Fake Funeral

C295 Visiting relatives of Grandma Meng

I listened to the voices outside, and suddenly everything became clear. If I was the one outside, it might really be me asking Coffin King to kill me.

I don't want to die right now. I hate why I asked a hitman to kill me. But right now, I have to admire his decision. Using reincarnation to avoid being hunted is very smart.

Then, Coffin King's voice sounded again, "Can you tell me who it is that wants to kill you?"

The previous voice sighed and said with a wry smile, "It's better that you don't know. "If you don't know, even if you face them, they won't do anything to you. But if you do know, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, they won't let you go."

Coffin King sighed, and said: "But I'm not young anymore, how many times can I kill you?"

The previous voice smiled and said, "Tomorrow is Grandma Meng's day to visit her family in her hometown."

Coffin King asked in surprise, "Which Grandma Meng?"

The voice said, "Inside the Underworld, it's Grandma Meng who stewed Grandma Meng's Elixir."

Coffin King asked in shock: "Grandma Meng, does she still have relatives? There are still relatives living in this world? "

The voice replied, "When Grandma Meng was still a mortal, she had an old sister-in-law. The eldest sister-in-law raised her like a mother. All her life, she had been very grateful to her sister-in-law. Every year at this time, he would visit his sister-in-law. Even after my sister-in-law has reincarnated, she will silently pray for her blessings. "

"In this life, her sister-in-law will be reincarnated nearby. You wait until tomorrow night, just as the sun goes down, and then go to the side of the road and wait. You'll see an old woman riding past on a donkey. Her donkey would suddenly be frightened and drop the old woman off its back. You must rush over without a care for your own safety and save the old woman. "

Coffin King asked, "Is that old woman Grandma Meng's sister-in-law? Why is her donkey frightened? "

The voice chuckled and said, "That's right, that old woman is Grandma Meng's sister-in-law. I've arranged for a little kid to scare the donkey, and it'll be hard not to panic. After you send the old woman home, no matter how grateful she is to you, you can't accept it. But in addition to your words, let me know a little bit about how much you miss your wife and are worried that you will forget her when you die, hoping that you will remember her for the rest of your life. "

Coffin King laughed bitterly: "Old Hu, aren't you joking with me? You know, my wife beat and scolded me all the time. She used me like a slave. I can only live happily after she's dead, so how can I miss her? "

The voice laughed, "It's just a lie. No one else knows about it. When you're done, I'll take my leave. That night, when you go to sleep, don't die too quickly, because there will be someone who will knock on your door. This person is Grandma Meng. "

Coffin King's voice was filled with realization: "You mean, she'll see that old woman being saved? And then you come to thank me? "

The voice replied, "No matter what she gives you, you must not accept. Brother, I know your character. As long as you promise me that, you won't care even if it's a mountain of gold or a mountain of silver. "Believe me, what Grandma Meng can truly give you is even more precious than gold and silver."

The Coffin King asked with great interest: "So, what exactly is it?"

The voice said, "It's a bowl of soup. You told Grandma Meng that you wished to always remember your wife. Grandma Meng respected having a lover the most, so she would give you a bowl of soup. After drinking this bowl of soup, you will never lose your memory again. No matter how you reincarnate, it doesn't matter. "Think about it, is there any difference between this and immortality?"

Coffin King was silent for a long time, then said with emotion: "This is truly a great gift. Old Hu, I really don't know how to thank you. "

The voice laughed and said, "The reason I'm giving you this big gift is also for myself. As long as you remember who you are, you can kill me before my twenty-fourth birthday. "

Coffin King made a sound of acknowledgement, then said with some difficulty, "But after you were reincarnated, everything was different in your entire life. How do I know which one is you? Even if I do, it's a sea of people. Where am I supposed to find you? "

The voice said faintly, "Don't worry, I've already arranged everything. I asked the master to make some arrangements for our souls. No matter who we were reincarnated as, we will meet by chance in the end. As long as you see me, you will recognize my reincarnation at a glance. "

Coffin King nodded: "Then I understand. Old Hu, we were friends, but you died in my hands. I really can't bear it. Don't worry, no matter which life, before I kill you, I will make you a spirit shed, burn paper money, and let you die a glorious death. However, Old Hu, have you tasted Grandma Meng's bowl of soup before? "

The voice said, "I've never had it. As long as I remember my previous life, I will be exposed, and those people will be able to see through it. So I have to put up with it. I have to slowly find an opportunity. Perhaps in my next life, some fortuitous opportunity might appear, allowing me to break away from those people. "

When I heard this, I couldn't hold it in anymore. Even if I knew what happened back then, I didn't want to be killed like this.

I forcefully kicked twice and a small crack appeared on the box. Then, I squeezed out from the hole.

Then I saw two people sitting at the table. One of them is Coffin King. Although this is his previous life, I immediately recognized him.

Perhaps this is what I said in my previous life. Our souls are connected, so I can recognize him.

