Fall in love with shame

Falling in Love with Shame Chapter 593.

Qin Xiaowan, who was about to shout excitedly, suddenly remembered something and intimately took Su Nan's arm and kissed him on the face, saying loudly to him.

Su Nan withdrew his gaze, smiled and touched Xiaowan's head and said, "Well, Happy New Year."

Shortly after, the enthusiasm of the people subsided and began to exit, and the three of them, Su Nan, left the square and headed home.

There were too many people on the road, some of whom were still acquaintances, and Little Wan didn't have the good sense to keep sticking with Su Nan, so she walked in front of her mother holding hands with her.

Su Nan fell behind, puzzled eyes fell on Qin lavishly, subconsciously touched the right cheek, it seems there is still some residual warmth of lips on it.

This should be a courtesy kiss, just like abroad.

He thought so.

Taking out his phone, there were many people sending New Year's greetings to him, some of them sent in groups, some of them sent only to him, and Su Nan replied to them all.

Parents', senior sister's, Mandy's, class president and Lu Anya's, as well as Shu Bao'er and Li Gongga....

Last time at the hot spring, she left without a greeting. Sister Li seemed quite dissatisfied, so Su Nan took this opportunity to apologize.

The first day of the second year of the year, she came to see him, Su Nan returned a "good".

Back home, Qin Xiaowan is sleepy and first goes to take a bath.

Su Nan returns to his room, the harem group is giving out red envelopes, he wants to grab them.

Qin lavishly pushed open the door, greeted him with a smile, came over, sat on the edge of the bed, and asked him with folded hands, "Nan, when Xiaowan is asleep, can you go with me to a place?"

"Are you going out this late?" Su Nan ignored the strange feeling in her heart and inquired puzzledly.

"Because it's something very important."

Qin lavishly had a particularly serious expression.

Although Su Nan didn't quite want to go, Qin lavishly went out alone in the middle of the night and reluctantly agreed to go.

Chapter 648 - A Nighttime Adventure with Future Mother-in-Law

"Nan is the best."

Qin lavishly cheered and suddenly leaned close and kissed Su Nan on the cheek.

Su Nan pressed the place where she had been kissed and stared at her dumbly.

Qin lavishly tilted her head, "What's wrong? Is it weird that your sister kissed you the same way when you were little?"

"It's strange, isn't it, that I'm so old." Sue Nan mumbled.

"Well, Nan's grown up and not close to me."

She wore a sad expression, probably acting it, but it was pretty much acting like it.

"Don't ever do anything like that again."

Su Nan solemnly warned, it was too strange to move family members, the point was that every time it made him remember Qin lavishly drunk.

Qin lavishly looked even sadder, but she had a request to make to Su Nan, so she still agreed.

After about half a bell, Qin lavishly entered the room and said, "Little Wan has gone back to bed, let's go."

Su Nan put on her clothes, took her phone with her, and followed her out the door.

Taking the elevator to the negative floor, Qin lavishly drove and drove Su Nan off with her.

"Where are we going?"

It was only then that Su Nan was able to ask her question.

"It's a bit far, Nan if you're sleepy, take a nap for a while."

She turned on her music and played a soft melody that was very hypnotic to sleep.

Although Su Nan wasn't sleepy, she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep as she felt embarrassed because of the ghost in her heart.

The interior of the compartment became quiet, with only the sound of beautiful music constantly echoing.

Su Nan had several times felt Qin lavishly's gaze on his face, and only lost this feeling when he got on the highway.

Su Nan faced towards the window, opened her eyes to observe, and found that she was now driving at high speed, and wondered where Auntie Qin was going at this time of night.

At this time is also not good to ask questions, Su Nan pressed the curiosity.

This time, the destination seemed to be a county in the city, the distance was not very far, Su Nan felt that only less than half a bell had passed before Qin lavished the car down the highway.

After driving along the highway for a bit longer, turning into the county road, and after another ten minutes or so, the car finally stopped.

"Nan, we're here, wake up."

Qin lavishly pulled on the handbrake and gently pushed Su Nan.

Su Nan "woke up" and looked out the window, it was pitch black, and with his eyesight, he could only vaguely see that there was an old building outside.

"This is..."

Su Nan hesitated, what was he doing in this place in the middle of the night, there was no need to bring him even if he would be a lover.

"Get off the car first."

Qin lavishly unfastened the safety belt and got off the car.

This place was too remote, and Su Nan was worried that she would have problems, so he followed suit and got off.

Arriving outside, the view became wide open, and with the pale moonlight, Su Nan finally saw the building's true appearance, and it was a dilapidated hospital.

The door was locked, and there was no light inside. Usually, a hospital of this size would have someone on duty at night, but this hospital was quiet, so it was obvious that this was the site of an abandoned hospital.

Su Nan searched and saw the word "demolition" in red on the outer wall.

Su Nan cast her confused gaze towards Qin lavishly to ask what she was doing here, but she disappeared.

This startled Su Nan, who quickly swept her gaze elsewhere and found her in front of the iron gate.

"Nan, come here quickly, the door is locked, let's climb over the wall and enter."

Qin lavishly checked the gate and found that it couldn't be opened, so she turned and waved at Su Nan, then ran to the foot of the wall. There was a stone placed there, obviously used to pad the feet, it seems there are usually a lot of hospitable people to sneak in, perhaps there are anchors and such characters, in the live broadcast with a big "adventure horror house - supernatural hospital" several big words to attract attention.

Su Nan, who saw Qin lavishly jumping on a rock, quickly approached and asked: "Why are we entering? You can't just enter this place."

"Nan help me quickly, I'm going in there for something important."

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