Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Demon Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 114

And said -....

There was suddenly a mountain of food piled up on the table right in front of Ur!



Chapter 99 - Kouyari

"Fight me to the death! Ur!"

"A fight to the finish - hai!"


It had been two weeks since the last quest.

Ever since the last time Naz "accidentally" discovered his power, Ur had been haunted by Naz, as he was now, and basically whenever Ur appeared in the guild, Naz would rush up to Ur and issue a challenge with great enthusiasm.

Yet every time Ul gave only one answer!

"Heh~~~ah! I'm sorry, Naz, I'm not in a good state today, let's talk about it another time." Ur yawned with hazy eyes and spoke slowly.

"Searchga, there's nothing I can do about that, I'll see you tomorrow!" Naz punches his hand in the palm of his hand, seemingly out of nowhere.

Ur: "---"

He actually really wanted to say, "Better not come see me for the last year or two, because I won't even have time!"

But Naz didn't give Ur the chance to say the words, and had already left with Harpy, and looking at the direction of that departure, it looked like he was going to find Gil'daz to continue getting hammered.

A second's silence for Gil'daz!

Tell the truth!

This was the first time since he had been stuck with Naz, that he had the feeling of "I'm glad I'm not that strong".

If Ur had been as strong as Gildasz, Naz wouldn't have told him before he challenged him, but wouldn't know where to "sneak up" on him now!


But it was true that Ur was in a bad state during this time, and the reason why he had rejected Naz was really not much of an excuse.

The magical and spiritual power in a magician's body needed to maintain a certain balance, and once that balance was broken, the magician's body would experience some abnormal conditions, such as the way Ur was looking right now.


Invincible Passive System

Host: Wei Yi

Passive abilities: empty stomach, evil balance, tough body, sword heart

Talent: Lava Beast Armor

Life Value: 70 (7070)

Magic: 683 (683683)

Spirituality: 36 (3636)

Magic Resistance: 2

Armor: 4


Because the passive "Tough Body" broke the first layer of limitations of Ur's human body, his "Void Stomach" was able to work better, and after devouring those monsters, his life value increased by a full 20 points.

By all means!

It was only right that when life grew, it meant that Ur's health improved and his body became stronger and healthier.

But it's not true, after the life increase, not only does Ur not feel healthy now, but his mind hurts wide open!

And all of this was due to the massive imbalance between magic power value and spirit power.

Ur's current magic value was nearly seven hundred points, which meant that if he wanted to achieve balance, his mental strength would have to reach at least seventy points-...

But now, Ur's mental strength was almost half of what it was!

The result of this was that he now had frequent headaches and his entire mental state was in a state of lethargy at times, very similar to Gil'daz's.

The only redeeming factor should be that Ur isn't as malaise (kidney failure) as Gil'daz now!


Ò "Ò "Ò "Ò "Ò "Ò "Ò "Ò "Ó

I'll knock!

It's not even a fucking good thing!

What a damned enviable fellow!



Ur is suddenly in a bad mood!

On what grounds!

Why does that uncle have so many "admirers", but he doesn't have any...?

Dragging his groggy body over to the counter, Ur asked for a beer and started drinking it to himself!

And at that moment, Rebbie slowly approached Ur and asked with concern, "Ur, are you alright! Why don't I go with you to the Mordor Hospital?"

"No need!" Ur decisively refused, "I know my body well, I'll be fine in a while!"

"That-okay! So I went to practice?" Rebbie sounded slightly lost.


Ur nodded slightly at the words.

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