Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 646:  The evildoer can be killed but not insulted


A casual cultivator no longer hides his identity, revealing his true cultivation base, the peak of his true soul state.

He stood beside Qian million and no longer hid his identity.

The cultivation base is fake, and the casual cultivator status is naturally also fake. He is basically a member of the Sword Dynasty, an old monster who came in with the casual cultivator status.

One is two.

A full seven old monsters no longer concealed themselves, and stood beside Qian million.

They were afraid of death, because they were afraid of death, so they didn't even need their face. They concealed their cultivation base and used cheating methods to get into the fairyland, looking for the last chance to break the mirror.

But at this moment, they are not afraid of death.

If Dong Tianjiao did not reveal the identity of Tyrant Blood, they would not be targeted by everyone, and they could still rely on the identity of a casual repairman to fish in troubled waters.

Although they only knew that Dong Tianjiao possessed the legendary physique of domineering blood, this did not prevent them from standing up.

Don't stand up at this time, when will you stay?

They all have descendants living in the Sword Dynasty, and many even occupy high positions in the Sword Dynasty. Dong Tianjiao is the opportunity for the Sword Dynasty to dominate the northern region. She must not die.

As long as Dong Tianjiao grows up, it will be sooner or later to dominate the three northern states.

At that time, their descendants will follow the light and walk up the Qingtian Avenue.

It is precisely because of this that they did not hesitate to stand up. They can die, but they want to die well.

Even if Dong Tianjiao could not be saved in the end, the things here would definitely spread, and their descendants would receive better treatment. This is the code of conduct of the Sword Dynasty, and a means for people willing to sacrifice their lives.

But they did, and they all agreed with this approach.

Other casual cultivators also revealed their true cultivation base at this moment, and no longer hide them.

Not only the sword dynasty, but also the warriors of the Great Wind Tower and the Demon Gate.

Xiangzhou and Ganzhou are not the case.

The Nielong Pavilion ruled Xiangzhou, and no one dared to say a word of nonsense about what he wanted to do. As for the monster state, let alone say more, the territory of the monster beast, the law of natural selection is stronger.

Sword Dynasty, there are fewer than twenty people.

On the other hand, there were 500 people on the opposite side of him. Although most of them were Sanxiu, Xiangzhou and Yaozhou people, the warriors of Momen and Dafeng Tower were almost killed by Ye Yusheng, just like the Sword Dynasty. , The number is pitiful.


Dong Tianjiao also seemed to perceive what had happened, and the speed of the transformation of the tyrant's blood had accelerated significantly.

But in this way, the power of wind and thunder became a little unstable.


The change of the power of wind and thunder became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

At this moment, everyone was anxious to take action.

Never let the tyrant blood transform successfully.


Looking at the supernatural powers that were overwhelming all around him, Qian Wanwan took a solemn breath and swept across every face around him.

Their faces were full of tension and fear, but they did not take a step back. The hand holding the weapon was trembling, but they still did not take a step back firmly.

"Everyone, fight to the death."

Qian Wanwan's expression is solemn: "Before we die, we must not let them disturb Tianjiao's **** transformation."


Neat shouts spread, and everyone was ready to die.


When the crowd arrived, they no longer kept their hands, rushed to the front, and killed Qian million and others who were blocking them.

At this time, a magic lamp was lit. Qian million had a star sword in his left hand and a magic lamp in his right hand. It was the magic lamp he had robbed before, and he had successfully refined it.

Blowing lightly at the magic lamp, the wick spewed out a blazing flame.


Lin Xiu, who was facing the direction of the magic lamp, felt a horror, and quickly avoided the sea of ​​flames. The magic lamp was very evil, and the flame seemed to be able to burn the sea of ​​consciousness.


Beside him, Cirrus Cloud Dome held a treasure that was also found on the golden leaves, sprinkled a curtain of water, and drowned into the flame.

The flame of the magic lamp became more flaming when it met the water, and the water curtain was steamed dry with a ‘chuck’, and it rushed forward, and rushed into the magic gate camp with a ‘boom’.


At the critical moment, Lin Xiu held a sky sword to cut a void crack, stopped the flame of the magic lamp, and saved the Cirrus Cloud Dome.

Even so, there were other Demon Sect disciples who were burned by the flames and died instantly.


An euphorbia appeared, slashing towards Qian million, Luanfeng shot, the euphorbia was surrounded by blue flames, rumbling, and the blue light was like a wave, directly smashing an old monster next to Qian million.

"Go away."

Qian Wanwan drank, the star sword exploded, and big stars appeared out of thin air. After smashing them, a brilliant light broke out between the two, shaking all the people nearby.

"You can not."

Luanfeng said in a cold voice, Euphorbia shining, wanting to kill the money million.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The large purple stars exploded and burst into pieces.

Qian Wanwan was no match for Lin Xiu and Luanfeng with his own power.


Daxing's explosion involved millions of dollars, and blood spurted in his mouth, but he did not take a step back and tried his best to stop everyone.

Qian million is an evildoer, this can't be faked, but the opponents he has to face are all on the same level as him, and he can't stop it at all.


Others have been overwhelmed by magical powers.

Almost in the blink of an eye, there was no one in front of Feng Lei, only one million people were left.


Qian million won't retreat, staring at all the pressure before the wind and thunder.


A sword light appeared behind him, Qian Wanwan could not avoid it, and the sword light left a scar on his body.

With a ‘boom’, he was hit on the back.

'boom! ’

One foot landed on Qian million's chest and kicked him away.

Millions of money at this moment seemed to be everyone's plaything, and they were treated like this.

Qian Wanwan is weak, the expression on his face is still firm, he does not step back.


A Xiangzhou warrior raised his hand and slapped Qian million in the face.

Fan evildoer slap? This is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

Qian Wanwan's eyes were filled with anger, but he was already covered in blood and couldn't take any action. He could only watch the slap getting closer.



Under his gaze, the warrior who wanted to slap him was swallowed by a golden dragon.


The screaming scream echoed in Jin Long's belly, and then gradually lost his voice.

"What are you doing?" Xiangzhou warrior scolded the emperor.

Before the emperor spoke, Luanfeng turned around in amazement, and a crisp bang spread, and the person who spoke and scolded was directly slapped and slapped by Luanfeng.

"Young Master..."

No one expected that the young master would suddenly make a move, and there was clearly a strong murderous intent in his eyes.


Just listened to Luanfeng's cold snort, and said murderously: "What are you guys? If you dare to insult a demon like this, you can kill him, but you can't insult him."

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