In the forest on the outskirts of Magnolia, patches of shiny particles flew to the same place. The wounds on Val's body were also slowly recovering from the rare light source of the early morning. He could have relied on Laxus Thunderbolt to repair himself, but he didn't expect to cause irreparable damage under the fusion of thunder and fire.

The scorching flames melted his metallic skin, and the lightning disrupted his signaling system, making his repair core unusually slow. In order to repair himself better and faster and reduce the leakage of energy, he slowly shrunk his body to the size of a cat.

Blinking, a large, round eye stared curiously at Val.

Val saw a child watching him as he accompanied his father up the mountain to pick herbs. Immediately began to disguise itself as a well-behaved mechanical toy.

Seeing that the child had been staring at the ground, the child's father also came over. After seeing what seemed to be a lost mechanical toy, he also let down his guard, and just told the child to leave the things where they were and let his owner come back to look for them.

The kid was reluctant to do so because of his curiosity, but he finally agreed to leave Val in his place. He hung a bracelet made of red beans around Val's neck.

Val was curious to scan and analyze him, only to discover that the child had a congenital disease. The core that had been shocked by Laxus seemed to be beating wildly again at this moment.

When he was created by alchemy, he was considered a heartless combat weapon. He has also always carried out the style of executing orders according to procedures. But at this moment, he suddenly felt that he suddenly had his own consciousness, understood how to think unexpectedly about his own program, and he wanted to heal this lovely child in front of him...

"Haven't heard from your general yet?" Arguirre questioned α-07, the leader of Vaal's Mech Legion.

"No signal from the General at this time!" α-07 replied.

Shaga was defeated, and Val was nowhere to be found. In order to prevent the Fairy Tail from diverting their ultimate weapon before the Combine arrives. Aguirre decides to bring despair to the city that has brought them down.

Aguirre stepped out of his tent and looked at the nearby highest Keck Peak, deciding to unleash the field magic "Hot Sand Land" on it. Let this water city that grows on the canal become a dry desert.

At the top of the mountain, Aguirre's hands covered the entire mountain one by one, and a magic circle appeared in the sky. As the billowing sand and dust hit strongly, the earth began to heat up, and all the water in the original river channel was evaporated, revealing a cracked river channel. The fish swimming in the water were dehydrated in an instant. The fruit trees and their crops withered.

Aguirre also shouted to Magnolia in his mindfulness that he would undo the magic as long as the elf's tail handed over the Meteor (elven's heart).

This move by Aguirre not only reduced the possibility of a confrontation between the two armies, but also diverted the contradiction and put pressure on the tail of the fairy.

Because the Meteor (Fairy's Heart) is originally the top secret of the Fairy's Tail. And the reason why Albarez went to war with Ishgar turned out to be because of the fairy tail.

At this time, Makarov, who was discussing with the other four Holy Ten Demon Guides, suddenly felt embarrassed. Even Fairy Tail's founder, Volod Sinken, was shocked by this. Because he had no way of knowing the secret. Although he has heard a lot of rumors over the years, and most of these rumors are related to Mebis. He understood the goblin's tail "top secret" as Jelf's teaching them magic.

And the people in the town heard that this disaster was related to the tail of the fairy. Some of the radicals began to blame the fairy tail.

They can all forgive the small fights in the past, the destruction of houses, and the destruction of stalls. Because the fairy tail has indeed helped them solve a lot of troubles. Let their lives be rich.

Now, not only is the year's harvest gone, but even the water they rely on has dried up. Coupled with the wind and sand that does not see the light of day, it not only makes children feel frightened. Even adults can be frightened by the occasional monster in a sandstorm.

But there are also people who are bold enough to find water. There seems to be a well of water in the Fairy Tail girls' dormitory, and it seems that there is always water coming out of it because of a mysterious magical barrier.

So some greedy people began to fight and scold, and seized the only water source in the whole city.

But as soon as the water passes through the sandstorm, it is dried by the scorching earth and sucked dry by the dry sand.

