Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 569:  Xianyu Kai

Originally, Ye Yusheng decided to leave here in the same direction he went out last time.

However, this method is somewhat unsafe. If the cold current does not pass near the keel, this opportunity must be wasted.

Well now, Tie Zhu seems to have found a way out of here.

Before leaving, he looked back at the Seven-Star Killer with a cold expression. This last glance was the interval between life and death. Maybe... never need to meet.


Tie Zhu led the way, and he followed behind, passing through the ice sculpture.

There are too many ice sculptures, and the end is not visible at a glance.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the two talents finally arrived at their destination.

It turned out to be an ice gate.

"There is an ice gate here?" Ye Yusheng was surprised.

There are doors,

Does it prove that someone has ever entered and exited here?

Or it can be said that this land of ice sculptures is someone’s means or a place to live.

I can't think about it. When I think of this, my scalp feels numb.

It is impossible to imagine what kind of character can have this kind of method, it is simply unheard of.


Tie Zhu doesn't have his irrelevant ideas. It is only responsible for leading the way. As for what is not the way, it has nothing to do with him.

There are no ornaments on the smooth ice gate, it seems to be just an ordinary portal without a door.

You can see the situation outside at a glance from here.

The dim sky proves that the outside is the Forest of Cursed, as long as you take one step forward, you can get out of here, enter the Forest of Cursed, and find your way out.


After taking a deep breath, Ye Yusheng finally started.

One step, across.

No accidents happened.

Ye Yusheng, who was already ready to welcome the strange things to happen, froze for a moment. At this time, he was already standing in the cursed forest.

But when he looked back, what he saw was nothingness.

The portal that had just walked out disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace.

"so amazing."

For such a magical method, it is simply amazing.


The land of Youzhou is extremely calm recently, and under this rare calm, an extremely huge storm is brewing.

A large number of people have disappeared in the military Dangshan battlefield. Although there are still others, they are all small characters. Real geniuses or evildoers are all preparing for the next gluttonous feast.

Xianyu is about to open.

Every time the fairyland opens, it is a huge event.

During this time, the battle for the key to the fairyland became more intense.

Many people set off a **** storm for one of the four keys.

The Treasure Pavilion has been very active recently, opening a grand auction, and the finale of the auction is the key to the fairyland.

This auction was presided over by the young and promising Song Qingyun, and the eleven keys to the fairyland were sold at sky-high prices.

Secretly, many strong men are preparing, waiting for the day when the fairyland opens.

Sword Dynasty!

In the magnificent Sword Dynasty Palace, the Sword Emperor, wearing a purple crown, dragon robe, and dragon-tail boots, stands on the huge square of Sword Dynasty.

Behind him is a group of genius disciples belonging to the Sword Dynasty.

And in the front of this group of disciples, there stood three figures, one man, two women.

Qianmianwan, a very tacky name, but behind the tacky lies the enchanting talent, with a smile on his face, and a little eager to try.

Beside him, is a woman in white.

Dong Tianyang once said, who is worthy of white clothes in the world is the woman in front of him, Dong Tianjiao, the second evildoer in the Sword Dynasty.

As for the third person...

Originally, she did not belong to the Sword Dynasty, but was received by an old prince of the Sword Dynasty.

The old prince has a very high status in the Sword Dynasty, he is the first person in the true soul state of the sword dynasty, and is known as the dynasty pillar of the old prince.

If Ye Yusheng were here, he would definitely recognize this person. It was Liu Feiyan who hadn't seen him for a long time...

Although Liu Feiyan came from that small place in Mobei, his temperament was not at a disadvantage compared to the other two.

The three of them stood calmly behind the Sword Emperor, and also looked up at the blazing sun.

Further behind, all the genius disciples of the Sword Dynasty are looking up.

Around the square, stood all the sword dynasty warriors qualified to stand here.


In addition to the other two forces of the Sword Dynasty, the Great Wind Tower and the Demon Gate, they also attach great importance to the opening of this gluttonous feast.

The Great Wind Pagoda is an eighteen-story tower that reaches the sky.

On weekdays, only the first seventeen floors of the Tongtian Tower are opened, but today, the eighteenth floor of the Tongtian Tower is opened.

A small, plain-looking old man stood at the edge of the eighteenth floor of the Tongtian Tower, looking at the sky as well. Behind him, the emperor was standing.

Beside the emperor, there were also two people standing.

These three people are the three disciples of the Great Wind Tower who are called evildoers.

Many genius disciples followed.

Magic door,

Fengyujian Lin Xiu stood up with a long sword on his back. Next to him was Ye Yusheng's acquaintance, Gui Daosheng.


And the other small forces under the three strongest sects also took out all of their families, intending to carve up this gluttonous feast.

In addition, there are many lone martial artists, as long as they have the key to the fairyland in their hands, they are eligible to enter the fairyland, as long as they can get close, they will be automatically absorbed by the fairyland.

In a valley in the realm of the Demon Gate, a figure carrying a coffin came out.

"Xianyu should be opened soon." Dongfang asked Xia raised his hand to block the sun.

It's been a long time since I saw the sun, it was a little dazzling, and it took a long time to get used to it.

"Hey, Ye Zi, Ba Dao, Hou Lei... can meet again." Dongfang Wenxia showed a sincere smile on his face, then looked back at the coffin behind him and said, "Jiu Sister, you can't wait See them."


The coffin was silent.

Dongfang Wenxia was not discouraged, he was already used to this scene.

However, when he turned his head and looked forward again, the smile in his eyes disappeared, his pupils suddenly became a little dim, and a rotten smell spread from his body.

The power of the plague is getting stronger and stronger.


An'er, Nishida Bow and Skeleton Knight are also waiting for the opening of the fairyland.

Ye Yusheng hadn't heard from him for a long time, as if he had disappeared from this world.

But they are not desperate, and there is a last chance, entering the fairyland, they may encounter a few seats.

This is their last hope.

In addition,

In a village like a paradise, a man and a woman walked out. They stood, handsome men and handsome women, just like a pair of blue people walking out of the painting.

The smile on the woman's face has not come out for a long time, and finally she can go out to play again.

And the handsome man held a heavy **** knife in his hand.

This knife originally belonged to the overlord knife.

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