Fairy Tail Passive Invincibility

Devil Tail - Passive Invincibility Chapter 586

Naturally, one of the reasons for this was that the Douri Family had always maintained dozens of "S-class Magic Guides".

The other reason was because of the Dao Li Family's clan land itself.


While a few old undead were yelling at each other, on the other side, the twenty or so "S-class" strongmen who had just managed to escape briefly looked at each other, and after confirming to each other that the Heavenly Ur was indeed an unbeatable opponent, they decisively opened the true cards of the Dao Li Clan's clan land.

A huge magic formation emerged from the underground of the Douri family's land, and in a flash, a semi-circular shield directly buckled the Douri family inside like a bowl, and as this layer of magic shield emerged, Ur was surprised to find that the magic he had just released was cut off from himself.

The "Claw of a Thousand Rocks" reverted to a pile of rubble and scum and fell to the ground, and the bound Dori family clan broke free.

The leader of the few old undead coldly looked at Ul and Pasfel above the sky, killing intent instantly bursting out of their eyes.

"Activate the Ghost Prison Formation and directly arrest those two guys, if they disobey, they will be punished on the spot." When Nago Dori saw the family's greatest card being activated, he didn't bother to continue with his nonsense and gave a final order directly.


In the next second, the magic formation directly underneath the semi-circular shield underwent drastic changes once again.

The deep purple-black magic power rose up like a fog, and then under the horrified gaze of the Dao Li family, they saw the fog quickly transform into a different form of "evil ghosts", some of these evil ghosts have green fangs, some of them have deformed bodies, some of them have decayed wings growing out of their backs, some of them are holding chains, tridents and other weapons-------.

But the only thing that was the same was that the scent emitted by these "evil spirits" was all filled with ominousness and darkness, and the power of each of them was far greater than that of an "S-rank Demon Guide".


"Help! What is this?"



Just when the crowd was shocked by the appearance of these "evil ghosts", suddenly, a miserable scream came from behind the crowd, the crowd was shocked and hurriedly turned back, the next second, the pupils of the crowd instantly shrunk, hard to conceal the fear emanating from the eyes of the crowd.

The "evil ghost" that had been conjured up by the magical array was actually lying on the body of several Dao Li family members, and had eaten them alive in just five seconds.

It was only a dozen seconds before and after, leaving only a puddle of bright red blood on the spot.

But the "evil ghosts" that devoured the family's direct descendants were so powerful that they nearly doubled in strength in the blink of an eye.

Only the leading few old and immortal rulers remained calm and indifferent when they saw this scene.

"The Ghost Prison Formation was discovered by the first patriarch of the Dao Li family, it was a taboo magic formation left over from an unknown era.

The "Ghost Prison Formation" was originally an exceptionally evil "Taboo Magic Array", which would be activated on its own once it came into contact with blood, and then these "evil ghosts" would appear in the magic array, and all the creatures in the magic array would be slaughtered, and their flesh and blood would be devoured by the "evil ghosts" to strengthen themselves, until the flesh and blood of the slaughtered creatures were consumed, the "Ghost Prison Formation" would fall silent again.

In the beginning, the "Ghost Prison Phalanx" was a purely evil "taboo magic formation" with no distinction between enemy and enemy, but the first patriarch of the Douri family modified the "Ghost Prison Phalanx" through some means, so that every time the magic formation was activated, as long as a certain amount of Douri blood lineage was contributed, the Douri family members inside the magic formation would be protected.

However, the bloodline of the Dori family is not controlled, that is to say, there is a high probability that the Ghost Prison Formation will directly choose Nago Dori, these old undead, for sacrifice.

This is also one of the reasons why at the beginning, these old undead Nago-Dori did not immediately choose to start the "ghost prison phalanx" in the face of Ur's attack, after all, although there are only a few percent chance, but no one is willing to take their own lives to gamble with these odds.

But now that the magic formation has been opened, there is no need to continue negotiations.