Although Fairy Tail wants to maintain order, the secrets of Meteor (Fairy Heart) have caused them to lose credibility. When the people saw the usually gentle and kind Mirajan, they also began to pick up stones from the ground and throw them at him, saying that she was a demon in human skin. And Elfman and Lishana, who defended their sister, were also scolded as monsters and brutes.

Makarov was very uncomfortable when he saw his family suffering such foul language. The balance of honor and disgrace in the heart of weighing secrets and family has begun to waver.

He sighed deeply, what is the identity of this Holy Ten, what is his reputation, as long as he can protect his family, then he will not hesitate to make him the sinner of Fairy Tail!

Makarov made Wolian turn on the magic of reading, ready to reveal the secret of Meteor (the heart of the fairy).

"Let me say it, because it's a sin I've caused!" Mebis appeared behind Makarov.

"The first generation—" Makarov glanced back at the elder who still looked like a girl.

Mebis took a deep breath and told her story with Jelf.

She was once a servant of the Red Lizard, an ancient guild on Sirius Island. Since childhood, he has lived with the president's daughter, Zela. He was in charge of Zela's diet and became a companion at Zela's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

But one of the red lizards in the guild was a treasure called "Sky Wolf Jade", which was a treasure that everyone wanted at that time. Because it is the essence of the soul of the wolf god after death, it is said to contain extremely powerful magic.

Later, a guild called the Cyan Skull attacked the Red Lizard's guild and slaughtered its members. In order to force the leader of the Red Lizard to hand over the Sirius Jade, they took Zela hostage.

But the Red Lizard's leader is reluctant to divulge the guild's top secrets to his rival guild. So he killed himself in front of his daughter.

Zela was devastated at the time, and she didn't know anything about the world, only knowing that the cyan skeleton magicians were bad people who hurt their fellow people. In the end, because of stubborn resistance, the enemy's deadly magic beam passed through the heart, and the blood dripped onto the Sirius Jade hidden in the underground of the guild.

Then a burst of red light erupted from the floor, taking the lives of all cyan skeleton mages. This includes Robin, the eldest son of the main leader of the cyan skeleton leader.

Miraculously, this red light protected Mebis, who had already fainted. She took the form of her best friend Zela and lived with Mebis on Sirius Island.

At that time, Mebius, who was still young, was looking through a lot of ancient books of magic in the library of the Red Lizard Guild. He wants to find a way to resurrect his friend Zela. Unfortunately, there is no magical record of life in any of the magic books.

Later, in an inconspicuous corner, she found a long-forgotten book of stories. Although it was not a magic book, Mebis read it with relish, and shared the interesting stories of the ancients in it with the Sirius Jade transformed into Zela.

But when Mebis reads the story from 300 years ago, she discovers that an archmage named Jelf has been studying the magic of resurrection, including the R system (the Tower of Paradise) and the Eclipse Gate. But the books record the story, but there is no detailed record of these two magics. And there is no way for Mebis to verify the authenticity. But he still secretly wrote down the name of Jelf in his heart, hoping to find a magic book about him in the future.

Coincidentally, on the same day that Mebis discovered Gerf's storybook, three treasure-hunting teenagers came to the island. One is handsome and handsome with blond hair and a warm personality, but a little frizzy, one is calm and gives people an unfathomable aura, and the other has a gentle temperament and is responsible for reconciling the two partners who are hot and cold.

And these three people are the founders of the Fairy Tail Guild that he later founded with Mebis. Yuri, the father of Makarov, Presitto, the second president of Fairy Tail (who later turned black Hades for his pursuit of Jelf's Great Wizarding World), and Volod Sinken, the fourth of the Ten Wizards.

Mebis had intended to use phantom magic to conjure monsters to scare them away. Because several groups of people who explored Sirius Island before had operated like this.

But the three people she met this time were not simple, Mebis's magic was actually seen through by a presitto who couldn't do magic, and Yuri found out the "mischievous" girl Mebis.

