After that, Lorne took Elusa back to the guild and ushered in a warm welcome from everyone, everyone was very happy that Elusa could be released so quickly, and Lorne bragged to everyone in an extremely shameless way, saying how he fought with the councillors, and finally made the councillors realize their mistakes, not only apologized to Elusa personally, but also released Elusa with his own hands, and said goodbye to Lorne. Although Elfman and Grey Lucy both knew that Lorne was bragging, but since Elusa had been released, it was already a happy thing, so they didn't mind Lorne's bragging, but gathered around him and listened with relish.

Only Natsu was a little sullen, because of the disturbance of the councilor, the duel between Natsu and Elusa was not decided, and for the single-celled creature Natsu, it was obviously not satisfied with such an outcome, so Natsu quickly approached Elusa and asked for a new duel with her.

It's a pity that Zikrein, who I just saw the least wanted to see, Elusa who came out of the council, no longer has the interest in dueling with Natsu. As a result, Natsu, who was dissatisfied, ignored Elusa's refusal and rushed towards Elusa on her own, and was killed by Elusa's elbow strike. Trembling to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"It's so strong!".

Seeing such a terrifying scene, Elfman, Gray, Lucy and others jumped up in fright, and could only sigh helplessly that Elusa deserved to be Elusa. Afterwards, Gray Elfman and the others laughed at Natsu, who had fallen to the ground in great shame.

"Hahaha, that's too inferior, Natsu. "

"Sure enough, Elusa is too strong, haha. "

Even Lorne, who was grinning on the sidelines, couldn't help but laugh when he saw this scene: "Sure enough, Natsu's stupid guy is not Elusa's opponent at all." "

Just as Lorne was smiling happily, he suddenly felt a strong sense of fatigue, and even the powerful magic that had been surging in his body felt sluggish. Lorne, who didn't feel good, hurriedly worked hard to use the magic in his body to resist the strong drowsiness in his body.

"Is it Mistonger? The hypnotic magic is as strong as ever, and I almost couldn't resist it. "

At this time, except for the president Makarov who was sitting at the counter, almost everyone in the guild fell into a deep sleep, and even Elusa couldn't resist this powerful sleepiness (every time I saw this, I felt that this magic was too awesome, even Elusa couldn't resist, it was simply an alternative overlord color domineering, even stronger than the overlord color domineering, at least I don't think the overlord color domineering can work on a strong-willed person like Elusa and Natsu's single-celled creature). Then, a man wearing a black turban, a green mask, and a black run, with bandages all over his body, walked into the guild. This man is Lorne, LaCasas, known in the wizarding world as one of the goblin triumvirate, the most mysterious of the Mistengard.

Seeing that it was Mistonge, Lorne frowned slightly and said, "No matter how many times you look at it, you think it's too suspicious, Mistonger, is it necessary to stun everyone in the guild?"

Mistongar walked to the taskbar, tore off a task sheet, and then walked up to Makarov and motioned to Makarov to take the task. Then Miston turned to look at Lorne.

"I'm sorry, Lorne, I have a reason why I have to. "

With that, Mistonge walked towards the guild gate.

Seeing that Miston was leaving, Makarov commanded with a blank face, "Hey, don't you want to get rid of the hypnotic magic?"

Mistongar did not answer Makarov's words, but slowly walked out of the guild. When Miston Ge walked out of the guild completely, he snapped his fingers slightly. In the guild, those who had fallen asleep rose from the ground one by one as if they had received some order.

After waking up, because it was not the first time they had experienced it, Gray and Elusa didn't feel anything wrong, but just rubbed their heads slightly, which was still a little drowsy, and said with confusion and affirmation: "This, this feeling is Miston." "

"It must be him, and he's the only one who has such powerful hypnotic magic. "

"That bastard. "

"It's still such powerful magic. "


Seeing that everyone looked surprised, Lucy, a newcomer who encountered this kind of thing for the first time, asked strangely: "Mistongar, who?" (Mistonger's reputation is mainly in the wizarding world, and it is not known to everyone because of its low profile among the people, including Lucy, who has been staying at home before)".

"One of the strongest candidates for Fairy Tail's strongest strength. Seeing that Lucy didn't know, Elfman explained to Lucy. Later, Gray explained: "I don't know why, it seems that he doesn't want anyone to see his appearance, so when he comes to the guild to receive the quest, he always does this, and everyone falls asleep." "

Another meaning of Gray's words is that this kind of thing has happened a lot in the past, and it will definitely happen a lot in the future, so you have to get used to it.

"What, isn't that suspicious?" Lucy exclaimed, as Lorne had done before.

"Because of this, except for the president's accident, no one has ever seen Mistonger's appearance. "

As soon as Gray's words fell, a leisurely retort came from the second floor of the guild: "No, I know. "

The second floor is dedicated to S-class or S-level quests, as they are too dangerous, and all of them are dangerous quests that can lead to the death of a mage sorcerer due to a mistake in judgment. As a result, the second floor is not open to ordinary magicians, and only S-class magicians who have been approved by President Makarov can go up to the second floor and take on those S-class tasks.

Hearing this, Gray and Elfman were taken aback: "Laxus?".

"Are you there?".

"Is it really rare?".

Elfman and Wakaba greeted each other in surprise. Gray explained to the surprised Lucy on the side, "La Casas, the other strongest backup in the guild. At this time, standing upstairs was a young man wearing blonde hair, a lightning-bolt scar in the corner of his eye, and heavy metal headphones on his ears, who was none other than Laxus, one of the goblin triumvirate.

Seeing that it was Laxus, Lorne greeted him very warmly, "Laxus, long time no see." "


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