The "evil ghosts" devoured the three first bloodline of the Dao Li family, the original dark eyes slightly surfaced a little red light, then look at the people with the bloodline of the Dao Li family slightly become "peaceful" a little, but the next moment, the other people within the magic circle is a disaster.

The Dao Li family is not only the children of the family, but also many of the servants and stewards are outsiders, and even among the twenty or so "S-class Magic Guides", there are also three or four outsiders.

So, for a time, the entire Dao Li family's other courtyard was screaming, and the smell of blood filled the air, causing many ordinary people and young people of the Dao Li family to tremble with fear.

And not only the Dori family's other homes, including the place where Ur and Pasifel are standing, in fact, are in the "Ghost Prison Formation" range, several "evil ghosts" with rotten wings growing behind their eyes red light, menacing towards Ur! This side rushed over.

And then....


These "evil demons" didn't even have the time to fart, and they were all smacked to dust by Ul's slap.

The dark clouds rolled in, and a huge magic palm appeared from the heavens, blatantly blasting the magic shield of the Douli Family's courtyard.


With a slight cracking sound, the protective shield of the Douri Family Courtyard instantly crumbled, and the powerful impact directly leveled the nearby ground, even the "Ghost Prison Formation" underground was also attacked and directly shattered by half.

With the destruction of the magic formation, the "evil spirits" in the other courtyard of the Daoli family also began to disperse, and soon, the smell of blood in the air and a part of the corpses that had not been gnawed by the "evil spirits", the Daoli family's clan land once again returned to its normal state. "Calm."

Pasfel "---"

People of the Dawley Family "---"

"We surrender, Your Excellency, whatever you want, we can try to satisfy you." Seeing that his family's biggest "card" had been shattered by the other party with one slap, Nago-Dori decided to follow his heart after a brief confusion.

As the head of the Dori family, Nago Dori's status and identity was noble and his personality was arrogant, but he was not a fool.

At such a time, he would not consider the one-in-a-million chance that it might be a bug in his own family's "Ghost Prison Formation", after all, just before Wuerl's action, these "evil spirits" easily killed those who were not of the family bloodline. The "S-class Magic Guides" had gnawed them cleanly, with not even a single bone fragment left.

So now that such a situation had occurred, it was obvious that it wasn't that their "Ghost Prison Formation" was too weak, but that the enemy they were facing this time was so strong that Naku-Dori was wondering if the man in front of him was human or not.

This was a "Forbidden Magic Formation" from the Ancient Era!

Who the hell would believe that such a thing could be smashed with a slap on the wrist!

Can't you see that even though you saw it with your own eyes, your own family is still in a state of doubt about your life to this day?

Ur flew down directly with Pasfel, and a few of the old immortals of the Dori family and the crowd behind them who were still doubting their lives made way, even if many of them were still in a daze at this point, but when Ur arrived, their instincts still drove them away from Ur as quickly as possible.

Pasfel followed behind Ur with the same bewildered look of a billion points.

Although he hadn't doubted Ur's power when Ur had first told him about the "plan", he swore that he hadn't expected this.

After all, although he was the obvious head of the Dori family, but Nago Dori had never told him about the "Ghost Prison Formation", which was a secret.

And although Passfell knew that Ull was strong, the strength that Ull was now exploding had clearly more than doubled again from the last time they met.

"This guy, is he still considered human now?"

Even as an ally of Ur, the same doubts as those of Nago Dori could not help but surface within Pasfir's heart at this time.

However, all these thoughts were only slightly flickered in Pasfel's mind before they were thrown out of his mind, after all, there were obviously more important matters that he needed to deal with right now besides the issue of doubting Ur's human identity.

Looking around at the various complex gazes of awe, suspicion, hatred, envy --- and so on that were constantly thrown at him, Passfell felt like his entire body was floating, as if his life had been sublimated.

Especially when he saw that the few old undead who had always disgusted him in the past only dared to hang their heads and look at him now, Pasfel felt like he couldn't stop trembling.




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