Knock knock... Natsu hit Ice Springs in succession, but they were all dodged by Talos.

"Looks like you don't know enough about your companion!" Talos taunted Natsu after kicking him to the ground.

"But it's enough to defeat you!"

Natsu attached ice particles to his body, and the moment Talos touched him, the ice particles attached to Talos.

With Natsu's magic, tiny ice particles spread like "fire" from the stars, and then all of them froze Talos.

"It's Gray's favor!" Natsu

conjured two blades on his elbow, one of which was the Ice Blade Dance of the Seven Dances he used when he defeated "Owl" on the Tower of Paradise. At that moment, Gray was convinced that Natsu's flames would be even hotter than the flames of the Owl. And at this moment, Natsu also believes that the ice blade in his hand can cut a path to victory.

Talos is hit by a succession of ice blades and is knocked to the ground by Natsu for the first time. He grabbed the axe behind him again, and his powerful spirit made his body covered in ice and snow instantly steam.

"Golden light shatters!" Talos slammed the golden axe into the ground, and countless golden rays of light emerged from the ground, enveloping Natsu.

Natsu was engulfed in the golden light, and her body seemed to be pierced by countless golden knives.

Click, Natsu's clothes were torn open because of the painful struggle.

"I see!" Natsu

seemed to understand why he hadn't used Gray to his full potential. Because he is not in the habit of taking off his clothes. No matter, anyway, Gray's body, will it be stronger naked!Natsu

peeled off his clothes with a wicked smile, and then shot an ice light in his hand. The power of the freeze does seem to have increased several times over. This made Natsu's heart instantly beat gongs and drums and cheered.

"I'm on fire!" Natsu made a challenging gesture toward Talos.

"I don't know if you really don't understand or if you're playing stupid, your partner, I want to kill you right now-E-N-D!"

Talos continued to gather the energy of his body with the golden axe, and then Chao Natsu sent out a fierce golden air blade that collided with Natsu's ice light. The explosion caused countless fragments of ice to be created around it.

"Absolutely impossible, Gray is my companion! Although we have always been fighting since we were children, we have always recognized each other!He is my most important family!" Natsu let out three exclamations in one breath.

Then all the broken ice in the air turned into flames and surrounded Natsu.

"Is this ice hot?" Talos looked at Natsu incredulously.

"Ice Shape, Ice Flame!"

Natsu imitated his dragon slaying mysteries and turned the Ice Flame into a hurricane wrapped around his body.

"It's ridiculous, that guy is studying and cultivating under the Twelve Shields of the Protector. So that you can freeze your hands in the permanent ice cube. It's like the Purgatory Dragon being sealed in Sun Village. "Talos still has the feeling that your fate is up to me.

But Natsu ignored him. After Talos used his golden axe to fend off the icy wind, he thought that Natsu had exhausted his donkey skills. But he didn't expect that the ice particles that collided with him would burst into flames as they continued to shatter. The golden axe in his hand suddenly rose to the point where it made his hand hot.

"How is this possible, how can you have such high heat in your ice!" Talos threw away the hot axe in his hand in disbelief.

"Because that's what I know Gray is sincere!" Natsu said firmly.

And this part of his heart seems to have been transmitted to Gray's heart in Albarez.

"Natsu?" Gray looked up at the window, and a warm current came through his heart...

"Remember being punched by me in the snowy mountains?" Natsu continued to shape the flame-shaped ice wrapped around his fist.

Just like when they met in the snowy mountains, the iron fist of the ice-shaped fire dragon knocked the powerful Talos to the ground with a single punch, and his eyes were full of stars.

"No... Impossible...... According to the Moon Dragon's setting, you must use the Demon Slayer Method and understand the darkness in Gray's heart before you can defeat me..."

Talos was a little incredulous, as Natsu broke the rules of the dimensional space set by the Moon Dragon.

"Because Fairy Tail has always been meant to break the rules!What bullshit rules, Gray will always be my man!" Natsu's irritability actually caused a crack in the transformation magic that the Luna Dragon had applied to him.

