Fake Funeral

C213 Poisoning

I am now a shadow, lying on the ground, watching my own body conversing with the Uncle Tang.

I was at a loss. Logically speaking, it should be a soulless body, but how could he speak? Who was controlling him?

Just when I was at a loss, I suddenly noticed that Mr. Zhao was standing behind me with his hand on my back. I never left his side, and I suddenly understood that it was Mr. Zhao who was controlling my body. But then I had another question: why didn't he say it himself? Do you have to say it through my body? Isn't this superfluous?

No matter what, my physical body had already brought out the doubts in my mind. Mr. Zhao and I looked at Uncle Tang with interest, waiting for his answer.

Uncle Tang sighed. He sat on the sofa tiredly, either because he was depressed due to the memories or because he was about to lose his physical body.

A few seconds later, he slowly opened his mouth: "The nickname 'Little Tang Wei', was given to her by her classmate. This child loves everyone, and I am no exception. As for her life and death, they are our family's matters after all.

The fleshly body nodded and said, "Now that we know the whole story, perhaps we can save her and you as well."

Uncle Tang replied, "Little Tang Wei is not my biological son. She doesn't even know about this. "

My eyes widened as I listened.

Uncle Tang continued, "The deaths of her parents were closely related to me. Or rather, they were killed by me. "That's why I couldn't rest my heart and raised her."

The Uncle Tang became silent as he spoke to here. After waiting for a while, the fleshly body asked, "What happened next?"

Uncle Tang suddenly extended his arm next to his body: "Look at my arm, does it start to rot?"

His arm was beginning to rot. That appearance was very miserable. A timid person wouldn't even dare to look at it a second time after taking a glance.

Uncle Tang laughed and retracted his arm, saying, "Your arm is already beginning to rot, you can't carry heavy stuff. "Not only my arms, my legs, and my internal organs are all no better."

He pointed to his head. "Your arms can rot, and so can this place. There are a lot of things I can't remember. That's all I know about the Little Tang Wei. If you can save me, then don't hesitate to save me. If you can't, then it doesn't matter.

Both his body and the Mr. Zhao were silent.

Uncle Tang stood up with difficulty and poured a cup of tea for each of us, "I am touched by your concern for Little Tang Wei. I thank you all for this tea. "

We were unable to refuse such thanks, so we each took a sip.

I am the shadow, I have left the body, so I do not know the taste of the tea. However, looking at Mr. Zhao's pained expression, he knew that this cup of tea was not nice to drink.

Uncle Tang sat on the sofa and imploringly begged us: "Don't tell Little Tang Wei about this. Even though she is not my biological daughter, after raising her for so many years, I have already treated her as a relative. "

The and the fleshly body immediately patted their chests and said, "Of course, of course."

Uncle Tang was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at us, and said with a strange tone of voice: "But I do not believe you guys, what should I do?"

When I heard this, my heart thumped loudly. I knew things wouldn't be so easy to settle.

His body was actually very calm, or to be more precise, the Mr. Zhao was very calm. He controlled his body and said to Uncle Tang: "Don't worry, we will definitely not tell anyone about this. We are Little Tang Wei's friends, we won't harm her."

The Uncle Tang sighed and said, "Your words sound good. But, you don't know the face of the world, you don't know the heart. Who knows when you will go back on your word? "How about this, I have a good idea to see if you're willing to listen."

The fleshly body asked, "What method?"

Uncle Tang came over and said, "You two can die. The dead cannot speak. "

Mr. Zhao and Yue Yang's bodies paled at the same time. They turned around and wanted to leave, but just as they took a step, their bodies swayed and with a plop, they fell to the ground.

The Uncle Tang slowly squatted down and patted my face. "Back then, inside the tea house, I put something down for you guys. After drinking it, it looked like it was drunk. Don't worry, your physical bodies are fine. If someone has the kindness to take you to a hospital and use a ventilator, oxygen tube or something. You can live for decades. But... Your souls will disperse. Don't blame Uncle Tang for being ruthless, this society is a prairie, if you don't eat me, I will eat you. "

He slowly stood up and muttered to himself, "You two pitiful people, don't blame me. This is your fate. Blame it on your fate."

Then he walked shakily to his room, mumbling something as he walked. I listened for a while and recognized it as the Afterlife Spell.

Uncle Tang seemed to be lying on the bed as he let out a long sigh, "My daughter, no one can hurt you."

