Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Devil Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 291

With a deep glance at the fallen Geoff, Ur didn't hesitate to grab Ruby and run.

If he remembered correctly, it seems that Geoff still has a "dual personality", and he doesn't want to have a fight with the "most vicious black magician in history" later.

After all, both in the past and in the present, Ulle knows one thing very well.

That is, if you fight with a "psychopath", you will be the one to suffer in the end.

They were curious: Is there an opponent on Wolf Island who could make him use his magic power?

It was fortunate that the encounter between Ur and Geoff was only brief, or else if it had been longer, then Makarov and Eloisa might have actually come over to take a look at it.

In case it were to turn out like this, it would be a lot of fun.

"The most vicious black magic guide in history, Jelf, not only didn't die, but he also appeared in his own guild, Wolf Island."

If this kind of thing was found out by Makarov, Ull felt that Makarov's expression would be wonderful then.



After holding Rebbie in his arms for several hundred meters, Ul finally stopped after he was sure that he would not be able to trigger Geoff's "second personality".

After being held by Ur for such a long time, Rebbie's face turned slightly red, but when he saw the few hints of anxiety on Ur's face, he couldn't help but be curious, "Ur, do you know that person just now?".

"Sort of." Ur put down Rebbie and nodded.

"Is he good?"

"It's not a question of whether he's tough or not, he's - he's one of those rare, kind of -"

"Bad guys?" Rebbie interfaced.

"Not a bad guy - but close! Anyway, if you see him, you better turn around and run and don't look back, got it? You know, that guy just now he's sick in the head-"

By the way, in this world, Ur would really rather meet the big boss Black Dragon than this second boss.

After all, although the Black Dragon's brain wasn't very good, but at least before he destroyed the world, he usually wouldn't attack ordinary people, and most of the time when he met, unless it was a "Dragon Exterminator Magic Guide", he would basically ignore it.

But this two-boss----.


While he was more than happy to lash out and hurt someone, the product simply couldn't help himself.

It wasn't a matter of whether Geoff wanted to or not, it was a matter of whether he could or not.

After Ur and Rebbie rested in place for a little while, they proceeded to start looking for the target of the second level of assessment, the Wolf Island flag.

Perhaps it was because they had just bumped into Geoff to exhaust their bad luck.

It didn't take long for Ur and Rebi to find another clue pointing to the target-.

Chapter 251: Where's My Roof?

After finding the second "clue".

Ur directly activated the "Storm Wings" and took Rebbie on a tour down Sirius Island.

About half a day later.

Uhl found the third "clue"----.

In the end, about an hour before the assessment deadline, Wuer successfully discovered the flag of Wolf Island hidden by the magic array on a hill on the east side of Wolf Island.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of Geoff in the middle of the test, he would have passed the test a lot earlier.

After handing over the banner to Makarov, Makarov led Ur to the "third level".


In fact, this so-called "third level" is to take Ur to the tomb of the first president of the "Goblin Tail", Mebius Viviamilio, to pay homage to the first president, and in the presence of the "true undead" of Mebius, to give Ur the status of "S-class Magic Guide".

The "S-class Magic Guide" title was not a complicated matter, at least in Ur's opinion, it was basically just Makarov's words.

When the ceremony was complete.

Ul paid his respects to the first chairman, Mebius, and used his own senses to check Mebius' grave a bit.

As a great pegaby who had read all of the original, Ur was well aware that the first president of his guild wasn't dead.

Well... at least his soul and body were still there.

However, even though he had used his "Heart's Eye", he still couldn't find any strange smell in the tomb.

"It seems that it should still be sleeping, does it really take some "power of the heart" to wake up Mebius?" In his mind, he remembered that in the original book, Mebius was awakened by Kana's so-called "heart for the sake of her companions".

But the key point is, now that Kana has met Gildaze, if nothing else, she might not be able to participate in the "S-class Magic Guide" examination anymore.

If this is the case, what if Mebius doesn't wake up in the future?



Ur's assessment didn't take long, but the journey from Wolf Island and back to the guild took a while.

So by the time Ur and the others returned to the guild, "Lizana One" had already woken up and was playing with Naz inside the guild-....

"Ur's back!" As soon as Ur and the others reached the entrance of the guild, there were already waiting members who spotted his tracks and ran all the way back to the guild shouting.

The entire "Goblin Tails" came out in a flurry, instantly surrounding Ur and his group.......

"Ur, how's it going? Did you pass the test?"

"Nonsense, if Ul can't even pass, then will our guild still have S-rank magicians?"

"Hey - I know that too, but didn't I want to hear it from Ur himself!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Ur, tell me if you passed the test or not!"


The chattering voices were loud from ear to ear.

Previously, Ur had only heard that "one woman is equal to five hundred ducks", but now it seemed that the Goblin Tail's group wasn't bad at all!

Stretching out his hand and pressing it down, signaling the people around him to be quiet, Ur then slowly swept a circle of expectant and curious eyes around him before slowly speaking, "Of course - it's passed."

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