From Natsu stealing the S-Class power of attorney last night, and now Lorne is chasing Natsu, and there is a long delay in between, causing it to take Lorne a day to finally catch up with Natsu. By this time, Nazlucy had arrived on the island of Karna, and had met with the client, the villagers of the island of Karna, a group of long-standing demonic people.

Gray was also with Natsu, who was originally tasked with catching Natsu and his gang who had violated the rules of the guild, but instead, they were knocked unconscious by Natsu and brought to Karna Island.

Seeing that Gray was there, Lorne was relieved about Natsu's safety. The strength of Gray and Natsu has reached the quasi-S-level or even S-level level (mainly Natsu, the strength is too unstable, one will be strong and the other will be weak), even if there is only one person, the strength is enough to complete the S-level task, but it is a little dangerous, two people, even in the face of a super S-level magician, it is enough to deal with it (just enough to deal with it, not to be able to win), at least there is no problem to retreat, of course, the premise of all this assumption is that Natsu's brainless idiot with a tendon will not go crazy.

Now that the safety of Natsu Lucy's gang is guaranteed, it is naturally impossible for Lorne to be a nanny after Natsu and the others all the time. Lorne had no interest in being a babysitter at all, and what interested Lorne was the mission of Karna Island, or the island of Karna itself.

Whether it's the strange moon glowing with purple light, the villagers who have somehow turned into demons, or the pyramid-like temple on the east side of Karna Island, Lorne is deeply intrigued.

"Lorne-kun, why don't we call Natsu and them away, it's so scary here. When the villagers of Karna Island turned into demons, Locke seemed frightened and said to Lorne with trepidation.

"What do you stupid cat say, you can turn people into demons, such an interesting thing, of course, you have to find out. "

As the so-called artist is bold, for Lorne now, those strange-looking villagers of Karna Island can't make him feel scared at all, on the contrary, Lorne has a sense of eagerness to try.

"Let's go, according to the villagers' guesses, the moon in the sky and the reason why they are like this are probably caused by that temple, let's go there first. After saying that, Lorne didn't wait for the yellow kitten Locke to object, grabbed Locke and directly used the wings of light, and flew towards the pyramid-shaped temple, because the temple is very large, even if Lorne is far away, he can still see it clearly, so even a road idiot like Lorne can easily find the location of the temple.


On the east side of the island of Karna, there is a temple like a pyramid, this temple is composed of rocks throughout, the appearance is earthy yellow, at the top of the tower, is a playground-sized open space, at this time, there are nearly a hundred mysterious people wearing black robes and covering their heads in the clearing, they kneel around the top of the tower in a circle, as if they are praying, a purple light shoots down from the bright moon hanging high, and falls in the middle of the mysterious people.

This purple light was exactly the same color as the purple moon in the night sky, which just confirmed the suspicion of the village name, that the reason why the moon in the sky turned purple and the villagers turned into demons should be caused by this group of people.

"Oh ho ho ho, Lord Zero Emperor, the magic power of the Drop of the Moon has almost been collected, I believe that in the next few days, you will be able to break the seal of absolute ice and resurrect Dariola, your wish will soon be fulfilled. "

At the front of this group of men in black, there were five people who were dressed completely different from the others, and it seemed that they should be the leaders of this group of men in black. One of them, dressed as a wizard and wearing a ghost-headed mask, looked very short and lewd, speaking in a voice even more obscene than his appearance, to the man in white robes standing in front of him.

"Yes, that's great, Uru, do you see, I'll be able to outdo you soon, and I'll defeat Daliora, who you can't even kill. Hahaha...... "After listening to the words of the wizard dressing up as a man, this man named Emperor Zero seemed very excited, and couldn't help but laugh wildly.

Seeing that Emperor Zero was so happy, among the other three people, a beautiful girl who looked young and had long pink hair congratulated Emperor Zero with a smile on her face: "Hehe, great, Lord Zero Emperor, this is love." When she said love, the long-haired pink girl looked affectionate.

"Yes, yes, after so many years of hard work, I was finally able to achieve my wish. It was the other two people who spoke, one was a short boy with a blue head, and the other looked like a human but had dog ears and a dog nose.

"Well, I don't want to disturb your interest, but can I ask you to stop doing this? Lorne, who had just arrived at the Pyramid Temple and had been eavesdropping on the side for a while, finally couldn't help but come out of the corner.


Hearing the voice of a stranger behind him, the Zero Emperor and his gang who were talking were startled, and hurriedly turned their heads, vigilantly looking at Lorne who suddenly appeared behind them, even the group of men in black who were praying couldn't help but stop, looking at Lorne vigilantly, after the men in black stopped praying, the purple moonlight that fell from the sky also disappeared.


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