After that, he no longer moved.

I remember what the Mr. Zhao told me: although the Uncle Tang is not dead yet, he is no different from a dead person. When he was awake, he could walk and talk. When he fell asleep, his body would begin to rot, and if no one woke him, he would become a pile of bones.

I heard that the Uncle Tang had fallen asleep, and gradually, I couldn't even hear his breathing anymore. I know we're safe for the time being.

Thus, I struggled to get close to Mr. Zhao and touched his body. "Second Uncle, Second Uncle, are you alright?"

Mr. Zhao did not say a word, as if his soul had truly disappeared.

I was extremely anxious because I was only a shadow right now. I did everything I could to not be able to return to my physical body. Under these circumstances, I wouldn't be able to find Xia Xin even if I wanted to.

Just as I was panicking, the door opened. I saw the Little Tang Wei walking in from the outside.

The moment she entered the room, she immediately saw Mr. Zhao and I lying on the ground. She exclaimed and crouched down to shake us.

Mr. Zhao and I didn't even feel anything as we lay on the ground like a pile of mud.

Little Tang Wei tried our noses and actually heaved a sigh of relief. "Luckily, we are still alive."

Then she suddenly remembered something and called out, "Dad, where are you? Are you okay? "

She rushed into the bedroom and started crying nervously. A few minutes later, I heard the tired voice of the Uncle Tang saying, "I'm fine."

Little Tang Wei asked anxiously: "What happened to my two friends?"

Uncle Tang gave a light "oh" and said, "They are here. They took out a few bottles of wine from the fridge and you can drink one cup after another. They are your friends, and I cannot dissuade them. And they got drunk all the time. "

Little Tang Wei stomped her feet: "These two people are really unconventional."

She told Uncle Tang to rest well, then went back to the living room and dragged my body and his body onto the sofa.

I thought to myself, "Even if we're drunk, we should still smell alcohol, right?" Even Little Tang Wei doesn't smell it? "

After Little Tang Wei laid us down, she started to call for takeout. From the looks of it, she also knew the cooking level.

By the time the takeout arrived, the sun had already set.

Little Tang Wei called me and Mr. Zhao twice. Seeing that we did not react, she muttered: drunkard. Then she ate her own food.

This night was peaceful, so calm that it was almost hopeless. As a shadow, I have been trying my best to return to my physical body. In the end, I realized that this kind of effort was futile. I don't know what method the Mr. Zhao used to turn my soul into a shadow.

When night fell, everyone fell asleep, leaving only Little Tang Wei watching TV. After some thought, I decided to leave this damned place. Let's find Xia Xin first.

Thankfully, although the Mr. Zhao had turned me into his shadow, he had not confined me to his body, so I could freely move around.

When I reached the door, I turned around to look at the Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao lied on the sofa. It was hard to tell if he was dead or alive.

Suddenly, I realized a problem. I clearly remember when Little Tang Wei dragged Mr. Zhao onto the sofa, he was laid on his back. Why did he turn into lying on his side now? Could it be that he was actually awake, so he chose a comfortable sleeping posture?

I stared at him for a long moment without seeing the rise and fall of his heart. I shook my head, feeling that I remembered wrongly. I had to find Xia Xin as soon as possible, otherwise, the Mr. Zhao would really be hopeless.

I went downstairs, and when I arrived at the district, I saw those hooligans still standing downstairs. Their bodies were hidden in the darkness, only the cigarette butts on their mouths were left burning.

Tonight, the residents in the residential area were all very nervous, because there were a lot of idle social workers here. I saw those commoners rushing through the residential area, jumping into the building, running back to their homes, heavily closing the door and never coming out again.

I ignored these hooligans and walked out of the district. I have to think of a way to return to Wuzhong and find Xia Xin.

Outside the district was a quiet road, with no one on it. I floated forward alone for a while. Suddenly, a chilly wind blew over me, giving me goosebumps.

I was shocked and felt that this was a dangerous signal as I subconsciously hid in the grass. It wasn't until I was hidden that I realized why I was hiding.

The characteristics of this Yin Wind were too obvious. Every time it was lifted up, it would release a signal: This place was more than a Heaven Ranked Spirit Weapon.

I lay motionless in the grass, waiting for the soldiers to pass. But soon, I noticed that this Sky Weapon was different from before. The paper men did not move forward in formation, but spread out to search for something in their surroundings.

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