However, when they learn that Mebis and Zela are survivors of the red lizard, they immediately change their unreasonable attitude towards them. Instead, they flattered in every way, hoping that they would be able to tell the whereabouts of the heirloom Heavenly Wolf Jade.

But they had been grinding Mebis for several days, and had been treated as a subordinate by Mebis for many days, and they had not been able to get the information they wanted.

In the process, Mebis discovers that Presito, who has a keen sense of observation, actually begins to look at the magic books in the library. And he used some basic magic without a teacher. This also shocked Mebis, who was already talented in magic.

And after a few days of getting along, Mebis also found out that they are not actually bad people. I gradually let down my guard against them in my heart. Aside from the current identity of Zela, she can answer any questions they are curious about. And became a half-baked teacher, and began to teach them some of the magic recorded in the magic books.

Yuri felt that he needed to protect his companions and that he needed to have the strength to defeat his enemies. So I chose the thunder and lightning magic with strong attack power. This magic is a lot of mana, but it's very useful to fight.

And Volod Sinken likes to assist his teammates behind the scenes, coupled with his calm personality, at the recommendation of Mebis, he chose plant magic from the light attribute and plant magic.

Presito, the most magically gifted, reads all the magic he sees, and can use it in a clever way.

During the time they were learning magic, each of them experienced the joy that their companions brought to them. The trio also gradually forgot the purpose of their search for the Sky Wolf Jade. Instead, as their magical strength grew, they began to compete with each other on the island.

Each time, it was Preshito who beat the other two people to the point that they were covered in bags. They spent months giggling like this.

However, their happy time on the island was soon shattered by a secondary attack by the cyan skeletons.

This time, it was Chopley, the leader of the cyan skeleton, who had landed on the island in person, and his purpose was also to search the entire island to find the Sirius Jade he had always dreamed of.

But the moment he sees Zela, the pain of losing his son makes him hate Zela. He uses his magic to summon the ghost to Tell Zela to bind, and then begins to abuse her, forcing her to tell the whereabouts of the Sirius Jade.

Seeing this scene, Mebis, who had returned from collecting fruits, immediately used the elf's glorious rudimentary magic, and the divine aura repelled the ghosts around Zela.

and bluffed to create a group of phantoms of the Red Lizard Guild members in an attempt to bluff Chopley.

But this experienced magician saw through Mebis's trick at a glance. With a slight lift of his arm, he cracked Mebis' phantom magic. And used the magic of the dark attribute to summon the phantom soldiers, and once again took Zela and Mebis down.

The trio, who heard the commotion, also thought that they had learned something, and Yuri and Preshito copied it, and Sinken coordinated as a rear support to attack Chopley.

I didn't want to be easily crushed by the other party, although Presitto relied on his understanding of magic to face Chopley for a few rounds. But due to the gap in magic power, he was still knocked to the ground by Jopley.

Just as Choppley was about to take Zela and Mebis aboard the ship, Presitto rushed up and pulled Mebis back with the Chain of Light. Instead, he was shot through the eye by Jopley's magical beam.

Choppley also spoke at the end of the day, and as long as they handed over the Sky Wolf Jade, they would return Zela. Otherwise, a week later, they would see Zela's corpse.

And after calming down, the trio also realized the gap between their magic and each other. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you have to rely on that legendary Sirius Jade.

So the three of them began to ask Mebis about the whereabouts of the wolf jade again.

At this time, Mebis, who felt helpless, had no choice but to confess the secret that Zela was the Heavenly Wolf Jade.

When the three of them learned about it, they were shocked at first, and after calming down, they decided to go to the cyan skeleton together to recapture the Sky Wolf Jade.

Just as the trio were about to leave by boat, Mebis suddenly asked the trio to take her with them, as she didn't want to lose her best friend, Zela.

The three of them looked at each other, nodded in unison, and accepted her as a member of their group...

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