and whenever I am unhappy, I will come to this room where I was a child, and see the most beautiful kingdom of Dolagunov from the balcony. "

"Erin, you love this country. "

"Well, I really like the country. "

Yuanfeng looked at Erin with a happy face, and couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking about the tragic experience of Erin in the original anime, and couldn't help but secretly think in his heart.

"I'm not going to let the original story happen again, Irene. "

On the other side, the virtuous dragon Bel Selion, although he said that he would not help Erin fight against the Lordaeron Kingdom, but as a wise man of the dragon clan's virtuous dragon lineage, he always felt that there must be something in the Lordaeron Kingdom that they did not know, so he went to the sky above the Lordaeron Kingdom alone and began to feel the magic aura around him.

"The Roar of the Poisonous Dragon".

"The Dragon's Roar


Just as the dragon Bel Selion was about to feel the magical aura of the kingdom of Lordaeron, a roar erupted from the ground.

A purple pillar of light with poisonous gas flew from the ground towards the dragon, and the dragon immediately roared, and a magic array appeared from his mouth, and a cyan pillar of light poured out, colliding with the roar of the poisonous dragon.

"Angus, why did you attack me suddenly. "

"Hehe, isn't this Belselion, I don't know why the great dragon wise man came to me. "

"You're here, Angus, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the kingdom of Lordaeron, the kingdom of men. "

"Yes, but it's mine now. "

The virtuous dragon Bel Selion looked at the purple dragon in front of him with anger on his face.

"Angus, you're keeping humans in captivity!".

"Why, as a noble dragon, I can't do this. "

"It seems that the war against the kingdom of Doragunov was also initiated by you, right? "

"Yes, it's me, it's just a bunch of ants, why do you care so much. "

"Roar !!".

Belselion didn't answer the poisonous dragon Angus, but leaned down and swooped down towards him, and the two dragons scuffled outside the city, and cyan and purple magical light appeared in the dark night, but at this moment another dragon hid its breath and quietly appeared behind the two dragons who were fighting and biting in close quarters.

"The claws of the poisonous dragon".

The elder brother of the two Poison Dragon brothers, a purple magic array erupted from the claws of the Angel Dragon, and struck towards the chest of the virtuous dragon Bel Serion.

By the time the dragon Belselion spotted Angel, it was too late, and Angeli's magic had already gathered and was heading for his chest.

When the poisonous dragon's claws touched Xianlong's chest, they were directly inserted into Xianlong's chest without too much hindrance.

"Roar!! Angli, you bastard!".

The dragon roared angrily at the other poisonous dragon that had attacked him in front of him.

"Dragon's horns of the poisonous dragon".

After Angel pulled out the dragon claws, a lot of dragon blood also splashed out of Belselion's chest, and at the same time, Angus on the other side had already charged his magic, and after a dazzling purple magic array wrapped the dragon horns on the dragon horns on his head, Angus quickly crashed into the front of the virtuous dragon Bel Selion not far away.

"Roar!! dragon clan, how can there be such scum as you two brothers!".

"Hmph, Belselion, all stories are written by the victors, and as the wise men of the dragon clan, they don't understand this point. "

"yes, Angus and I have always been two brothers, you forgot. "

"It's worthy of the flesh of our dragon clan, not only did it withstand our venom, but it didn't die even if it was so badly injured. "

The two poisonous dragons looked at the dying dragon in front of them and sighed.

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