Although there was a little episode in Xiu Mo's prison, because the movement did not make too much trouble, the Dark Wizard Sect was not able to find out about the abnormalities in this prison.

The other prison guards had already pressed the other slaves and began to make their way to the construction site, ready to start a new day's work.

No, it's supposed to be squeezing, right?

No matter what you call it, the oppressed people will never be happy anyway.

Today's weather is very good, and the sun is already rising in the east in the early morning, and the sun is shining.

In inverse proportion to the bright sunshine, the faces of the slaves carried a cloud of gloom that could not be dissolved.

In this place, the warm sun could not reach their hearts, warm their cold hearts and blood.

It was as if I was stuck in the abyss, shrouded in darkness and shadows, and there was no hope for the future.

Day after day, the heavy work is repeated, like a mechanized robot.

Even worse than robots.

Because they are just ordinary human beings made of flesh and blood, how can they withstand this never-ending high-pressure load.

Fortunately, after today, they will be able to regain their freedom and feel the warmth of the sun again.

Because, Xiu Mo came.


Along the way, all the cells were already empty, and Xiu Mo and his party came without causing any commotion.

It wasn't until he came to the gates of all the prisons that he was finally discovered by the guards guarding here.

"You ......


What happened for a while?

The two jailers could not say the rest of their mouths, and the good heads were separated from the bodies.

The last thing they saw was two standing, headless corpses.

With a sword in hand, Xiu Mo's basic swordsmanship can exert its full power, and he can easily sway his sword qi out of a range of 100 meters.

These two were just ordinary guards, and they had already been wiped out by the fleeting sword before they even saw the person who killed them.

The head then fell to the ground, stained with dust. His eyes darkened and he lost all consciousness.

Despite the horror of Xiu Mo's method of killing the two guards, none of the slaves felt scared or unbearable.

If they could, they would be eager to eat their flesh and drink their blood from these evil parties that oppressed them.

Seeing their deaths so tragic at this moment, there was no other thought than to be happy.

Even the faces of the two little Lori, Elusa and Sora, did not show any unbearability.

It's true that they are very kind, but kindness also has to divide people.

The other party is a bad guy who captures and oppresses innocent people, and they are not people who do not distinguish between right and wrong, so how can they sympathize with them?

Not to mention, it was Xiu Mo who he admired who killed them.

Following Xiu Mo, everyone walked out of the dimly lit prison and let the warm sunlight shine on them.

On a new day, I once again stood under this blue sky, standing at the familiar prison door.

It is completely different from the feeling in the past that I don't know how many days, in those days, no matter how warm the sun is, they can't feel the existence of life and the beauty of the world.

I don't know how long it has been, bathing in the warm sunshine, breathing in the beautiful air, and being able to have a feeling that I am still alive.

The numb faces of the slaves gradually appeared, and some even cried with excitement.

Then, looking at the back of the slaves who walked in front of them, although they were only 1.5 meters long, they felt extremely tall, and the faces of the slaves showed a complicated look of gratitude, admiration, and so on.

They felt that Xiumo was like the dawn of a slow night, their savior.

Of course, Xiu Mo didn't know what the people behind him thought of him, he just carried the sword in his hand and led Elusa and Kuno to the construction site.

The next thing to do is simple, kill all the members of the Dark Wizard Order, destroy this hellish Tower of Paradise, and that's it.


On the way to the construction site, suddenly a piercing alarm sounded over the entire Paradise Tower.

It seems that Xiu Mo's actions were finally discovered by the Dark Wizard Order.

For all this, Xiu Mo had actually expected it a long time ago.

In the original book, Elusa and the others plotted to escape, but they were still discovered by the Dark Wizard Order without the informant of the slaves, which indicates that there must be some kind of magic tool or creature watching the place where these slaves live.

Xiu Mo only has the magic power of the B-level magician level, and he has not learned any detection magic, so it is normal that he has not been able to detect the other party's surveillance.

But he had already been mentally prepared and did not panic at all.

The expressions on the faces of the slaves who had been following Xiu Mo with great ambition couldn't help but become nervous after hearing this alarm that seemed to be urging their lives, and there was a small commotion in the crowd.

Although the enemy is just a group of weak chickens, and they don't need much effort from these slaves in the next battle, at least don't collapse before you can start fighting.

So Xiu Mo turned around and calmed them with an indifferent expression.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. Believe me, I'll be able to get you out of here. "

Infected by the calm expression on Xiu Mo's face, the panic in the hearts of the slaves disappeared, and was replaced by inexplicable courage.

In order to obtain the hope of freedom, they felt that they had given it all up.


Xiu Mo nodded in satisfaction, smiled at Elusa and Sora, and turned to move on.

Now, let me see what you can do!


PS: There will be no licking plot in this book, but the protagonist may be more approachable in some times, and please don't understand it as licking.

There are fourteen chapters at the end of the chapter, I want to write X775, Alusa was born in X765, but the brain is mixed up wrong, thank you for a reader to point out.

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