At Joseph's home

After Joseph left the home Jenny went to her room. It was cloudy outside it looked like it was gonna rain. Without telling anyone she took a taxi and went to a cafeteria which wasn't that far from Joseph's house. Jenny had received a text from James to come at the cafeteria.

At cafeteria

James was gonna break up with Jenny today but Jenny was unaware of this fact. She was happy to receive a text from James she was expecting a late birthday gift from him.

" So where is my present ?" she said with a happy expression on her face

James knew she was gonna say that so he first handed the gift. While handing her the gift he said " Look Jenny this may be my last birthday present to you. "

Jenny was a little confused to hear those words because in the past he had never said anything like that with such a serious expression.

" What do you mean ?" Jenny said

" Yeah because I am no longer gonna be your sweetheart. I have fallen for someone else. "

" ..are breaking up " Jenny said with holding tears in her eyes.

" Yeah I don't love you anymore. Maybe we weren't made for each other "

" Who is she ? " Jenny asked with an angry expression on her face.

" You wanna know ? Fine ! I have fallen in love with Sofia. " While saying this he called Sofia and put an arm around her.

" How can you do this to me ? We were together for so many years and you are just gonna throw that away just like that ? "

James didn't wanted to repeat himself but he said " Look I said we weren't made for each other and I love Sofia "

She didn't say anything but ran out of the coffee shop immediately. The rain had started she was wandering in the streets remembering the memories with James. She was drenched in water but she didn't went home because how could she?? Her husband had already declared a divorce and if she went to her home her parents head would get lowered in shame.

On the other side. Jacob's home

Joseph's phone started ringing.

" Joseph come home right now ! Jenny has disappeared!!! " Joseph's mother said with a worried tone

" What ? I'll be right there " Joseph said

Jacob still couldn't understand what the situation was but seeing Joseph tensed face he asked ' What happened ?"

He told everything to Jacob and they went Joseph's home first.

At Joseph's home

In Joseph's home nobody knew where Jenny went. Of course how could they? She went without saying a single word but it was almost midnight and according to Joseph's mom she was out for a long time. But it was raining where she could've went but Joseph decided to find her. " I'll go look for her. Anna you try to call her. " Joseph said

" I'll go too brother!! " Andrew said

" Yeah I'll help too in finding her " Jacob said

" Then how can I stay back ? I will help too " Joseph's father said

" No dad you stay here. Jacob, Andrew and I will find her " Joseph said

After this they went in search in different places. Jacob and Andrew searched a little far from his house and went in car for search where as Joseph walked nearby places to search like parks, nearby shops etc and when he was still running in streets he a saw a beautiful lady drenched in rain water and laid down in street. Joseph was relieved to see that beautiful lady because that beautiful lady was Jenny. The moment he saw her his grip on the umbrella handle loosened and the umbrella fled over but he didn't care he ran to her and hugged her tightly. When he was satisfied he came back to his senses and remembered that he had to call Jacob and Andrew to tell this great news. " Hey Andrew listen I have found Jenny. We are at the street of coffee shop near our house come and pick us up."

" Ok"

After a while Andrew reached there but seeing his brother and sister in law drenched in rain he asked " Why are you drenched? didn't you had an umbrella and what happened to sister in law? "

" I don't know either all that I know is that we should go home before she catches a fever or a cold"

Andrew didn't asked anymore questions and just drove the car.

At Joseph's home

"You finally found her !! I am glad that she is fine " Joseph's mother said after taking Jenny to bed.

Joseph was in deep thought of how did she appeared at the street of coffee shop? Why was she fainted in middle of the street ?

When he still was in thought he came out of his thoughts when Jacob's phone started ringing

" Hey Jacob listen you guys have to come tomorrow early in the morning because there are clear chances of that terrorist group to fire bombs. We'll give you another call in the morning for an alert so be ready in uniforms we can give you a call any minute " His companion said and hung up the phone.

In the morning

The bright sunlight woke her from her sleep and when she opened her eyes the first thing that she saw was her husband who was in a military uniform waiting for her to wake up. The moment when Joseph saw that she has woken up he said " You are awake?Do you know how worried everybody was for you ? You know when I brought you home you were drenched in rain and was burning with fever when I brought you home last night"

Seeing Joseph worried for her and showing his concern towards her she remembered everything what he had done for. Every memory she had with James after the marriage was possible because of Joseph. She remembered Joseph had never stopped her from meeting James and even today he was worried about her if someone else would have been at Joseph's place they would ask a lot of questions first and then show their concern but Joseph didn't do that. Remembering all those memories and seeing Joseph worried Jenny had a warm feeling in her heart. She couldn't hold herself more so she jumped out of the bed and ran towards Joseph and hugged him a kid would hug it's teddy bear. While hugging him she said with a blushing red face like a tomato " I love you. But I think these three magical words won't cast a spell now since you wanna divorce me ."

Joseph at first was shock to hear those words but kept her in his arms and said " I love you too and that I have fallen in love with you the moment I saw your photograph and by the way the three magical words have cast a spell on me "

The moment Jenny heard those words she was so happy that it was hard to express but there was still a question in her mind " So no divorce ? "

" Yeah No divorce !!!!" Joseph said with a smile

The moment was very sweet but was ruined by a phone call to come at the ' BORDER'

After the sweet moment Joseph went out to the ' BORDER'

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