Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Demon Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 147

The battle between Ur and Hithgua lasted the entire night.

This inhuman stamina amazed the night and others.

The crowd, who had barely possessed a modicum of mobility after a night of recovery, was now surrounding Hitgouya's body, gazing in amazement at his corpse -- and Ur!

And the more they looked, the more the shock in their eyes flourished.

Because it was only after field observation that they could more clearly and visibly understand the strength of the dragon body, but at the same time, it also made them understand the horror of the Ur that had just been able to fight with Hitgoa in close quarters.

", they're all fucking monsters!" The "Elephant King" couldn't help but mutter as his gaze looked back and forth between Ur and Hitgoa's bodies.

After all, for the people of the Mercenary Guild who couldn't practice magic, the most powerful thing about their bodies was their physical skills.

But the "Elephant King", who has always been extremely confident in his body, was struck twice in a single day, and Hittaguia is not a human after all, but what the hell is this teenager in front of him?

The "Elephant King" had a look at his own muscles, and then at the muscular prototype on Ur, and got a little suspicious of life!

In fact, this is just the "Elephant King's" own illusion, in terms of strength alone, there is still a lot of difference between Wuer and him, but because of the "Lava Beast Armor Power" increased too much, which caused the 'Elephant King'! ' arises such doubts.

After all, the "Elephant King" has been hardening his body for decades, so even if Ur is a hanging figure, there's no way he can catch up so quickly!

One Night and the "Elephant King" and other leaders were guarding the dragon corpses, while the few surviving minions were struggling to dig up earth on the ruins of the destroyed mountain.

It took several hours!

Only then did the crowd finally dig out the ruins of the Dragon's Nest.


It is the time to divide the loot -....


Chapter 130: Dividing the Loot? mutilate (a corpse)

"Why aren't you a member of the Dark Guild yourself?" This was the first time that such a thought had crossed Ull's mind since his journey.

If you were a member of the Dark Guild, you could just point your sword in front of you, and the matter of dividing the spoils would be resolved without any trouble. "!

Not like now, a knife fight, though the night and others likewise couldn't help but shiver, but bite hard.


These guys, they just know how to bully the good guys.


"We Green Pegasus need a ton of dragon blood, and we can make concessions in terms of treasure~~an!" spoke up one night.

"No way." One Night was interrupted as soon as his voice fell, and the "Elephant King" tugged at his neck, blushing red, "A creature like a dragon has not existed for hundreds of years, and even if it's just an Asian dragon, how can it be compared to an ordinary mundane creature."

One night.

"The Elephant King."


The guys representing the three camps respectively were quarreling so much that spittle was flying.

In the face of such interests, whether it is the prudish-looking night, the super-sized muscle bully "Elephant King", or the gentle Elijah, all of them have completely lost their image and become calculating.

Ul didn't get involved, though.

It wasn't that he didn't want to participate, but the share that belonged to him was set from the beginning.

Fifty percent!

Ur alone had fifty percent of the benefits.

In all fairness, it was indeed a very fair distribution, after all the others had put in a lot of effort in this battle, and if Ur was the only one, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Hitgoa anyway.

The only thing that was a bit of a letdown for Ur was that he wasn't a member of the Dark Guild!

Crowd: "---"

It's a bit cold all of a sudden.


And with the exception of Ur, Naz also did not participate in the debate.

The first reason is that Naz is still not very old, and he still doesn't understand the "crying baby gets milk" principle, and the second reason is that he really has no interest in these things.

But even if you don't earn it, Naz will certainly not lose out too much in the end.

After all, his contribution is obvious to all, this is a regular guild of Magic Guides, everyone is watching, there is no way that he would even give up the face of the guild for the sake of pure profit.

This was one of the major advantages of a regular guild!


An advantage for Naz, not so much for Ur - not so much.


This battle also showed Ur the rich side of the great guilds, and the gains from this battle came from two main sources, one of which was naturally the treasure left behind by that powerful magician, and the other was the dragon corpse of Hitgouya.

The amount of this treasure was not small, with all kinds of gold coins and gems adding up to two small wooden boxes.

And there were also various other magic scrolls, research materials, and a small amount of magic materials.

This was definitely a huge fortune, anyone who got this treasure would immediately become a famous tycoon in the entire continent and enjoy an endless amount of glory and prosperity for the rest of their lives.


When this treasure was placed in front of everyone, both Elijah and the "Elephant King", surprisingly, all of them did not even look at it, but all of them focused their attention on the body of the dragon of Hittaguia.

Obviously, to them, this treasure was far less precious than an Asian dragon.

Not only that!

When these bastards were discussing the price, they would all subconsciously choose to exchange the treasure for the materials on Hitgouya's body, and that tone of voice was as disgusting as it could be.

It almost didn't anger Ur to pull out a knife and cut someone.

Amazing to have money!

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