"Ask me a question?"

Zhou Chen was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yi Ning Feng would say this at this time.

However, he quickly reacted, with a solemn expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Senior, please!"

And Zhou Chen's heart is even more on guard.

At this time, how could the question asked by Bai Yi Ning Feng be simple!

In all likelihood, it is about his life and death!

Not careless!

Bai Yi Ning Feng glanced at Zhou Chen with a smile, and said with a chuckle: "I already know the reason for your coming here. It's nothing more than trying to defeat me and let your second generation bloodline transform and become stronger. , Even beyond the blood of my generation, at a critical moment, a powerful enough force can burst out! Resist the invasion of that dark legion! Protect the world of Kyushu and the people around you."

Zhou Chen silently did not speak, but listened quietly.

Bai Yi Ning Feng didn't care, and said lightly: "And this is the reason why the kitten is willing to help you! Because, in his opinion, you are not for yourself! But for others! For the world! You stand in righteousness! In terms of perspective! Occupy the moral commanding heights! Help you, it should be!"

"Even if it were me, if I were not the one whose interests were violated, I would think that your approach was right!"

"Like me, who obstructs you is worth spurning."

"But..... I just want to ask you, do you really think you are selfless? You, ask yourself, do you have selfishness?"

Zhou Chen was taken aback again.

Ask yourself, is there selfishness?

Bai Yi Ningfeng's voice is very gentle, but the question asked is very sharp! It's not an exaggeration to say that it's punishable!

Is there selfishness?

If Zhou Chen said yes, then the foundation of his coming here will be shaken!

What moral high ground, what righteousness, all disappear!

Even, say he is a villain, a hypocrite, everything is fine!

Because he used everyone!

Zhou Chen was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head, and Chen Ken said seriously: "I have no selfishness! It's really not for me to come here!"

He was telling the truth.

As he once said to Brother Mao, if given enough time, he is confident that, relying on himself, he can reach the height of Ning Feng's past, and even... surpass him!

But now, it's just not forced by the situation!

He doesn't have so much time, so he can only think of taking shortcuts and quickly improving himself!

And this improvement is not a good thing for him.


White-clothed Ning Feng looked at Zhou Chen with a smile, his expression was a bit playful and a bit weird.

Zhou Chen stared at him calmly, and said calmly: "I'm sure, I really don't have selfishness! Besides, is this good for me?"

"Even if I defeat the predecessors, my blood will be transformed. From the perspective of now, it will make my strength soar! But in the long run, is this really a good thing?"

Bai Yi Ning Feng nodded, "It's really not a good thing! You are weak now, nothing! Waiting for your strength to become stronger, especially when you get to the three corpses, this blood force, for you, It is a great bondage! Not only will it not help you, but it will even make it more difficult for you to cut the corpse!"


Zhou Chen nodded, his eyes were clear, and his expression was calm, "Everyone knows that this is detrimental to others, so why should I do it? For my selfishness?"

"No selfishness? That would be easier."

Bai Yi Ning Feng was silent for a while, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

His gaze fell directly on Zhou Chen, and said faintly: "Zhou Chen, since you have no selfishness, it is for Jiuzhou, for your teachers and friends, if so, why not let me kill you? "

Zhou Chen was taken aback.

Somewhat dazed.

Let Ning Feng kill him?

Bai Yi Ning Feng chuckled: "It's very simple, because you want to defeat me and gain a stronger bloodline. In the final analysis, you still want to defeat the dark legions!"

"To be honest, even if your bloodline power really surpasses me and becomes the strongest! Even if in the end, you defeat the dark legion, but this process is definitely very tragic! Your side, you will definitely die many people!"

Zhou Chen listened silently.

Bai Yi Ning Feng was right.

It is true.

Even if he gets the blood power bonus, plus, the wealth value of the system is converted into experience points, and he cannot have the power to crush the dark legion!

At most, he would exchange one with the emperor of the dark legion.

Ning Feng in the white clothes laughed, "And me, the combat power is comparable to a second corpse! To put it bluntly, you are a little extraordinary, in a short period of time, no matter how great your chances are, how bad luck you are, you will not May be compared to me!"

"What you can't do, I can do it! If I go out, I can make sure that none of your brothers, friends, relatives and friends will die! Even, I will attack with all my strength to strike the darkness for you Legion powerhouses, try their best to kill their emperor!"

"With my strength and the woman next to you, it is not particularly difficult to do all this."

"So, you, do you want me to kill?"

Bai Yi Ning Feng stood with his hands behind, looking at Zhou Chen indifferently.


The words have been expressed very clearly.

Are you not selfish, not for the world, for your brothers and friends?

Then I will give you a chance!

As long as you are willing to give your life!

Then their lives can be saved.

At this time, how do you choose?

In fact, this is Bai Yi Ning Feng asking Zhou Chen's question!

No one is at fault, but the death of this one can protect everyone else!

So, can you kill this person?

From the perspective of the bystander, perhaps, you would say, kill!

Because all of this is for the sake of the overall situation! To live for more people!

This, of course, is not wrong.


When this person, is it you?

Are you still willing? For the sake of the overall situation, become a victim?

this moment.

Zhou Chen fell silent, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Bai Yi Ning Feng smiled, "Look, when it's really your turn, don't you hesitate?"

Zhou Chen was silent, and on that illusory forehead, cold sweat began to emerge!

How do I choose?

Say no?

Then how can he prove that he has no selfish intentions in coming here?

If there is really no selfishness, all for the sake of others and the world, then, now that there is a higher choice, it is right in front of you, why not choose?

Say yes?

He was convinced that Ning Feng would really kill him! Of course, he will definitely do his promise!


Just die, ask yourself, are you really willing?

Not reconciled!

After a while.

Zhou Chen slowly closed his eyes, bitterly, and whispered: "You won!"

He lost!

This so-called problem, to put it bluntly, is actually a contest between Zhou Chen and Ning Feng!

And in this contest, he was defeated!

Ning Feng, both want to kill! Still have to punish the heart!

Punish his heart!


It's such a simple question.

But it caused Zhou Chen's heart to crack, and let him understand that he was far less great than he thought!

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