The crust of ice that had been draped over Natsu's body shattered like glass at the moment, turning into pieces that Natsu and Gray had torn each other apart from their childhood.

"Although his fist hurt on his body, it struck away the knot that was stuck in my heart!" Natsu

grabbed the last piece of Gray that was floating in the air, and they both looked at each other happily and smiled...

An imperceptible tear crossed the corner of Natsu's eye, and then the fragment of memory sliced through the dimensional space of the Taurus door.

This scene also made the moon god dragon present happy and shocked. Natsu is indeed the man he has his eye on...

But at the moment when Natsu walked out of the dimensional space, he was still fiercely ridiculed by Gajiru. said that even with Rebi's body, he still broke through the test of the dimensional space before Natsu.

He straightened up his "boiling" chest, and showed off in front of this person who came out later than him.

When the moon dragon heard this, he couldn't help but roar loudly, this guy Gajiru accidentally created the holy fire created with ancient words and burned all the wool of Aries. If she hadn't opened the dimensional space in time, I'm afraid Aries would have turned into a roasted sheep by now

!"Hey, you're only a few seconds ahead of him!Lao Tzu is the first to come out!" Laxus said the most domineering words in the gentlest voice.

So are we!, Suzaku and Wendy silently raised their hands...

"But the Kirin still hasn't come out!" said the blade dragon worriedly.

The Moon God Dragon frowned, he didn't expect that the strongest Qilin was the most psychologically unhealthy one.

The helpless Moon God Dragon can only use his mind body to pass through the dimensional space, intending to prompt the direction where the Kirin Aquarius is located.

But by the time the luna dragon mindful body entered the door of Aquarius, the unicorn's consciousness had completely collapsed. Countless soul voices rang in his head, guiding him in different directions.

Some souls even quarreled in his mind, blaming each other for being sucked away by Akuno Lochia because of their mistakes back then, and losing the magic of the dragon clan, so that they would be divided by humans to divide their flesh and blood.

The moment all the souls saw the Moon God Dragon, the target of their hatred actually stood in front of this coexisting dragon clan. Controlling the Qilin's thoughts on the Moon God Dragon, the soul dragon's soul roared.

The Moon Dragon's longing body was also beaten out of the afterimage by this attack without warning.

Then the surrounding space began to peel off piece by piece, and the Luna Dragon switched back to his own body, and found that the dimensional space he had created had also begun to peel off. It seems that this is not just the effect of the unicorn roar on her.

By the time the door of Aquarius was connected to the original dimensional space of the Luna Dragon, the unicorn had become a petrified sculpture.

Then came the White Wizard Athena, created by the alchemy of the Earth God Dragon and the Gold God Dragon. And Aquarius Aquarius was also tightly grasping her head by the earth god dragon at the moment.

"Aquaa!" the Luna Dragon, who was on Lucy's body, instinctively cared about the injured Aquarius in front of him.

And the Scorpio key, which the Moon God Dragon was pressing at the moment, suddenly flew out and fired several quicksand cannons at the Earth God Dragon in a row. Intending to save Aqua from his hands.

But all of Scorpio's attacks dissipated instantly in front of the Earth God Dragon.

"How dare you play earth magic in front of me!"

the earth dragon clenched his fist and pinched Scorpio into powder in the air.

"Earth God Dragon, you dare to hurt Lucy's Star Spirit..."Natsu faced a strong enemy at this moment, and he also unleashed his power as a flame dragon king without reservation.

"Nazgo, I'm here to help you too

!" "Don't forget Uncle Ben!" Wendy

and Gajiru stepped forward at the same time.

"Hey, it's a little strange that you don't use Rabi's body to say such manly things!"

"You're pretty much the same!" Suzaku glanced at Laxus and drew his sword against the Earth Dragon, which had petrified the Kirin.

"Athena, bring the Kirin back first, he is an indispensable material for calling the Dragon's Cry!" the

earth god dragon moved his muscles, and after Athena left with the Kirin, he threw the dying Aquaia aside, and used his magic "Thousand Waves of Agitation".

