A few days later, Mira and the others returned, covered in scars and Lisana's death, with no news of the bones being found. This bad news caused everyone in the guild to lose their smiles, and a sense of sadness permeated the entire guild.

When Lorne heard the news of Lisanna's death, he was stunned, he refused to believe that Lisana was really dead no matter what, obviously he was standing in front of him a few days ago, and called Brother Lorne gently, how could he suddenly die? It wasn't until he saw Miraj and Elfman covered in scars that he had to believe this cruel truth, not only Lorne, Natsu, Kana, and Harpy, who had a very good relationship with Lisanna, but also in disbelief after hearing the news of Lisanna's death, and then cried sadly.

Two days later, Miraj and Elfman erected a tombstone for Lisanna near the church. On that day, God seemed to be saddened by Lisanna's death, and the sky was overcast and dark, and it was raining continuously.

Lorne sat at Lisanna's grave in despair, his eyes completely devoid of his former sparkle. Standing next to Lorne were Miraj, with a strap around his arm, and Elfman, who knelt beside him.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault, that's why Lishana was killed!" Elfman said remorsefully at Lisanna's tombstone, tears streaming down his eyes.

"It's not your fault, Lishana once said, life will pass away one day, although Lishana is dead, but he will always live in our hearts and always accompany us, isn't it?" In fact, Lisanna's death, the saddest and saddest should be Mirage, but seeing his younger brother like this, Mirageh had to endure the grief in his heart and comfort Elfman, who knows this kind of feeling.

As for the words between Miraj and Elfman, Lorne still looked blank as if he hadn't heard them.

"It's so sad, my heart hurts. Looking at the humble tombstone in front of him, Lorne only felt a burning pain in his heart, and the scenes after meeting Lishana kept coming to Lorne's eyes.

"My sister's name is Miraj and my name is Lisanna. "

"Brother Lorne, you like my sister, don't you?"

"Brother Lorne, remember to bring me a gift when you come back from the mission. "

"Brother Lorne, this is the lucky charm I asked for in the church for you, you must take good care of it."


Miraj, Lisanna, and Elfman were the first people Lorne met after coming into the world. With the help of Miraj and the others, Lorne was able to join Fairy Tail, and in the subsequent relationship, Lorne had already regarded Miraj, Lisana, and Elfman as his own relatives. Among them, Lisanna, who has a delicate and lovely personality, and Lorne is like a sister. And Lisanna is closer to Lorne and her sister.

Although Miraj is Lorne's lover, in fact, among the three Miraj siblings, Lorne and Lisana are the ones who care the most. Therefore, Lorne's grief for Lisanna's death was no worse than that of Miraj and Elfman.

"Life will pass away one day, Lisanna, there are so many people in this world, why are you the ones who die?".

"Damn, it's all my fault, if I had promised to go with you to fight the Beastmaster, you wouldn't have died. Why, why did I refuse at the time, I regret it, Lisanna!" Thinking of this, Lorne buried his head deeply and said reproachfully. At this time, Lorne's body was already wet with rain, and the hot tears in his eyes kept flowing out and dripping on the ground, mixed with the rain, and could no longer be separated.

"Mira, Elfman, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it was I who refused Lisanna's invitation to let her die. If I go with you, Lisana will never die. "

After kneeling for a long time in front of Lisana's grave, Lorne stood up silently. He apologized to Mira and Elfman in a low voice. Apparently, Lorne blames himself for Lisana's death. Seeing Lorne like this, Mira was about to say something, but Lorne had already turned away on his own.

"Lisanna, did you want to protect your sister and brother until the moment you died? Hehe, you are still so kind. I have received your desire to protect your loved ones even at the cost of your life. "

After turning to leave, Lorne's expression was more serious and firm than ever, as if he was making a sacred vow to the priest: "Since I crossed into this world, I have been living in a state of confusion, without a goal, without a direction, acting as if I don't care about everything every day, now that I think about it, you must think it's funny." "

"However, it will not be the same in the future, I will become stronger, crazy stronger, stronger than anyone else, and then, with everything I have, protect Mira and Elfman that you bought with your life. You can rest assured. Lishana .......


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