As for the other person, it is my previous life. His complexion was somewhat haggard, and he did not look very young. However, he was not very old either. He appeared to be in his thirties or forties.

However … His clothes looked familiar. He was wearing a robe, and there was a knife at his waist. I seem to have seen it somewhere.

I was wondering when I heard a bang and the door was pushed open. Someone shouted loudly as he rushed in, "Old Hu, Old Hu, it's time!"

When I looked carefully, I realized that it was Little Zhang Ge. He was the Little Zhang Ge bodyguard of the Xing Lin Emperor.

The Little Zhang Ge said to his previous life, "Old Hu, the Golden Body of the third royal aunt has been completed. His Majesty assigned us to be the guards."

In his previous life, he nodded towards Coffin King and said, "Don't forget what happens tomorrow. Those people are looking for me. They've got the clue, and I'll be reincarnated in a day or two. "Take care."

Coffin King also stood up and said to Old Hu, "You take care too."

Little Zhang Ge looked at him in puzzlement: "What nonsense is this? "Take care of what?"

His previous life laughed and patted Little Zhang Ge's shoulders, "It's nothing, let's go."

Then the two of them walked away, arms around each other's shoulders. I anxiously chased after them and asked, "Who was it that wanted to kill you? Say it clearly. "

However, as if he couldn't hear me in his previous life, he continued to walk forward. I quickened my pace to catch up and stepped out of the door. At that moment, I suddenly felt empty beneath my feet and fell into a deep abyss.

I cried out and jerked out of my reverie. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw Coffin King holding onto a blade with his left hand and cutting towards my neck.

I was so scared that my soul was about to fly out of my body. I hurriedly rolled on the ground to avoid the blade and then kicked Coffin King right in the ribs.

Coffin King groaned from the pain and fell onto the ground. I then grabbed the dagger and pressed it against the back of his neck.

I didn't kill him because I still had something to ask.

Coffin King sat on the ground and laughed bitterly: "I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly. I don't have much time. "

I asked the Coffin King, "What did I just see?"

Coffin King said, "It is a memory left behind from your previous life and there is even a remnant of his soul within it. However, after so many generations, that soul is already extremely weak. I don't know if I can hold on until the next time. With that remnant soul as a witness, you should be able to understand that I am not lying to you. "

I didn't say anything, but I knew that Coffin King was speaking the truth. What I saw just now was definitely not an illusion. Because the illusion was fake, no matter how real it was, it still seemed fake. But the scene just now was different. The person who was talking to Coffin King was real, and that was me.

I sighed. "You don't need to kill me. In this life, I will decide my own life."

Coffin King shook his head and said, "No, you'll lose your soul like this."

I smiled. "I won't be scared out of my wits. I will kill all of them. I will live for a hundred years."

Coffin King helplessly said: "You better think carefully. That year, you said that those people were very powerful. Even if you reincarnated, you could only hide until you were twenty-four years old. After the age of twenty-four, your body will undergo some changes. They will be able to smell you, and you will become more and more dangerous every day. "

I firmly said, "I've thought it through. I want to live. "But he won't live like a dog."

Coffin King was silent for a moment, then said: "I have already been restrained by you, I can't kill you. To tell the truth, you've lived so many lifetimes. Sometimes rich, sometimes witty, sometimes powerful. However, there had never been someone as determined in that life as this one. Maybe I really shouldn't kill you anymore. "

Coffin King saw that I was silent and said to me: "Let me go, I no longer have the ability to kill you. We used to be friends, spare my life, don't let my soul fly away. "

I took the blade away from him. Even if I don't know Coffin King in this life, after hearing about our past, I still couldn't bear to kill him.

Coffin King stood up, smiled slightly and said: "If those people come to kill you, I will do my best to help you. If those people don't kill you, I'll find a way to help you reincarnate. Hu Chujiu, you must not slack off. "

Then, he opened the door and walked out. And also at this time, the Mr. Zhao killed the double in the courtyard.

He and Xia Xin both turned around to look at Coffin King, but they didn't seem surprised at all, as if they had already guessed that Coffin King was in my room.

Coffin King smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, you have to kill a paper man as a substitute for me. Your skills have regressed."

Mr. Zhao laughed mischievously. "I could have killed it a long time ago. I've delayed for so long just to see if my Eldest Nephew has improved. If he can't even deal with a newly killed brat, I won't dare to take him into the martial arts world. "

I thought a little helplessly: "Coffin King isn't a newbie. This guy has already gained enough experience from killing me, so he's not easy to deal with. "

Coffin King cupped his hands towards Mr. Zhao and said: "Goodbye."

However, the Mr. Zhao blocked his path: "It's easy to come in, but hard to leave. You can stay. "

Mr. Zhao and Xia Xin made their moves at the same time. The Coffin King had no suspense and could not withstand it at all.

At this time, the minor hemiptera hurriedly ran in and said: "I'm here, the buyer is here."

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