Inside Magnoria's station, Igo stood aside.

"Why are you two here too?" Natsu asked.

"Sister Mira didn't tell us to follow along,"

replied Lucy,

sitting on a cloth bag.

"You think I'm coming, but why hasn't Miss Elusa come yet?"

"Are you calling me?".

A majestic voice came from behind Lucy

, "Ai,


Natsu and Gray exclaimed, hugging each other.

"The two of us also got along well today~!".


Elusa nodded, turning her face to look at Iago and Lucy,

"You two... You're new to the guild, aren't you??"

Lucy nodded.

"Well, it was Sister Mira who asked us to come along..."

It just so happened that I could see the strength of the two of them. Elusa smiled.

"Then let's go!".

"Wait a minute.

Natsu suddenly stopped Elusa. "Elusa, I have a request.

Gray asked in surprise.

"Dare to ask Elusa to make conditions, are you crazy?!".

Elusa said curiously.

"Say, if it's not too much, I can say yes. Natsu clenched his fist and burst into flames.

"When you get back, fight me! I'm getting stronger!".

Gray shouted even more in surprise,

"Don't you think about it!

After hearing this, Elusa smiled slightly.

"No problem, let me see your growth then!" In that case, please have a fight with me then!"

Igo suddenly spoke

, "I heard Mira say that you are very strong, the strongest female sorcerer in the guild!"

Lucy whispered.

"Igo, don't join in the fun!"

Gray looked at Iago in shock, "You don't want to die too?!".

Elusa chuckled a few times, clasped her hands to her chest, and said,

"What's the matter? "You're so confident,"

Lucy muttered quietly. The blue kitten standing at Natsu's feet nodded

, "Hey~ Of course,

I think Natsu and Igo will be beaten badly by Elusa when they go together~."" Really fake... Huh?!".

Lucy ducked behind Iago and exclaimed, "The cat has spoken!!" Boom~!".

The kitten raised his paw and said,

"I'm Harpy~.I'm Natsu's partner!".

Lucy poked Harpy

, "That's not the problem,

can cats talk?!".

Harpy wagged his tail,

"Whoa... Absolutely. You're very rude~!".

Elusa picked up her luggage and walked out.

"Alright, don't, delay the time, let's go!".

After a while, several people got into the car. Without exception, Igo was sick. And, Natsu also became disgusted together, "Vomit~!".

Gray was sandwiched between the two, holding them with a look of disgust.

"You'd better not spit it out

," Elusa sighed and said,


I can't stand you two like this... Sit down next to me, and I'll make you feel better.

"So you're telling me to go away?".

Lucy complained to herself, and stood up for Natsu to sit down. Elusa gently stroked Natsu's back, and then unexpectedly punched Natsu in the stomach, causing Natsu's eyes to roll out.

"Igo is next, right?

"Hmm... No... Gwoe~!".

Igo waved his hand repeatedly, speechless,

"That... Elusa, Igo shouldn't be needed.

Lucy sat next to Igo and laughed awkwardly.

"Forget it, you're welcome

," Elusa said, pushing Natsu aside,

"I'll explain why I called you out this time!"

Everyone immediately focused, and Elusa said

, "When I returned from my last mission,

I overheard a conversation between a group of dark mages. "

Dark Magus?" Gray asked.

"Dark guild guys?".

Elusa nodded.

"That's right, it's a bunch of guys who call themselves Baht Forest—"

Gray looked down and pondered for a moment.

"Iron Forest... I remember their leader being the one—

" Elusa continued

, "Death, Eligor! quite a famous fellow!".

"Death... Elligore?".

Lucy swallowed and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Are we going to fight that kind of guy?".

Harpy looked at

Lucy, "Hey~.Lucy, you're so juicy!".

"It's Khan!".

Lucy shouted: Elusa coughed twice, and continued

, "This time they somewhere got the legendary "Curse Song" Lullaby,

which is said to be a flute sealed with demons. The singing sound it blows can easily kill people.

Lucy suddenly felt a shiver shiver in her back.

"Such a terrible thing has fallen into the wrong hands... Isn't it dangerous?".

Elusa nodded.

"That's why I'm calling you out in such a hurry.

At this time, in the seat of the car not far from everyone, there was a squinting man playing with a wooden flute carved with a skull, and heard the conversation of several people clearly.

"Anyway, I don't know about your magic yet.

Elusa turned to Lucy and asked, and Lucy patted her on the waistbag.

I'm a Star Spirit Wizard, and Igo is a Rock Dragon Slayer Wizard, so what about Elusa's magic?".

Harpy took the lead and said

, "Elusa's magic is very beautiful, and when you use it, a lot of blood will come out, of course, it's the

enemy~!" Lucy trembled and complained, "It's clearly scary, okay?".

Elusa shook her head and smiled

, "No,

my magic is just the most common disguise magic. If it's pretty, I'd think Gray's ice magic is a little prettier.

Gray made a fairy tail badge out of ice, "Really, I'm glad to hear you say that..."

, and the group continued to talk for a while. The train arrived at the station, and the people got off the train with their luggage.

"Haven't you recovered yet? Is it that exaggerated?".

Lucy helped Igo against the wall.

"No... I'll vomit again~ Slow down for a while, vomit ~

" Igo leaned against the wall and said while spitting

, "No way, then wait a little!".

Elusa and the others stood aside

, "This guy has worse symptoms of motion sickness than

Natsu, right?" said Gray,

"Oh~.Did Natsu get out of the car?".

Harpy asked, how many people, you look at me, I look at you, and there was silence for a while.

"Natsu is still in the car!?".

Everyone exclaimed, and Elusa immediately ran back to the station with everyone, rushed directly into the control room, and grabbed the collar of a staff member, "Hurry up and stop the train, our companion is still on it!".

The staff looked horrified, "This kind of thing...",

Lucy complained loudly, "How is it possible?!" Stop!".

Igo was on the sidelines, ignoring the staff's obstruction, and pulled the train's lever down.


Lucy shouted at Igo in disbelief.

Looks like you're pretty much in tune with Fairy Tail!".

Harpy flew up and pointed to a magic 4WD outside the window.

"Oh~!Let's go find Natsu!" Igo looked resistant.

"Isn't it right?

Elusa pulled a few people and jumped directly from the window, "Get in the car! I'll drive!"

After a few people squeezed into the car, Elusa connected the EX port on the car to herself, and ran wildly, "Spare me!".

Igo covered his mouth and said dizzily.

(on the train about a few minutes ago)

"Gross~.Where did you go to Harpy~"

Natsu, who was gradually waking up, looked at the empty seat and muttered. At this time, the man who was sitting next to a few people just now walked over.

"Yo, little brother, you don't seem well, do you need help?"

Natsu shook his head, speechless.

"Don't be so cold~.I came to ask you kindly~

" A dark magic array appeared in the man's hand, and he stood in front of Natsu and sneered,

"Flies of the Bright Guild!".

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