Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Demon Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 348

"Ah~ It's indeed been a long time, Ragusas, you - why are you getting uglier and uglier?"


Golden lightning suddenly erupted from Ragsas, directly creating a layer of air waves on the second floor.

"You bastard, do you want to fight?"

The scar on Ragsas' face twitched, and the smile gradually became fierce, making Ragsas' entire body look more and more like a villain.


Before Ur opened his mouth, Makarov's body suddenly erupted with an even more majestic magic power, like a stormy wave, instantly permeating the entire guild's lobby, and for a moment, all the guild members couldn't help but quiet down, Lagerthaus's magic power was completely like a boat in the waves, without any resistance-...

"That's enough, Lagerthaus!"


Ragsas gave a low snort and slowly turned around and disappeared to the second floor.

Looking at Ragsas' departing back, Makarov slowly withdrew his magic power and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


I want to retire!

A Nazi problem had already caused Makarov to lose several hairs, and now a Ragasus had popped up.

Makarov suddenly realized that the reason he had gone from a flowing blonde to now balding was probably being the chairman of the ----.



While Makaroff is worried about Nazi's case, Nazi and Gray finally meet up with the "mastermind behind the curtain" for the first time.

On the island of Garner, Naz and Gray finally had their first meeting with the "Black Hand behind the scenes".

Although Gray had once said that he would let Mila leave first with Naz, it was clear that his words did not have the slightest credibility, especially to a ditz like Naz.

"Is this guy the Zero Emperor? Looks like a real ass! It's a strange mask." Naz.

Lucy: "Yeah? I think it's kinda cool, huh?"

Gray: "---"

What the hell are you guys doing here?

"By the way, have you seen Mira?" Suddenly, feeling a little strange, Gray looked around twice and suddenly realized that at some point, Mira, who had been following him and the others, had disappeared.

"I don't know."

"Haji~ I know, I just saw Mila running towards that place." Harpy raised his small paw.

Looking in the direction that Habibi's cat paws were pointing, Gray found nothing but a forest, and with a slight frown, Gray refocused on the enemy in front of him.

"Naz, wait and prioritize destroying the altar that holds the "Moon Drop" together, no matter what, they must not be allowed to unleash the Delilah, is that understood?"


"Naz? Did you hear what I said or not?" Gray turned his head abruptly and growled to the side.

After seeing "Delilah", Gray's temper had become quite grumpy, but when he turned his head, he only saw Lucy, who was shocked, and the figure of Naz had disappeared.

Lucy looked over at the grumpy Gray and said carefully, "That-if you're looking for Naz, he's already rushed up there."

Lucy held out a finger and pointed forward.

Gray looked along.

What reflected in his eyes was the back of Naz who was roaring loudly all the way and rushing towards the enemy.

Gray: "---"

"(Granddaddy ̄)"

"This idiot!"

Gray's face sank in an instant, and in the next second, he took a large step directly towards Naz to catch up.


"Lord Zero Emperor, I have sad news, there are invaders here, they seem to be trying to ruin our plans." Beside the masked Zero Emperor, a woman with long curly auburn hair spoke up.


Emperor Zero frowned, looking at Nazi, who was rapidly rushing ahead, and thought for a moment, "I don't want invaders to come here and cause trouble, there should be no one left on this island, except for the villages on the edge, right?"


"Go and destroy that village."




Emperor Zero had three men in total.

In addition to the woman with long curly auburn hair, there was a dwarf, and a strange race of people who were neither human nor cat.

All three of them seemed to be quite convinced of Emperor Zero.

With Zero Emperor's order, in addition to the woman with the long auburn curly hair, the other two of Zero Emperor's men immediately responded and quickly ran towards the edge of the island-....

But Naz, Gray, and Lucy who were rushing towards this side, after hearing Emperor Zero's voice, but their faces changed drastically and hastily stopped.

"What? Destroy the village?"

"What if it's obvious that it has nothing to do with the village?"


Emperor Zero's tactics were clearly beyond Naz and Lucy's expectations.

For a moment.

The two were actually a bit at a loss as to what to do ----.

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