Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Devil Tail - Passive Invincible Chapter 547

However, before the crowd had a chance to recover, they saw another shadow emerge from the "Eclipse Gate", a huge shadow rushed up into the sky, and soon revealed its true body.

A flame burning all over its body, as if it was a flameless flame dragon.


Shadow after shadow continued to fly out of the "Eclipse Gate", and in a short while, the number of dragons in the sky above the venue had exceeded ten, and the first few dragons had started attacking the soldiers and buildings on the ground.

Dragons and humans were already in a hostile state four hundred years ago, and dragons like Iguniru who were willing to coexist peacefully with humans were only a few after all.

"Why? Why did this happen?"

On the judging table, the Emerald Princess's fists were clenched as she looked down at the almost defenseless soldiers below, her eyes filled with confusion.




"In front of the Eclipse Gate, Future Logos is still laughing at the dragons that continue to burst out of the Eclipse Gate. The expression on "Luog"'s face became more and more crazy.

At this moment, a fist filled with flames suddenly appeared in "Future Logue's" ear, suddenly blowing him away.

"Quick, hurry up!"

Naz was in front of the flying Future Logos, and behind him were Lucy and Future Lucy.

The moment everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the dragon, the three of them quietly bypassed the defense of the kingdom's soldiers and came here.

In fact, the use of Star Spirit Key is not that simple, because a Star Spirit Key can only have one contracted person at the same time, when opening the "Eclipse Gate", you only need to use the twelve keys as tools, but when closing it, you need to activate the twelve keys.

But in order to "activate" the keys, only the contracted person of the keys can do so.

"Later, we'll both do it at the same time."


Normally, as long as Yukino isn't dead, no one else would have the right to summon these keys, but since Lucy is only the contractual owner of ten of the twelve keys, the other two are owned by Yukino, the Sword-Biting Tiger. "Future Lucy" had returned from the future to save the world, how could she not have thought of that?

"Future Lucy pulled up the sleeve of her right hand, inputting magic power into her arm, and in the next moment, twelve strange patterns shone out at the same time, this is a "temporary contract", this is the "right" to summon the star spirits after the star spirits contractor agreed to it! "Temporary imprints given to others are disposable consumables.

"Let's begin!"


After a short conversation, Lucy and Future Lucy both input their magic power and will into the key of the Eclipse Gate, and with the twelve keys shining with golden light, the Eclipse Gate! "Slowly beginning to close up-


Chapter 478 - Eighteen Dragons

"Bastard, stop it!"

Seeing Lucy and Future Lucy's actions, Future Logan became anxious.

Future Lucy's ability to manipulate Yukino's key surprised Future Logan, but he was more angry because he had been traveling from the future back to the present for so long to get the key from the Eclipse. The "Gate" summoned the ten thousand dragons from four hundred years ago, but now the plan had just been implemented and he was stopped, how could he be satisfied?


"Future Logue blended into the shadows of the ground, like a dark liquid, and rushed towards Lucy and Future Lucy in front of the Eclipse Gate, but just as he got close to the two Lucys, an extremely hot flame suddenly rose and surrounded them.


"Future Logue's attack was blocked, and flames that could almost melt rocks made contact with Future Logue's fist, instantly scorching him.

After this short period of time, Lucy and Future Lucy had joined forces and closed the "Eclipse Gate" with a bang.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Lucy and Future Lucy close the Eclipse Gate, Future Logue was so furious that his eyes widened in anger.

"This time, it took seven years for the magic to be activated, and it was done by collecting the overflowing magic power from the "Demon Director", so there was only one chance to activate it.

"You're looking for death!"

"Future Logos' eyes were bloodshot, and his entire body looked hideous.

His original plan was to summon 10,000 dragons, but now he only summoned 18, the difference between the two was enormous.

Lucy and Future Lucy closed the Eclipse Gate, took out the key, and quickly left, knowing that their presence here would only add to Naz's burden, but as soon as they had escaped, a huge shadow suddenly appeared from above, instantly enveloping them both.

Lucy and "Future Lucy" subconsciously looked up, and in the next second, their pupils shrank, and deep in their eyes, a huge silver claw quickly enlarged------!

"Lucy!" Naz's face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly turned around to try to rescue the two Lucys.

Behind Naz, however, the "Future Logos"'s eyes were gradually flickering with a strange light, and a wisp of imperceptible magic connection surfaced on him and the silver dragon, killing intent exploding out.

"Since you've ruined my plan, then you can all go to hell!"

"In an instant, the eighteen dragons hovering above the crowd all froze, and the look in their eyes quickly changed.

The eyes of Lucy and Future Lucy showed fear in their eyes, as "ordinary people", this kind of experience is a bit exciting.

The silver dragon's dive was so swift and fierce that Lucy and Future Lucy didn't even have time to cry out for help, but the sharp claws of the dragon were already close to their eyes------.


There was a loud boom.

The silver dragon was directly hammered over onto the ground, and as the huge body of the dragon landed on the ground, the entire ground of the venue trembled.

Ur unfolded the wings of the storm and landed on top of the silver dragon's body, glancing around and frowning slightly between his eyebrows, he whispered, "Eighteen dragons, this number is a bit troublesome!"

In Ur's original plan, it was best to limit the number of dragons summoned to around twelve.

Firstly, Wuer is not a "Dragon Destroyer Magic Guide", although the "Dragon Slayer Bloodline" has given Wuer an advantage over ordinary Magic Guides when dealing with giant dragons, he still can't compare to the restraint of "Dragon Destroyer Magic Guides" against giant dragons. 18 giant dragons is a lot of pressure for him.

Secondly, even if Wuer was confident that he could kill the 18 dragons, but in the meantime, would these dragons escape and how much damage would they cause to the Yixugal Continent?

In these respects, Ur had no control.


The silver dragon was hammered over by Ur, and the hideous dragon's head was falling in front of Lucy, startling her so much that she fell backwards, falling to her feet.

"Lucy, Naz, you guys back off, I'll just take care of the rest."

Ur took a look at Lucy, who collapsed on the ground in front of him, and Naz, who was wrestling with the "Future Rogues" on the other side, and slowly spoke up.

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