Then the earth began to surge, completely shattering the dimensional space of the Moon God Dragon. The aftermath of the concussion also rendered all the transformation magic that the Moon God Dragon had applied on them invalid. The Four Dragons lost their magic power again. Natsu, the others, and the Dragoneater were all knocked to the ground.

"Natsu, you take your buddies out first, this guy is not an opponent you can deal with!" the moon dragon glanced back at Natsu.

"I didn't tell them to leave!" the earth dragon seemed to be very interested in the Natsu, who had a similar smell to Igonia.

As soon as the Earth God Dragon clasped his hands together, the original dimensional space instantly turned into a towering earth wall, trying to trap them all inside.

The Moon God Dragon didn't let Natsu and them agree, and directly used spatial teleportation to randomly teleport them to a place far away from the Earth God Dragon barrier.

"Oh, you actually have the courage to fight me alone?" the earth god dragon looked the woman in front of him up and down.

"Among the five divine dragons, you are only at the bottom. The five of you together can't directly destroy me and the Sun God Dragon, so what am I afraid of facing you alone?" the Moon God Dragon picked up the Star Spirit Key, intending to fight the Earth God Dragon.

"The moon has lost the brilliance of the sun, how much power is left!" The earth god dragon took the lead, turning the stones on the ground into thousands of arrows and shooting them into the sky.

"Open, Leo, Libra, Capricorn!" The moon dragon used Lucy's body to summon three star spirits in one breath.

Libra dominates the power of balance, using gravity to control all the arrows floating in the air, and then turns around and aims at the earth dragon.

Capricorn dominates the forces of darkness, and with the space magic of the moon dragon, it creates a dark space.

The lion dominates the power of light, giving the light of the stars to the arrows directed at the earth god dragon.

"Trinity Magic, Star Spirit Strike, Meteor Beam!" Faced

with this powerful magic, the Earth God Dragon had no choice but to show his true form, using his thick scales to resist the combined attack between the Star Spirits.

Then, through his powerful fist, he shattered the dark space again.

"Earth Power, Gaia's Wrath!" The

Earth Dragon caused the surrounding earth to rise and turn into a volcano of lava. Descend boulders from high altitudes wrapped in scorching lava.

"You still like this kind of big scene as always!" the moon dragon sneered.

Then let Libra fuse Leo and Capricorn with light and darkness through the power of balance, creating a powerful reversal force. Reduced the magic of the Earth Dragon to nothingness in an instant.

"It's... It's not dragon magic... How can it have such power..."The Earth God Dragon's words began to slurred.

"It's human magic, the magic of humans that you look down upon... Have you ever heard of Aucast, the magical king of Albarez... This magic is his first creation..."The Luna Dragon caused the Star Spirits to start a counterattack.

Later, under the control of Libra, the power of light in Leo and the power of darkness in Capricorn once again combined to attack the earth dragon.

With a loud bang, a pillar of fire rose from the ground, blocking the combined attack of the star spirits.

Another dragon groan rang out, and Igunia, the god of fire, spread its wings and appeared in front of them.

"It's been a long time since we've had such a regular fight, how can you not call me!" Igoniru looked at the luna dragon in human form.

"Since you are not afraid of attracting Akuno Lokia, then there is no need for me to hide, after all, the limit of this human body is not able to deal with you two divine dragons at the same time!" said the moon god dragon, and also withdrew the summoning of the star spirit, and restored his true form.

The three divine dragons restrained each other with their eyes, and they didn't dare to take the lead. Because everyone has understood that they are no longer just two pairs. Rather, it is in a three-legged state, and as long as any two of them fight, the one who profits is the other...

Then a shrill sound came, and it turned out that the Wood God Dragon, which had been hidden for many years, was also near them at the moment.

Then a huge ancient banyan tree grew in the middle of the three dragons, its rattan turned into dragon whiskers, branches turned into dragon claws, blades turned into dragon scales, and the roots of the tree rose from the ground and turned into dragon tails... A green oriental ancient dragon hovered in the sky, looking down at the three divine dragons on the ground as an elder...

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