More than a decade ago, a dark mage who worshipped Jelf's power came to this villa.

When he was following in the footsteps of Jelf, he found a book of Jelf written by Jelf himself in one of the ruins.

Through years of research, he discovers that the book contains a demon created by Jelf.

In order to revive this demon, he decided to use the method of blood sacrifice to let the book absorb human flesh and blood and release the demon in the book.

This small village is remote, and even if something happens, it is difficult for the outside world to find out in the first place. With that in mind, he came here.

By establishing the altar through dark magic, the eerie mountain lodge, he began his own slaughter.

The villagers were all ordinary people, and they were no match for him at all, and the blood sacrifice was completed smoothly.

Because the sacrifices of the blood sacrifice are just a group of ordinary people, the strength of the demons who have just awakened from the book is not very strong, only a little more than A-level.

However, this black mage is already very satisfied, as long as he can continue to absorb all kinds of blood or magic power, he believes that this demon will definitely be able to grow to a very powerful point.

Originally, it was planned to camp in this village first, and gradually radiate to other surrounding villages, so that the demon's strength could grow step by step.

But the black wizard didn't notice that one of the villagers went back to the village and saw something unusual, so he asked the Wizard Guild for help.

So, he and the demon were immediately attacked by several A-class magicians.

The next thing was to develop as Xiu Mo knew.

The demon absorbed the flesh and magic of these A-rank magicians, and became stronger, and finally absorbed all the magicians who came later.

Seeing the demon getting stronger and stronger, the dark mage's heart was full of surprise, he thought that with such a powerful demon in his hands, he would one day be able to rule the world.

It's a pity that before he could wake up from his dream, he was eaten by the demon in his sleep one day.

These demons of the Book of Jelf are recognized by no one but Jelf.

Even they were created by Jelf to kill himself.

Therefore, it is impossible for a human to hold his own demon book and control himself.

Ruthless and ruthless.

Over the years, the demons who set up a gate outside the mountain villa have been accumulating their powers. Looking forward to the day when I will be able to find my own creator, Jelf.

Then, kill him and return to his arms.

But today, a powerful uninvited guest came from outside the mountain villa, destroying the magic array he had laid out.

While feeling anger in my heart, there are also some heart palpitations.

In the past, no one could resist the Great Circle that had been placed in the Great Circle and destroyed the gates.

However, in the past ten years, he has killed many strong people, and the demon has it in his heart.

"Damn intruder, I want you dead!"

It let out an earth-shattering roar, and behind it spread a pair of huge fleshy wings, transforming into the form of a humanoid demon, hideous and terrifying.

The flesh wings vibrated slightly, and the strong wind ruffled the furnishings in the room, and the demon had already flown out of the window and into the sky above the villa.

Looking over the side of the gate, I saw the damn intruder.

It was Simore.

"It's good, and I know how to take the initiative to jump out and kill me. "

Hearing Xiu Mo's joking words and seeing the disdainful expression on his face, the demon couldn't help but be angry.

I can't wait to eat its flesh raw, drink its blood, pump its tendons, and crush its bones and scatter ashes.

In years, no human dared to be so arrogant in front of it.

With a flap of its wings, the demon rolled up a strong hurricane, its claws wrapped in bright black magic, and rushed towards Xiumer at great speed.

During the sprint, the space seemed to sound with an air explosion, and the momentum was extremely amazing.

The powerful hurricane blew away the dark red magic, but it also rolled up countless flying sand and rocks, making the surrounding space very poorly visible.

Although it is inflated, it is not stupid, and in addition to being extremely fast, this sprint will also affect the opponent with hurricanes and dust.

Seeing Xiu Mo in front of him standing in place stunned, the demon was overjoyed.

At this moment, he saw that he was about to rush in front of Xiu Mo, but he didn't make any moves, and the demon thought that he was stupid by his huge momentum.


A cruel smile appeared on the demon's hideous face, and the magic of his claws shone even brighter, and he poured straight towards Xiu Mo.

If this move is realized, even a magician who is extremely close to the strength of the Holy Ten will be seriously injured or even killed on the spot.

"But that's it!"

The corners of Xiu Mo's mouth curled with disdain, ignoring the powerful attack in front of him.

This demon's magic power is indeed very strong, but the combat skills are extremely crude in Xiu Mo's opinion.

This straightforward attack is indeed very useful against opponents who are lower than themselves.

However, if you expose it to an opponent with equal or even stronger strength, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to expose your flaws to others.

"Crimson Knight. "

Crimson magic light flickered, and two more steel swords instantly appeared in Xiu Mo's hand, shining dazzlingly under the infusion of magic power.

Facing the claws that were about to fall on his body, Xiu Mo crossed his two swords without hesitation. Then he easily grabbed the demon's claws, preventing it from entering.

Seeing that his thunderous attack was taken by Xiu Mo so easily, a shocked expression appeared on the demon's face.

After catching the demon's claws, the sword intent on Xiu Mo's body soared, and the sword qi on the sword body was also much sharper, and many small wounds appeared on the demon's hard claws.

The hands holding the sword swam forward, drawing a semicircle with a small arc.

As he completed this action, the demon's claws were also twisted together by the two long swords.

While twisting his claws, the sword qi on the sword body kept circulating like the blades of a chainsaw, cutting through the demon's claws.

Feeling this extremely sharp sword aura, the demon realized that something was wrong and prepared to forcibly withdraw his hands regardless of the damage of the sword aura.

Otherwise, it felt that if it allowed Schumer to complete the next move, it would probably lose something.

But before it could pull out its hands, Xiu Mo moved again.

With both hands, he pressed the sword downward, then pulled it sharply.

"Rending Sword!"_

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